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  1. I really like this idea. My first toon when I started in i6 was an elec/kin corruptor and really like what they did with electric blast. I have an electric/electric brute that could really use this idea, I might even respec jacobs ladder back into the build if it could expand the cone like this as it's always tough to hit more than 1 target with it.
  2. I always thought they should expand positions to include, side, rear, front, etc. as I was playing my shield scrapper in a frost fire mission awhile ago and thought, if I get shot in the back it should do more damage because my shield is out front. Positional resistances seems like a good idea.
  3. I miss raining PA down on Hami.
  4. Yes please. I want to see my costume but still have it so others can't see me.
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