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Everything posted by yukkuri

  1. The description of Mace Mastery > Web Envelope appears to be out of date. It says it does no damage, but it is actually doing a toxic DoT (which you can see when you use it and on the Detailed Info tab).
  2. Excellent πŸ’–
  3. Donated. Did the contingency fund size increase ever happen?
  4. Is topping up the contingency fund already done?
  5. Let's goooo
  6. Thanks to all the hard work from everyone that got us here.
  7. The insurance company is named Hiscox πŸ€” Anyway, Donated!
  8. I like it as is and would be disappointed if it was gutted.
  9. Donated! ☺️☺️ HC runs so smoothly and professionally, it's really an amazing feat.
  10. It's really awesome that you do these reports, thank you!
  11. πŸ‘πŸ‘
  12. Just a note that if suddenly an auto-donation feature appeared I would sign up for it.
  13. I made it in this time! Please have some of my money ^_________^
  14. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
  15. Why is the contingency fund $1250? Seems a strange amount.
  16. That's how you play WoW, eh? Glad I never tried it.
  17. I was dead certain that NCSoft would never even admit CoH existed let alone talk to anyone about this since that would be an admission of being wrong. I am pleased to find _myself_ wrong about it!
  18. And yet the donations keep closing so fast I never make it in time to donate. I think it's doing ok!
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