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Everything posted by Bojutsu

  1. If you took Sonic as a secondary, you could go Fire Mastery for Melt Armor and stack that with Disruption Aura...
  2. Hello. On the level up screen when choosing your next power, the Aria of Stasis power description is worded incorrectly. It reads "Your audience they take psionic damage and is rooted in place by Aria of Stasis". Impassioned Serenade also has an issue with the wording in the power description. It is in the part of the description that addresses the damage over time component of the power. I am having a great time leveling up my Symphony/Sonic Dominator, "Phil Harmonic". Thank you to the developers and everyone who helps keep this game going. Thank you.
  3. Hi. Can anyone tell me what is the point of the defense bonus from Infiltration when the bonus drops off if you attack? I know something similar happens with Stealth and it's defense bonus, but you keep some of the defense bonus if you attack. Thanks. @Bojutsu
  4. I'm very happy and excited about this power set. What a great idea. Can't wait to try it out! Thank you!
  5. I should say that I don't know anything about game development. I'm sure there is a good reason, and I have no idea how easy or hard or possible or not it is to balance the set for Scrappers. Thanks.
  6. Scrapper if you want the most damage. Energy Transfer performed by a Scrapper is the strongest single target melee attack in the game, I believe. You can buff it with Build Up and Fiery Embrace for even bigger damage.
  7. What is stopping this from happening? It must be something technical because we have Stone Scrappers and Claws Tankers, for example. Maybe it has something to do with the power "Rage" and it being too powerful on a Scrapper? There must be a way to balance this power for a Scrapper, or replace it with something different. I would really like to be able to make a Super Strength Scrapper for a Hero theme character. I don't want to make a "Hero Brute" because that is too contradictory to me.
  8. Hello. I recently created an Ice Blaster and an Ice Melee Stalker. Is it just me or does Ice Melee seem a little lacking in damage? Although I know it has other benefits such as slow, -recharge, kd. Also, does Frozen Aura seem like a lame t9 power? Thanks
  9. I'm getting back into the game after a long time. Back when I played Live I used SO enhancements. Now that I am getting my new Homecoming characters up to level 50, I need to learn about IO and AO enhancements, and enhancement sets. When I was slotting with SO enhancements, I understood that putting more than 3 of the same type of SO in the same power would be wasteful, producing diminished results after 3 SO enhancements. I believe each SO improves the power by 30%, so 3 of those would equal 90%, making a 4th SO of the same kind go over the 100% point, making it far less effective. Is this still the case? If I am slotting with SO enhancements, should I stop at 3 per type of SO enhancement? If I put 6 slots into an attack power, for example, would 3 dmg and 3 acc be a common choice? I mean, if dmg and acc was all I was interested in slotting for in that particular power. I know I need to be looking into AO and IO enhancements, and I am. I just wanted to be sure I still understand how to slot SO enhancements for the time being. Thank you for responses.
  10. I really don't need another "alt" but...
  11. Greater Psi Blade performed by a Scrapper appears to be one of the strongest melee attacks in the game. I think it comes in 3rd after Energy Transfer and Seismic Smash. Tell me about your experience with it, the damage it can do...and isn't it a hold, too? It also looks really cool. Thanks.
  12. My EM/FA Scrapper makes me feel silly
  13. This isn't why I insist on this character being a Scrapper. It's not because of a Scrapper character theme, and it's not me being "meta". It has to do with the damage potential of a Scrapper. It's funny how many people come here not to provide an answer to my question, but to question my question and why I asked it.
  14. Was able to get my Energy/Fire Scrapper to 45 today. Will buy enhancements and get Melt Armor at 47. Then I will test it out after I slot Melt Armor at 48.
  15. I know Spines/Fire Brutes and Tanks seem to be the king of AoE farming, but what about the Fire/Fire/Fire Sentinel? It seems to have more AoE potential, and with the damage resistance provided by Fiery Aura, maybe you could survive well enough in melee range for it to work as an AoE farmer... - Fire Ball, Fire Breath, Rain of Fire and Inferno from Fire Blast - Burn from Fiery Aura - Fire Cages from Fire Mastery would work well with Burn - Fire Mastery also gives you Fire Sword Circle I know the survivability is good with Sentinels, but still probably not good enough to do what Spines/Fire Tanks/Brutes can do when it comes to AoE farming. I still wonder how effective it could be. Thanks.
  16. I don't know if I will do this, but it's a good idea, biostem. Thanks.
  17. Necessary to keep them from running out of the Burn patch. I may just test it out myself when I get to that point, and respec as necessary if needed.
  18. This is a just for fun concept theme character and has to be a Scrapper. Please stop telling me to be a Brute. I just want to know if Provoke is necessary for Scrappers with Burn. Thank you.
  19. Have to be a Scrapper for this character. Mids shows Confront as a single target taunt. My powersets are decided and there is no control option available. It looks like I may be taking Provoke.
  20. I used to have a Fire Tanker at game launch. Burn was extremely useful and powerful, but then it was nerfed. A fear effect was added to it, causing enemies to run out of the Burn patch even if taunted. I'm not sure exactly how Burn currently performs in this matter. Since Scrappers only get Confront, which is a single target taunt, do they need to take the AoE taunt Provoke in order to keep the enemies in the Burn patch? Thank you.
  21. I don't know if I would have ever created an Energy/Fire Scrapper if it weren't for this thread. Rolled one tonight on Excelsior by the name of "Highpower". It wasn't my first choice for a name, but with so many names taken, it can be difficult at times to settle on a name. When I get Highpower to a high level and enhanced, I will come back to this thread and post about my experience with the character and powers. Thanks. Global handle Bojutsu
  22. leaning toward Adrenal Booster instead Yes, I said previously that DPS is probably a more efficient combat style that DPA, but it's just for fun.
  23. I am currently trying to put together some kind of build for a Energy Melee/Fiery Aura Scrapper with the pool powers - Weaken Resolve from Force of Will -or- Adrenal Booster from Experimentation - Melt Armor from Blaze Mastery Both Weaken Resolve and Melt Armor are -res debuffs which seems to be the same thing as a damage buff. Should add even more damage to the attacks. I'm very curious to see what numbers come up when I hit someone with a built up, fiery embraced Energy Transfer on a enemy affected by Weaken Resolve and Melt Armor. Or I could choose Adrenal Booster and Melt Armor. I'm betting Adrenal Booster provides a bigger damage buff than Weaken Resolve would. Imagining using Melt Armor on an enemy, hitting Fiery Embrace, Adrenal Booster and Build Up and hitting them with Energy Transfer and Total Focus. Anyone have any other ideas? It's just for fun to see some big damage numbers. Ideally the biggest possible for a melee attack without the use of inspirations. Thanks.
  24. So Fiery Embrace is a damage booster for all attacks, but fire attacks don't get a bigger boost than non-fire? All attack types get the same damage boost? Wow...that's interesting... Thanks for all the responses.
  25. Damage per second may be more important than having the strongest attacks in the game. Efficiency is probably the most important factor, and I would say damage per second would be a more efficient combat style than hitting enemies really hard but not defeating them as fast overall. These numbers don't represent DPS potential for each set, but I did it just for fun. I've been curious about Fiery Embrace and how it effects non-fire attacks. I haven't used it since I had a Fire Tanker at game launch. I've wondered how much sense it even makes to choose anything other than Fiery Melee with Fiery Aura because with Fiery Embrace you should be getting more damage out of your primary since Fiery Embrace adds more damage to fire attacks than non-fire attacks. I may try to find the numbers on this and see how significant the difference really is with Fiery Embrace, fire attacks and non-fire attacks.
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