Hi. There is actually a few things I would like to see placed in the Architect and I'm pretty they are within reason.
Maps - Wrecked Maps of Paragon City. The Wrecked Steel Canyon Statue, Skyway City's wrecked highways, Talos Island, King's Row, Peregrine Island Portal Corp.
The Signature Storyarc Maps. I really kinda want to fight DE with Hami in the background.
Enemies you could place in:
-Maelstrom. Self explanatory. You would think he would be under Signature Villains, Pets or Praetorians. Sadly he isn't listed anywhere.
Costumes - not really an Arc thing, but we need Oroborous costumes. We can't make new Menders without them.
Some things probably not in the realm of possibility. Nonetheless -
People running around the map in a panic.
NPCs that you need to talk to in mission. We have this alot in later missions.
I'm probably missing some other stuff. I know that the Architect is janky so I will take whatever you guys release.