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Everything posted by Omnislash024

  1. Speaking as a player of CoH for many years, I've encountered lots of "celebrities" in my time, not just in this game but in MMOs in general. At first, I did not know how to approach you but I thought I'd treat you like any other player in the game - with respect and kindness. You responded by allowing me to share in your raids and to just play the game. You were never angry with my inept self even when I died in multiple Mo runs. Thank you for running those raids everyday. I loved fighting beside you in those Itrials. But I know that It's very hard to run with a schedule like that. Whenever you get the itch to come back, you'll always be welcome. Seeya around V.
  2. Hi. There is actually a few things I would like to see placed in the Architect and I'm pretty they are within reason. Maps - Wrecked Maps of Paragon City. The Wrecked Steel Canyon Statue, Skyway City's wrecked highways, Talos Island, King's Row, Peregrine Island Portal Corp. The Signature Storyarc Maps. I really kinda want to fight DE with Hami in the background. Enemies you could place in: -Maelstrom. Self explanatory. You would think he would be under Signature Villains, Pets or Praetorians. Sadly he isn't listed anywhere. -Desdemona - IVY Costumes - not really an Arc thing, but we need Oroborous costumes. We can't make new Menders without them. Some things probably not in the realm of possibility. Nonetheless - People running around the map in a panic. NPCs that you need to talk to in mission. We have this alot in later missions. I'm probably missing some other stuff. I know that the Architect is janky so I will take whatever you guys release.
  3. Ok, sorry guys, but you really REALLY R-E-A-L-L-Y need to change those Tips back to the way it was or give the players the option to either turn the messages off or keep the ones the Tips in their Tips without the cycle. It's really damn annoying to be hit by "Tip Received" every time we defeat a mob. Oh and I'm glad you finally put Penelope Yin in the AE. I only wish you guys could have added Maelstrom as well.
  4. Hello. I talked to you in game about that Haunted House you created. (( Fun place. )) Congratulations on being appointed Community Reps.
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