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  1. The Green Screen room is for people who like to play around in photoshop/gimp/other unfortunately you'll have to work around the green stars until the devs see it wise to remove the pattern. 1) If using windows 11, hit <shift> <PrtSc> for the image to show up in your screen shot folder. 2) unless your auras are solid (ie: gears floating around) its recommended to shut off auras at any of the convenient tailors in the entrance 3) don't wear anything semi transparent for the same reason as #2 4) don't wear green unless it doesn't touch the green screen portion (ie: a logo in the middle of the chest) 5) I'm going to assume you know how to use the photo editing program of your choice
  2. now that the SoA can use most(?) rifle skins, I would like to the widows get claws opened up, Im about ready to re-roll mine cause Im not a fan of the "Widows" claws
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  3. Global (in game): @Fistsand45s Forum Handle: romeyn Discord Handle (if applicable): Storm Tracker Collaborators (if applicable): none Are you the owner or builder?: Yes Base Name: Swampers Base Code: SWAMP-26093 Base Shard: Excelsior Additional information you want us to know: one room base (besides entrance), bets not to fly or those branches will catch you! and be sure to have volume on! Edit: considering my work schedule and overall health atm, i will not be able to host
  4. no every set is for everyone, some people don't like DP or Staff and that's fine. if you enjoy em, great if not, there's plenty else to do
  5. Imagine Whirled Peas...
  6. Romeyn


    No winner yet, contest will be ongoing until Wednesday the 24th or until we have a winner
  7. Romeyn


    MAYDAY MAYDAY! My plane crashed in the swamp, and a vital shipment of rubber duckies has been scattered, find them for me and Ill give you 150 mil inf! Rules: there are 3 colors of ducks lost in the swamp yellow, red and ??? send an ingame tell to @fistsand45s with how many total, and the quantity and color of the third duck. First message with the correct answer wins SWAMP-26093 STARTING NOW!
  8. Love my /thorn, i find it hard to play any other dom because of how effective he is. He also has perma dom with no hasten.
  9. I would never make a good judge, I dismissed many immediately because I couldn't figure out how to get anywhere
  10. People in general have time constraints, so requesting that they look at all 15 bases before voting is a major chore... the results kinda show that, they start at base one, get tired of looking midway and vote for the last one they saw because it was fresh in their memory. I do appreciate all the work you, EB and all the others have done. Judging is hard work, and you all did a fine job!
  11. I dont know the answer but ive been around long enough to know there is no fixing internet polls like this, they are easily manipulated and turn into popularity contests based on personalities or campaigning and not on the merits of what is being voted on
  12. That's the way it should be, don't think that is what happened though, but that's how polls like this roll. I think Crash deserved more than one vote 😞
  13. Thank you for all the hard work the judges have put into this contest. I think the rubric is the best method for grading these sorts of things, and is the most fair. This whole contest has been a great experience that allowed me to push myself harder than I normally would! I have some seen absolutely magnificent and creative bases. A round of applause should be given to all who entered!
  14. I guess I misunderstood what this was, is there any way to make it where you can see special effects on the other side of the glass? (rain, smoke, lighting effects from street lamps, etc)
  15. yay! a cue ball! (among other things)
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