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Everything posted by Acrizer

  1. Kem is Egyptian for "black" according to my pal, Google. Kem Sphinx?
  2. I snagged this one. I may release it next month if I get my first choice. Also happy to release it if someone comes up with something I really dig for a dude who can turn into all the Universal Monsters (vampire, werewolf, mummy, etc).
  3. Are you looking specifically for Japan because he's Tsoo or because you want a Japanese character? There are Cobras in China and various southeast Asian lands. The Tsoo are multi-national. Tub-Ci refers to his people as Hmong which would make him most likely from southeastern China or the northern parts of Vietnam, Laos, and Thailand. "Tsoo" is also a Hmong word (which loosely translates to "hit," "smash," etc. I think IG lore claims it means "Destroyers". They moved in on the Hong Kong Triads in Talos Island and Indy Port. Their enforcers are called Pha. The Ink Men are "ink men" and not "yakuza" or "ninja." Being given a cool nickname would most likely have meaning to the the group (the Tsoo) and wouldn't be limited to one country or nationality unless it was derogatory or funny and just stuck ("The Big Nose German") but there's not much Japanese seasoning in the Tsoo lore overall. I'm just bringing this up in case you are fretting about a technicality that isn't really an issue when it makes contact with the lore.
  4. *yoink*
  5. Or perhaps even something we select from the P2W/START vendor like turning on/off xp or drops?
  6. That would totally work for me. Thanks, everyone, for the discussion. I've gone ahead and posted in the suggestions forum. I don't want anything changed for people who like things as they are. I just want the ability to have my sniper attack power to be my sniper attack power.
  7. I understand I seem to be in the minority, but I really dislike the way Quick Form Sniper attacks work. I'd like some way to lock it in the slow form. I am very, very happy to risk interruption and take a couple extra seconds to fire off a full strength attack with its entire range unhindered. The way quick form works now, I feel like the ability is crippled or neutered and constantly being forced into quick form when I want the long shot or big hit. In the corruptor forum, people tried to explain to me how no one took sniper attacks because they weren't useful/always interrupted so quick form is better but that has not been my experience (especially teaming regularly with CC or aggro holding players). I want my sniper attack... not just another regular one. As I said in that discussion, quick Form commits the greatest sin for me - it's not fun. Clicking a power should not result in disappointment. I'm not asking for this to be changed for anyone who doesn't want it... or even to change the default setting. Just give us a way to choose. Let us opt out if we want to. It doesn't harm or change anything for anyone who doesn't want it. Thanks for your time.
  8. Yeah, me, too. But I was a snipe lover. Why shoot a guy 3-4 times when I can do it once? And do it all without breaking mez on those sleeping beauties with an AOE or stealing aggro (because they're dead). I'll gladly take 2 more seconds and "risk" of interruption (never really a problem for this character) for 700 more damage per hit. My attention isn't lost by not constantly pressing buttons and I'm perfectly happy with a quality hit instead of quantity. So, yeah. I'm that guy. 😕
  9. I appreciate the effort, many thanks. I'll just have to accept I hate Quick Form and I'm just "that guy" in this case. 4 enhancement slots or multiple power picks to get 61% damage? Yuck.
  10. Yes, but the pet is usually behind us. I often have to run in closer to enemies just to get it to start doing things, so I'm having trouble boggling how it's the primary problem. Aside from that, which is me trying to live with it by opening with a (failed) snipe, I want to be able to slow snipe in the middle of a fight... let me explain: While slow sniping might not be as efficient as tossing out 2-3 faster attacks, it's so very much more satisfying. I mean, it's only 2 seconds more for 700-800+ more damage per hit. And to be fair, I don't really get to do a continuous faster attack chain because I also lob around heals, line up cones, and do other corruptory stuff, so if I can only hit once every 6 seconds, I want that big hit. Also, now I don't have the range to pop that pesky runner because my snipe has gone limp. So for me, at least, I'm not really sure it's less efficient to snipe. Maybe quick snipe is great for the blasters and more speed rotation blast-focused builds. For me, it suffers from the greatest sin it could. It's not fun. No one should click a power and be disappointed. That said, I'm curious about this +ToHit business.
  11. Could someone maybe elaborate on this? Edit: As in, what does "+22 ToHit" mean? Is that "Accuracy" on the "Ehance" tab in mids? And is this the case?
  12. Yes, the primary issue I have is I line up my snipe and then.... oh, quick snipe/half damage even though I haven't done anything yet. I find it frustrating. And there's not a lot stopping me from being flagged, again, even if I do stand around for the 5-8 seconds or whatever it is - which would be silly, imo. So, yeah, definitely a big loss to DPS when I could realistically stand in the middle of a fight and slow snipe otherwise. There's not a big difference on the slow snipe with cast time/recharge for about double the damage. I'd really like to be able to toggle quick form off. I'd even waste a slot for a "Slow Form Only" IO. I mean, Afterburner isn't on by default. Let me choose if Quick Snipe toggles. My pet isn't really doing damage (dark), it's holding bad guys in place so I can do the damage. It seems to happen often when teammates attack/are noticed - I'm usually under stealth - and then suddenly I'm flagged (I assume part of the group aggroes my way, but they are often locked down at that point) and the pet is usually trailing behind a little, so my assumption is teammates are getting me flagged somehow. I'm not opposed to the idea I'm ignorant of what's causing it, all I know is I almost never get to actually use my sniper attack as a sniper attack. My attack one tier down is more efficient (only 2.6 damage difference according to mids) using less endurance and cycling about twice as fast as the quick snipe, so why even have the snipe? Anyway, apologies for the bleeptching. I appreciate the response even if it wasn't the one I wanted.
  13. Is there a way to turn off Quick Form sniper attacks? I find them very unsatisfying and I find I'm regularly being flagged as "in combat" when I have plenty of time to snipe (pet is hassling with some dude, or a teammate is). Also, I am usually teamed with a Dominator. I don't want or need "quick form" I just want to blast extra hard and will gladly give up Quick Form for the satisfying actual, really real sniper style attack. I assume I'm missing something which makes quick form super cool, so if you're a fan maybe you can help me see it. But as is, I really dislike it and want to turn that option off. I want the slow version all the time and am so sick of my snipes getting ruined by being flagged as "in combat" I'm considering just dropping the snipe attack to end my frustration.
  14. "Silent Sentinel - Moved from Atlas Park to Echo: Atlas Park (-608, 70, -1890)" As the Gargoyle (beta and about half the live servers) referred to in this badge, it's sad to see it shifted off to an echo but I'm thankful it's still "archived" in this way. :salute:
  15. I figure I'm no worse off for asking... Anyone interested in trading names on this server for names on another? Apparently years ago my friends told me Indomitable before they settled on another one and I went ham grabbing all the names I had from live. I'm interested in some big asks (names I had on Virtue) but I'm especially interested in obtaining these names on Excelsior: Gargoyle*, Omega Man, Bolt (or Silverbolt), Huntsman, Sky Dragon (or Wind Dragon), and a few others. But if you've got 'em and want names on Indomitable, I've got a bunch (a bunch!) of names like Sentinel, Maelstrom, Griffin, Marksman, Immortal, Vengeance, and lots of others which are probably grail names for some. Heck, you can even be Satan, himself. I have a small handful on other servers, as well. *I was the original Gargoyle in beta, a generational hero who teleported "by hacking into the medical teleporters" - Manticore stole my "unpowered human travel power" and all I got was referenced in a badge :P. So this one is dear to me.
  16. I figure I'm no worse off for asking... Anyone interested in trading names on this server for names on another? Apparently years ago my friends told me a server before they settled on another one and I went ham grabbing all the names I had from live. I'm interested in some big asks (names I had on Virtue) but I'm especially interested in Gargoyle*, Omega Man, Bolt (or Silverbolt), Huntsman, Sky Dragon (or Wind Dragon), and a few others. But if you've got 'em and want to play on Indomitable, I've got a bunch of names like Sentinel, Maelstrom, Griffin, Marksman, Immortal, Vengeance, and bunch of others which are probably grail names for some. Heck, you can even be Satan, himself. I have a small handful on other servers, as well. *I was the original Gargoyle in beta who teleported "by hacking into the medical teleporters," which is why the Gargoyle badge is found on a hospital. So this one is dear to me.
  17. I appreciate the time and effort. You've certainly offered some ideas and insights I'll be using going forward. Reminds me why the wife and I always pointed to the COH community as the best. Taking a look at your alt build in interesting. I've never considered the Concealment pool with dark because I always thought toggling a stealth power would de-toggle any other stealth powers like Shadow Fall. I might have to test that. I've also never really looked at Soul Drain because of its usage requirements. Much food for thought. Again, many thanks!
  18. I appreciate the feedback. A couple of my earlier builds were doing some of the things you suggest. One of my concerns was endurance drain from toggles (I'm also toggling dark powers). But maybe this just shows why I feel I need help. In this slight edit to an earlier build, I have perma-Hasten, perma-tar patch, 1.2 seconds downtime on rain, about the same toggle/end rec balance, .1% less s/l def. I'll note that I like Flame Breath because sometimes I want a more controlled multi-target attack (habit from teaming with a mind dom using sleep to divide and conquer groups). It's also home to some end rec and recharge. This one uses up those dump slots to save a little bit of recharge time. I won't mourn the loss of teleport target, but it's a nice QOL power. Still a little shy on S/L soft cap, but there's to-hit debuffs and some attempt at piling on some recharge slows to help reduce incoming attacks. I still have Leadership (3.7% of my defense). If I could make that up somewhere else with a slot or two, I could get TP back and maybe lose 3 seconds on Hasten (which is less time than it would probably take me to notice it's down). I'm curious about the Gaussian's Build Up. Wouldn't running it in something like Tactics mean it's tapped for a chance to proc every 10 seconds (I forget the tic length on toggles)? As opposed to Aim which is reliant on a click? At any rate, here's the next version. Again, I appreciate feedback. Corruptor 5 (Fire Blast - Dark Miasma).mbd
  19. Hello! I'm trying to recreate my old live Fire/Dark from memory and I'm feeling awfully rusty. What I most remember is perma hasten, defense soft cap, being an endless font of stamina, and it taking months of camping the auction house for the set pieces I wanted to become available. But now it's a whole new world. After trying to recreate it and then tweaking it repeatedly (Hasten didn't look like it was doing much with the other things I had going on) I figured I need some new eyes. I'd really appreciate any help. This character is going to either be duoing or running raids/TFs. I can't put my finger on anything specific, but I really feel like I'm dropping the ball with this build in some ways. Mostly in End usage and underslotting a couple powers. If the last few levels look like dump choices, they are. The removal of the Fitness pool back in the day left holes to be filled. (Mids is refusing to export 😕 I hope an attachment isn't too offensive) Corruptor 4 (Fire Blast - Dark Miasma).mbd
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