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Posts posted by Moka

  1. I was part of the team once. I'd rather not spill dirty laundry, but I do not see a foreseeable release perhaps ever. I wish them the best, though. 


    I do think, however, most people's intentions there are pure. 


    I personally also think the money should have gone to hiring out a development studio to lay the groundwork of the game. Having been involved with another game project, I estimate it would have been less than half the budget. Where did the budget go? I have no idea. But I don't think priding oneself on volunteer work was the best move.


    It would once have pained me to say this because I used to be very bright-eyed about the project.

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  2. Contact Name: Delilah & Hive Mother
    Faction: Firebrand Island, Sinister Squad
    Level Range: 35




    You search and search for Delilah, desperate for your next job and your next fix of cash. Not finding her in the markets, you search the boat and sneak into the VIP room, finding Delilah nearly passed out. You rush to her aid! After all, she's your source of cash. She snorts awake and rubs her head, her messy blonde hair in a frazzled mess. 

    "What the f - What are you doing in here?"

    You tell her that she should be thankful you just saved her life.

    "Yeah, my knight in shining armor. Piss off. Look, what do you really want?"

    You tell her you want a job.

    "Fine. Fine. I don't know. I have a hangover. Just...leave me alone. Hive Mother from the Sinister Squad is by the docks. She probably has something for you. If it's a Sinister Squad job, you might wanna bring a team. Probably important if they're sending their second in command. Now...Don't...bother me again."


    Arc ID: 38967


    ((Send all kudos to @Harpsong for this one!))

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  3. Me neither, but this has been civil compared to a few threads. 


    I didn't know rune of protection was unpopular. Regardless of its popularity, I find it pretty strong and having tested it in the beta server, assuming the changes DID go through there, I hardly noticed a difference playing through +4/x8 content. But I'm always someone who likes the unpopular pick. I like warshades, after all...

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  4. 5 minutes ago, EnjoyTheJourney said:


    How is what Matt Miller said over a decade ago relevant in the here and now? Also, how could we square the idea of getting players to focus on one alt with being given 1000 character slots per server in homecoming?


    If the homecoming dev team wants players to enjoy alts, which 1000 character slots per server seems to suggest, then there's a solid case for supporting build diversity when making power calibration decisions. Ergo, there's a case for making a broad selection of power pools appealing to players, rather than just the 3 or 4 pools that are currently popular. 


    In the aggregate, making rune an even more unpopular pick by nerfing its duration will probably just increase the proportion of cookie cutter builds that players run. Are there reasonable grounds for making any other prediction about how build diversity will change if the proposed change to rune goes live? 

    Nowhere did I say I agreed with him. I was saying on live, Paragon were trying to introduce a pay to win powercreep with their new powersets and power pools. 

  5. 1 minute ago, AerialAssault said:


    I want to be honest, a reconstruction of Rune of Protection was in order. As with Titan Weapons, these were artefacts of the Live devs development, and late development at that. As such, they hadn't been put through any type of rigorous testing, and if we're honest with ourselves, the Live Devs were encouraging power creep. Most of the post-GR powersets are clearly better than their predecessors i.e. Titan Weapons & Bio Armour, and I would like to see them brought in line. 



    I whole heartedly agree. Matt "Positron" Miller had stated himself in one of the AMAs that he was wanting people to stop making alts and focus on one character. If you're to take that design philosophy in mind with a linear experience, they truly were trying to reel in the amount of powers that would be viable. Radiation Armor is nearly uncontested as a resist set, just as Bio Armor is as an all-around set. Titan Weapon's pre-nerf AOE damage was bonkers. I think they truly were trying to bring the game into a "Play it this way or else" mindset, which is where City of Heroes awkwardly fell off on and it's up to Homecoming to undo the mess Paragon started. Unfortunately, in the two years Homecoming's been active, it's become something people are used to and the idea of being slightly less "good" is terrifying to them. But I have to applaud that Homecoming rarely does nerfs without also buffing something about whatever they're nerfing, too.

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  6. I think mezzes are ultimately part of the game and it's okay we get trapped by them. I have to agree with the opinion the mez timer for players should be reduced. 


    One may argue it's jank Rune of Protection is a "required" power for squishies. I'd also argue it's jank that hasten is a "required" power. I don't think either really are. 


    My ultimate thesis, with everyone's arguments combined:



    Nerf Regen.


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  7. 1 minute ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    I would like to see your clear all times for DA repeatables at +4/x8. I suspect that they are admirable especially after being fully incarnated so that they are effectively only +1/x8. We're looking for somewhere in the neighborhood of 3 vet lvls per hour.

    Shucks! They're pretty good times. I'll record one later when I'm done with dinner and my evening rituals. 


    That said, my blaster feels so overtuned I kind of don't mind the RoP change overall because at least it gives me a much needed kick where the sun doesn't shine. LOL.

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, Bill Z Bubba said:


    CJ - Only Immobilize

    Acrobatics - Only KB and Hold

    Weave - Nothing

    RoP - Can't be perma.


    Again, you fail.

    On my blaster, I toggle between Rune of Protection and Melee Core to make sure I have near-perma mez resistance. That said, that's an Incarnate-levels only solution. I don't tend to play at +4 when I'm scaled down often, though, and if I do, my blaster doesn't usually have issues out-DPSing the content unless I'm really really out of powers. But I don't know if I'd solo +4/x8 a level 20 mission, per se. 

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  9. I think there's a certain confusion that damage is the only thing that matters in City of Heroes. I must agree that yes, a scrapper is always going to out-DPS a defender and will always be better at soloing an ITF and be more impressive for it. But I like defenders/controllers on my teams because they make my blasters/scrappers do even better. 

    That and @AerialAssault and I like to make very challenging AEs that are usually torture without a good solid support. I run a SG called the Mavericks which we meme about having an all-damage meta. For a few AEs we've laughed about how we didn't need any support (such as a tanker or controller) because we did so much damage. The last two arcs have perhaps kicked us down the stairs to remind us it's better when there's a support AT there to catch us. And do keep in mind this is with solid built characters. Seriously, if you ever think support is useless or scrappers can do everything by themselves, just play some of the challenging AEs such as Linea's.

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