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Everything posted by StPatty33

  1. Jumped in with a spines/fire brute. Mobs appear to be reacting exactly how we would've expected in the past before the bug. Did no toggle toggling (haha) or any such work around. From the short bit of testing I had time for, this patch seems to fix the issue. Thank you guys for your time and effort.
  2. I'll just keep checking back I guess. Was a daily player before the AoE's were inadvertently broken. Game's unplayable as is for my characters now.
  3. Because chasing down runners has always been my favorite part of the game. /s
  4. More. More content (especially end-game), more powersets, more AT's. Also, one of the things that keeps WoW players engaged are the events. Holiday events, weekly events. The fact that people have a calendar in-game to click on and see upcoming events allows those things to keep people engaged. Some kind of calendar function would be awesome!
  5. Beauty, eh! Much appreciated!
  6. Anyone? Is there a way to "boost" enhancements yet in the reborn designer? If so, how? Previously I had to customize the database to create boosted enhancements manually, and the install of this new reborn designer wiped out the old database so that's gone, and it's a bit of a pain.
  7. In live I used to have a macro that used Fly whenever you were moving, and whenever you stopped moving it switched to hover. If anyone can wrangle that code out I'd love to have that macro back!
  8. Hey, all! I'm looking for a way to create a macro that will rotate text (battle cries, for instance). I know how to do it with keybind files, but I really hate keybinding things that I can do w/a tray icon. I'm pretty certain I had this set up years ago on live, but haven't found anything online yet mentioning how this could be done through a macro rather than a keybind. Thanks in advance!
  9. Awesome guide! Very helpful for those that were most active prior to incarnate stuff, and the clarification for Vet Levels is rad too. Thanks again!
  10. I understand, and I'm the first to tell other people that when they bitch that their gameplay is being controlled. The AH thing here has made me feel those complainers pain, though.
  11. 100% disagree with the AH changes. "Playing the AH" is one of the more entertaining aspects of other MMO's I've played, and CoH as well. Artificially normalizing prices means it will be rarer that we get the items for cheaper than that now, (and also that I've lost plenty of AH fee money for rare salvage I've posted for, say, 1.25m that will now never sell). No more thrill of finding an item that has low stock so I can, mayyyybe, sell for 1.5x it's value and be that much closer to funding my own build. So you're saying, "Want to get to 50? Can't do it playing AE content--you've got to play the content we want you to play. Want a bunch of purples and ultra rare recipes in your build? You've got to play the content we want you to play, rather than playing the ups and downs of the AH for a month or three and helping fund it that way". I understand that with smaller servers there could be challenges with availability (I've yet to come across one myself), but making it so there is literally no scarcity for any salvage ever is not the solution. /rant Thank you for everything else you've done to bring our game back, of course.
  12. 100% of my toons were on Virtue, eh. Lots of alts, but the most prolific were: NiteLash KnobGobIin 'Nix Justlce Proud member of Evolution / Malevolence. EVO!
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