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  1. Is there a way to select a pet like you select a team member? I was to be able to hit numberpad1 and select my Demon Prince so I can hit him with Hell on Earth. Thanks.
  2. OK. That makes sense on the data directory. Once I poked around it refreshed my memory, dropping the vidiomaps folders into it data directory. I also found the .mnu file. :) I'll poke around on the permissions. Thanks for pointing me in that direction.
  3. I got modder running on my machine. I was having trouble getting new mods to run. I install them but not see them in the game. I changed the path in launcher and now I get an error. They only mod I got to work is Vidiomaps and ATC Badge Set List popmenu. I installed those manually before I got modder to work but they only work when the path back to /assets/mods on my launcher. When I install or uninstall a mod using modder I see the files go into the mods directly. In Summary: -- Vidiomaps and ATC badge List work with manual install and path set to -assetpath /assets/mods but new mods do not work/display in game (Manually installed or using modder) -- Application fails to load and I get an error that file may be corrupt when path is set to -assetpath /Applications/coh/assest/mods/ (clearly the path it pointing to the correct directory) -- Game loads NOW for the curveball..... When I delete all the .pigg files from the mods directory and then search for them to confirm there are no copies in any subfolders of coh both vidiotmaps and Badge Set List still work. Any ideas? I should mention I am running on a mac :( but it seems like it is finding the files but erroring out on loading them. I understand if you can't help due to running on a mac but it seems like I am close and it is something in the application. Thanks! ================ This is the error: /Applications/coh/assets/mods/hc_vidiotmaps.pigg: Error opening pig file-1 Your data might be corrupt, please run the patcher and try again. ===============
  4. I'm sorry but I don't see that link. I looked in this thread and https://mods.cityofheroes.dev
  5. Is there any way to just get the .pigg file? I'm on a mac, I have it working and I was hoping just to replace the old .pigg file with the new one. I I dont remember how I was able to get it installed last time :)
  6. wow. great insight. i realize now that all my costume files are local on my pc so i see what you mean. thanks. glad you like the idea .
  7. It would be great to have the ability to have costume racks in your base that you can display your various characters costumes. Kinda like this.
  8. Thank you all. IT WORKS!!!!!!! thanks :)
  9. Can someone give me a hand with a macro? I was given this string my someone, it works for them. I can not figure out why it works for him and not me. The bind is supposed to create a button that say Teleporting <selected team members name> then activate the Teleport Target power. I should see the white circles on the ground to select where I want to teleport the target to. Instead it posts the the text but does not activate the power. The attached image shows what it looks like when I click edit on the button that is created. /macro TT team Teleporting $target $$incomePowexec_name Teleport Target Thanks
  10. Anyone have any success creating key binds while playing on a Mac with WINE? I have one i was giving but i can not get it to work. Thanks
  11. My AP maps stopped working on all my toons. unfortunately I'm playing on a MAC :(. Can someone provide me a link to the files so I can install them without the installer? I just copied the last version into the pp folder and got it to work. Thanks!
  12. Is there any reason some characters are not available to copy?
  13. i didn't see that. thanks for pointing it out. worked perfectly. thanks again
  14. THanks. I don't see that. I think maybe cause I'm on a mac. Heres a screen capture of what I see. First I can choose Home Coming or Beta Second I can choose from the servers Excelsior, Reunion, Indomidable, Torchbearer or Everlasting (I'm on excelsior) Third I go to character select. If I choose Beta I can select from Transfer Test or Beta. I can't find any options to transfer other than the one to transfer live characters between servers. Thanks again.
  15. I keep hearing about copying characters over to test/beta servers. I can't find any instructions on how to do it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
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