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Everything posted by Tobogon

  1. I dont know what this is but .... Menu>Personal Info>Badges When mousing over The Once and Future King badge it displays it as The Once and Future Hero.gender If I take a screenshot it will change for the screen shot and display properly but will immediately revert.
  2. Has it though? ... I mean.... has it?
  3. The CoH community has always been overwhelmingly positive and perhaps because of interacting with that it puts me in a better mood and i pass that forward out in the world. Dont get me wrong, humanity is still doomed because we are dumb paniky greedy self centered animals seemingly intent on our own destruction... but with the CoH community I suppose there is a little bit of hope and that makes me feel warm 🙂
  4. It would need the power to instantly de-spawn all demon themed enemies including MM pets, but be completely powerless against Science Origin characters
  5. Arcs more than missions. I dont expect a 5 minute Skulls mission to have a unique boss look and powerset. Named bosses are cool though. 100% fine Only in long arcs. If after 12 missions I expect something a little better than a Bone Daddy The more involved and longer the mission/arc the bigger the difference it makes
  6. Why, may I ask, was this ever created? Not only does the majority of the missions take place in an area that already takes an exorbitant amount of time to travel through but of the nearly 500, or what seems like, missions 90% are kill all! Yes yes ... "defeat all"... but let's be honest ... after the first 5 "defeat all" missions you stop pulling your punches at the endless barrage of Rularuu, Nemesis, and Crey. Then when you are sure it's a Nemesis plot to drive you crazy... after the 7th kill all in the same damn office building with the same damn mobs ... FINALLY something interesting happens... You find yourself inexplicably running through Oranbega fighting CoT... I must have fallen asleep 20 missions back because .... W.T.F.?? I'm not going to spoil anything for people who have not done it...but after 48 hours of play that end fight left us speechless. The twist was well worth it and out of 8 we still managed to end it with 5... so... yeah
  7. For some reason I cant get the link to work 😞
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