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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. Ukase Rex is here...but before the shut down, I'd shortened the global to just @Ukase.


    And so it is here.


    Splitting time among Torchbearer, Everlasting and Excelsior.


    Torchbearer is where you'll find a close semblance to the ice blaster Ukase, except with the wonderful Sorcery power pool, some changes had to be made to fit that Rune power into his build. I got a slow start with him, because when I'd built a Sentinel on Excelsior (love the Stan Lee homage) it was the most fun I'd had playing a character -- including my previous favorite, the ice blaster Ukase.


    So, I suspect Blister will become my "go-to" level 50 for incarnate stuff and badges, but Ukase already has his Task Force commander, I suspect his badge count will get pretty high, too.


    Everlasting is just where my fire/fire/fire brute is working to subsidize the builds of the alts.


    I have clear memories of Aoide, Sgt. Pandora (and American Valor), GEL, Pandarch, Blue Pulsar, Hazy, Internaut (now masquerading as Statesman's cat) and a host of the Sisterhood characters.


    Looking forward to seeing you all in game.


    • Thanks 1
  2. It looks like...well, I just forked over 10 million inf for a purple thing in my salvage bin that says Hero and Villain pack. But...no extra merits, no Archetype enhancements...well, nothing. At all. Just lost 10 million inf.


    There's nothing in my email that I didn't send to myself.


    What a disappointment. I should add, or should I say subtract - though the price was listed as 10 million inf, I was charged 30 million!


    Maybe you should not go berserk straight away and give more patience and trust to whats going on here.


    1)Go back to your salvage window and right click on the "purple thing" then choose "open".

    2)You will see five cards popping on your screen. Click to return them and discover your gain

    3) After your gains are revealed you can get them for real in your mail box. But its not in the "inbox", you have another option in your mailbox wich is called "characters item". This one is the good one and mean that any of your characters can access to it and claim one or more of the gifts you earned by purchasing a hero pack.


    Ah..well, that is useful  - and quite clear.


    I certainly didn't intend to come across as if I'd gone berserk. I was just disappointed in not knowing how to access the super pack. I'd read in the announcements about it, it would be accessed by the in-game email. I feel pretty stupid now. Still, thanks for the clear explanation.

  3. While this isn't a complaint, it is an issue that can have a big impact on those playing the incarnate system.



    Long story short, I found out it costs about 1 million inf to convert an emp merit to incarnate threads.


    The long story is below.


    I'm sure it was somewhere in the patch notes, but I wouldn't even begin to know where those notes are, or even when they were written, nor if they would still apply. I'm one of those that jumps in with both feet, and then wonders why I didn't know about the sharks.


    That said, when I first "leveled" after reaching level 50..I just thought it was weird. A glitch. As I played more, I discovered I had some Emp Merits in my salvage. Well, once my Alpha unlocked, it seemed wise to fill it, and I began to use the incarnate threads and shards I had to build the ...enhancement.


    I'd only had to convert a few Emp merits to fill it, so I guess I didn't notice it. I also wasn't monitoring my influence through Combat Attributes. I only stumbled on that in trying to determine my characters smashing/lethal resistance.


    When my Judgement and the others became unlocked, since our server wasn't announcing any incarnate content, I simply went to convert the emp merits to the threads needed.


    Turns out..I can't say the exact amount, but it seems it costs about 1 million inf per conversion from emp merit to 20 incarnate threads. Seems like this would have been something I needed to know about before, not after.


    Fortunately, I'm one of those who enjoys the /ah immensely (crafting not so much) and will likely recoup this undisclosed expense/investment soon enough.


    But maybe for those who don't like the market, maybe they should get some kind of warning before doing this.


    And, if I'm wrong - where'd my darn inf go? I went through 40 million inf in a blink.



  4. It looks like...well, I just forked over 10 million inf for a purple thing in my salvage bin that says Hero and Villain pack. But...no extra merits, no Archetype enhancements...well, nothing. At all. Just lost 10 million inf.


    There's nothing in my email that I didn't send to myself.


    What a disappointment. I should add, or should I say subtract - though the price was listed as 10 million inf, I was charged 30 million!

  5. As has been mentioned, there is a search function...


    From the i25 patch notes...


    Added Search function to UI. Clicking on 'Place Item' reveals the search bar. Remove query from search bar, to regain access to the complete base library.


    You should be able to find it with a keyword such as "ice" or "flame" or "ice and flame"


    And I thought there was no such thing as a stupid question. Forgive me - I was in my mid 30's and freshly divorced when I first started playing this game. Now I'm old and have to wear glasses to read. And I never knew there was a search function in the base builder! So, thanks for the information.

  6. The Pillar of Ice and Flame is a Control Aux item.


    I appreciate your taking the time to reply. But this was something I already knew. What I don't know, is where to find it so I can place it.


    If you look to place an item, you'll see a number of tabs - Arcane or Tech : Teleport, Power, etc. There is no category for Tech Control, or Tech Control Auxiliary.

  7. Supposedly, the "only" way to get an Ouroboros portal is to get into Ouroboros and get the Trusted with the Secret badge, or complete a mission from The Pillar of Ice and Flame from inside your sg base.


    I have looked all through the various items and don't see any Pillar of Ice and Flame to set in the base.


    I was on Halcyon and there weren't many folks that would just be able to drop a portal, so I thought I might earn it the hard way, but not sure where to go from here, as I don't see this object to place in the base.


    Supposedly it goes in the "Control" room. The closest thing I saw was a Mission Computer, but it wanted a reward merit to run a mission. (I'm too cheap!)


    Anyone have any insights on where I can find this Pillar?

  8. Thanks, hopefully more people will be willing to run Incarnate Trials now.


    Was talking about this last night. No way for me to know, but I imagine there probably aren't that many level 50's just yet. Sure, there's enough to run a trial, but are they going to be on at the same time? Eventually, sure.


    And of course, are they going to be interested...


    I think in the next month, things like incarnate trials, mothership raids, hamidon raids, those things will begin to occur on a regular basis. For now, I suspect you're more efficient than most players, or just had a lot more free time. (than most casual players)


  9. So..figured I'd share a memory that may be worth reading, particularly if you're someone who has an odd schedule and can't team regularly with people you feel comfortable with - or if you're a role player of an obsessive scientist-hero or something.


    While playing around with a new toon on Everlasting (cuz 2xp until Wednesday!) I thought I might save some time for me by setting up tp beacons in the sg base. Then, I got a bit carried away. I saw these things...Radiation Emulator and Linear Accelator...and then I remembered how I'd use these things to increase my perception for the PvP zones.


    But, if you're a character who can't afford the better enhancements (or any!) then if you have the salvage, you can set these up for short-term buffs.

    I can't remember if there's a cost...because I haven't enough salvage at level 7 to craft anything, and don't need any assistance yet anyway.


    Just thought I'd share that. Some damage/defense buffs during 2xp time can only come in handy, right?


  10. It's been...well, years since I played a low level character. And before the game shut down, when I did, we had nifty things like Global Email to send alts influence easily. And before that, there was a delightful guy named @piggybank who had a few alts on various servers who would trade inf on one server to give your inf on another.


    So..here's my question. After playing one character, and finally figuring out I could use Reward merits to get SOs (seemingly cheaper, or at least faster than waiting until level 22 and paying large sums in the store), I

    found that my characters were out-leveling the TO's so quickly, that for a couple of missions today, it was like I didn't have any enhancements at all.


    I was curious - do you folks even bother with TOs in levels 1-10? Or do you just use the drops that you can use? Or do you sell all of them?


    For those of you that team frequently, I suspect levels 1-15 go by in about 90 minutes, perhaps faster on a good team with a leader that has a clue about mission selection (zone choices, etc)


    I was curious what the strategies some of you use to outfit your characters now that they don't have the inf love from the alts.

  11. I'm they'll be up eventually, there isn't a whole team of admins working on the servers like in the past and I'm sure they don't have a designated person to post updates, just relax, eat some cereal and play in mids, it will be up eventually


    Mids -- do you think Mids will allow for a Sentinel? Guess there's one way for me to find out, and give it a look. Thanks for that tip! I totally forgot about Mids!



    Bummer. Mids does work - but not for Sentinel, and not with Inherent Fitness. Could still show some numbers I guess, but the purpose, I think would be to maximize slotting and enhancements,

    so, maybe not worth the effort. Your mileage may vary. (It still killed a few minutes, so I have to "wait" a few minutes less, lol)


  12. I'm in complete agreement. It's not too much to ask someone to join your SG for a moment and have them invite your alt, and then they can quit the SG, or remain in it, however you want to handle it.


    And this is coming from someone who used to "dual box" on the same machine to do this kind of thing.

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