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Posts posted by Ukase

  1. Leading a BAF- and boy what a fiasco.


    I zone in, but I'm not the league lead. Instead of 3 teams set up with good team composition for the prisoner escapes, I get one team of 8, a team of 4 and the rest scattered in 4 remaining teams, and missing 5 people.


    Someone apparently (from what I was told - no idea if they knew what they were talking about) started the cut scene, and because some hadn't loaded in, the game forgets they were part of the league, and boots them.


    The guy that got the league star, "didn't have the league window up" (who plays with that not showing????) ignored or didn't notice tells, or broadcasts or local to give me the star so I could fix the teams.


    Finally, after the defeat of Nightstar, he does, and I reinvite those I could, but we're still short a few.


    Is this a known bug? Locking teams doesn't seem to do anything, is that a bug too?


    I'm almost ready to forgo incarnate stuff because I don't want to deal with glitchy things unless I know about them prior.

  2. You can say I have no life. I have 4 level 50s.


    An ice/ice blaster, a fire/rad Sentinel, a fire/fire brute, and a rad/stone tank. They've all done MSRs.



    My ice blaster will get ...1000? 1200? Vanguard Merits. As much as 1400 last night. Or was that this morning? I forget.


    My brute...maybe 400? My sentinel maybe 600. My tank got 278 Vanguard Merits. I pulled half the sides at least a dozen times, giving them either judgement, if it was up or several fireballs if it wasn't, as I pulled them to the bowl.


    This can't be simply a question of AoE's, can it? Are we going to now have to wonder who on our team has rain of fire, blizzard or ice storm? Do we fuss if 5 of our teammates do nothing but spam heals and buffs?


    I'm feeling a little discouraged for my melee characters. I can't hardly consider my fire brute a single target damage character. Consume, Burn, fire sword circle, Combustion, blazing aura - it's all AoE.


    Can someone shed some light on what the discrepency comes from?

  3. That would be fantastic.


    I'm a bit old school - I don't particularly enjoy speaking while playing on discord or anything else. I talk all day at work, and honestly, I get tired of talking. I much prefer to use macros if I'm leading an iTrial that needs a lot of explanation.


    Earlier this weekend, although I'd posted what I was going to do, turned out there were a number of other things going on that others knew about, and I was clueless. Hami raid, MSR, etc.


    Certain folks have certain channels in game they use, and unless you go hunting them down - and know what they're called, you may never know of certain iTrials or other in-game events.


    It would be good to have them posted in the forums. There must be hundreds of channels in Discord, and I really can't spend all that time looking at everyone's posts there. Here, I can see them at a glance.

  4. Thanks for playing!


    That first bomb - I still don't know where it is specifically, just the general area. The rest of it went decently well, I'd say.


    I would've liked to have had the second av closer to the corner, that's for sure. But I've tanked him before - and unless the taunter flies at his head level, he doesn't seem to like the corner very well.



  5. I can't speak for everyone, but I'm not worried about any of it, really. It's not like it's real cash, you know?


    Starting from scratch - like all of us, I asked myself what was the best return to get the stuff I wanted for my characters. After all is said and done, actually just playing the game - getting merit rewards - that's all that anyone needs to do - is the best bang for the buck.


    There are lots of ways to maximize the return on our respective play time as far as the market goes. But - the market reacts (albeit slowly) to the changes made by the devs.


    The flooding of salvage at max prices of 10k, 50k and 1 million inf certainly had some impact. The Vanguard to reward merit conversion is another that will impact the market.


    Ultimately, if people enjoy "arresting" the NPCs, everything else will take care of itself.


  6. Back before the shutdown, on Liberty, I routinely would lead UGT badge efforts. If my memory is correct, these efforts would be following an MSR (those didn't happen all day every day like they seem to do now).


    I've decided that with the increasing number of level 50 players that there is more demand for iTrials aside from BAF and Lambda. I ran UGT back then for several reasons:

    It seemed as if nobody else was, because it is the longest of all iTrials, and people are under the notion that they've got to have a t-3 clarion slotted in order to have any real chance to succeed. This simply isn't the case, provided that team composition is half-way decent.


    Obviously, the more level shifted players you have, and the more experienced they are in running the UGT, the better the league's odds are of succeeding.


    I'll just say this: the competence of the players overall I've run into is much better than I recall it being previously. This could be from only die-hard fans of the game returning, so I'm seeing the better players, or it could just be the easier path to slotting the characters with the good stuff, as opposed to simply using SOs.


    With that said, on Excelsior server, I've got a really fun Sentinel called Blister. Blister is simply a generic character, not ideally suited for any specific role in the UGT. No snipe for the bombs, no taunt for any AV's, merely a big fire ball and a few blasts that lack the range that most blasters will have. My Sentinel does have one thing going for it - it's more survivable than a blaster.  Having played one for at least 2000 hours, I know a thing or two about blasters.


    So, on Saturday nights, at 7pm central time, in Pocket D, I'll be forming UGT's  on a regular basis. This first run, on June 1, it will merely be to help folks get familiar with the trial. (And to help my addled brain remember where all the bombs are - I remember the 8 in the hallway, and the ones in the curved tunnels, but right before then, there's at least one that seems to take the leagues I've been in by surprise.


    So, if you're a badge enthusiast, I encourage you to come out and see if there's room for you. For best chances of success, I'll want a mix of ranged attacks for the bombs (and if I can't get those, we can "space-balls" it, with a similar technique used on the Ritki pylons - we just bum rush each bomb as quickly as we can, killing them before they kill us. It's quite tense and nerve-wracking, but it's a lot more fun than waiting on ranged characters to snipe the bombs, and a nice mix of buffs/debuffs. Just like any other task force or trial. Good composition tends to make for best results.


    I also intend to run some of the "newer" iTrials, like Magisterium, MoM, DD & TPN - but my experience in those is not on the same level as UGT.


    I also plan to do these on Torchbearer with my main, Ukase, but that's for a different post.

  7. In the market, supply and demand will always have sway over the costs of items.


    I noticed with catalysts that the number of bids has been reduced by about 20%, with the number of units put up for auction being increased by about the same margin.


    The big money makers from the past - very rare purple recipes - those days are over with Market Crash Trial awarding a guaranteed purple for a character's first run. (which gives incentive to a degree to level up those alts)


    MSRs, which in my experience had been a maybe 2x a week, possibly 3x a week occurrence are now run pretty much all day, every day. (allowing a lot of reward merits to be cashed in, and thus, more enhancements which don't require salvage or crafting costs)


    Am I the only one thinking that simply playing your character will be the primary way of making influence in a few months? I'm sure salvage will continue to be a decent nickel and dime profit center for those who play a lot and earn the drops. Just wondering about the big chunks of change and where (and if) they'll come from.

  8. I don't know that I'm qualified to speak on this, as there are power-sets and AT's I have yet to play to level 50, if at all.


    My thoughts: there's absolutely nothing wrong with the Sentinel. In fact, the Sentinel - my Sentinel, a fire/rad/fire Sentinel IS the most fun, most survivable character I've ever played. More survivable than my fire/fire brute, or my fire tank.


    Not as survivable as my invuln scrapper used to be, but where is it written that an avatar/character has to be survivable when you play poorly or make bad decisions in game?


    We talk about "tanking" as a style of play. The alpha shots are what make tanking very hard for tanks with their high health points. Trying to do this with a Sentinel is a bit foolish. The Sentinel "can" tank, to a degree - the same degree to which a scrapper can tank. However, that depends on the circumstances and your slotting, your power selections, even the order in which you choose those powers.


    Do NOT touch the Sentinel class. It's perfect as it is. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. That's just my opinion in having leveled to 50+ well over 50 times on a number of different characters. I've never had so much fun with a character, including my "main" ice/ice blaster, Ukase.


    The blasters used to serve a great purpose (and still do) and that was damage. But, the secondaries just didn't work well with most primaries, in my opinion. Other than ice path and snow/ice storm, (and the forced to take chill blain), I never chose any of them. With the Sentinel, I took almost all of them!


    The Sentinel is the fixed Blaster, in my opinion. If you're not a fan of the Sentinel, that's fine. Play something else.


    I see no reason to play a character, note things that aren't quite to your liking and keep playing it. Play something that will meet your expectations. It's out there, you just have to find it.


    Perhaps if I'd made my first Sentinel a water/invuln, I might have a different idea, but I'm in love with my fire/rad.

  9. So....most of this is my fault. I mean, I'd like to think I'm literate, and have at least decent reading comprehension skills. I was at an MSR, and noticed that my vg merit count was rather low, so I thought I'd take a look at my teammates to see what/if they were doing anything.


    And lo and behold, I see a Level 1, and a level 14.


    Turns out, they were both VETERAN levels 1 and 14. And while looking at them my eyes went to the numbers 1 and 14. I put the wrong two and two together and came away with the wrong 4.


    I'm wondering if there's a better way to make the Veteran designation stand out. Maybe have the level 50 + players con orange or something in the league or team list.

  10. Forgive me, I'm technically...challenged, I guess. Or lazy.


    I know how to make a macro. At least, the macros I wanted to make, I've made them.


    What I'd like to figure out, is how to copy a specific set of macros from one character to another without having to remake all of them from scratch - without copying over binds and such. Is that possible?



  11. It seems like just a short time ago, the old dev team came out with a difficult challenge - The Really Hard Way, earned by taking out Tyrant without using the quills on the well lights.


    Tonight, happy to have been part of the league that did it, and pretty sure, did it "first", as in first since the game came back.


    And honestly, with the team we had, it wasn't that hard at all.

  12. Thank you all  for taking the time to reply. I did finally catch some incarnate action over the past week. I just had to change the times I played by about 90 minutes. I had been bringing my character on too soon, and logging off too soon.




  13. So...it may be time to start leading some UGT's  -  some I've already assisted with since I've done it so many times. Even got the Avatar Assassin which was pretty hard to get - and got The Hard Way in the Magisterium and it wasn't that hard! Missed out on the Really Hard Way by just a bit. Next time.


    I know there's a number of Liberty players representing on Torchbearer in the incarnate play; but I've not seen many of you, or any of you playing level 50 characters on Excelsior. Am I going to have to move my character to Torch?

    • Like 1
  14. I've made a few new friends on Excelsior, and have a lot of loot stored in my base. It would be a pain to relocate it. I hate to transfer when at the lower levels, the folks I run into seem very competent.


    I guess, once I reacquaint myself on the other servers the better strategies, I'll just have to form the leagues myself.

  15. My first level 50 was an emp/elec.


    This was because my blaster - which was my first character spent more time defeated than he did actually dealing damage. I was new to the game, and I didn't want to read the forums. I wanted to play!


    But, I will share this, maybe it's a perspective you haven't thought about. Some folks are just so ignorant about a power set that they have no idea that they have no idea what they are doing. It's one thing for someone on a pug to give warning and say, "Sorry, but I just got out of a task force, and well, I trained and got these last two powers and am not really sure if I know the best way to slot/use them."


    That person at least understands enough to know that they don't know what they're doing.


    There's another type of person - and that's a person who simply lacks the experience and knowledge that you may possess.


    I know when I was playing mine, I wasn't that good at it in the beginning. I used to think it was me. And it partially was, but the other part was the leadership of the team tackling +4 with players that didn't have adequate slotting to deal with the NPCs. Taking a level 9 tank into a level 16 mission, so he's sk'd to level 15, yes, that tank can take the alpha, but not much more than that - and the level 16 emp/* defender can only use heal other and heal aura so many times when the mobs are conning purple before that tank goes down and the team wipes. Now some teams can handle that - but they've probably got the aforementioned balance, and they might have players that team often and know what to do.


    All of this is stuff you've likely thought about, but I thought I'd share. Some folks just aren't there yet. They lack the experience and intelligence that you may have.

  16. Am I going to bed too early or something?


    On other servers, I routinely see broadcasts for incarnate content, but on Excelsior...not a peep. What channel are you folks advertising your vacancies on? What time of day/night are you running them?

  17. Ukase Rex is here...but before the shut down, I'd shortened the global to just @Ukase.


    And so it is here.


    Splitting time among Torchbearer, Everlasting and Excelsior.


    Torchbearer is where you'll find a close semblance to the ice blaster Ukase, except with the wonderful Sorcery power pool, some changes had to be made to fit that Rune power into his build. I got a slow start with him, because when I'd built a Sentinel on Excelsior (love the Stan Lee homage) it was the most fun I'd had playing a character -- including my previous favorite, the ice blaster Ukase.


    So, I suspect Blister will become my "go-to" level 50 for incarnate stuff and badges, but Ukase already has his Task Force commander, I suspect his badge count will get pretty high, too.


    Everlasting is just where my fire/fire/fire brute is working to subsidize the builds of the alts.


    I have clear memories of Aoide, Sgt. Pandora (and American Valor), GEL, Pandarch, Blue Pulsar, Hazy, Internaut (now masquerading as Statesman's cat) and a host of the Sisterhood characters.


    Looking forward to seeing you all in game.


    • Thanks 1
  18. It looks like...well, I just forked over 10 million inf for a purple thing in my salvage bin that says Hero and Villain pack. But...no extra merits, no Archetype enhancements...well, nothing. At all. Just lost 10 million inf.


    There's nothing in my email that I didn't send to myself.


    What a disappointment. I should add, or should I say subtract - though the price was listed as 10 million inf, I was charged 30 million!


    Maybe you should not go berserk straight away and give more patience and trust to whats going on here.


    1)Go back to your salvage window and right click on the "purple thing" then choose "open".

    2)You will see five cards popping on your screen. Click to return them and discover your gain

    3) After your gains are revealed you can get them for real in your mail box. But its not in the "inbox", you have another option in your mailbox wich is called "characters item". This one is the good one and mean that any of your characters can access to it and claim one or more of the gifts you earned by purchasing a hero pack.


    Ah..well, that is useful  - and quite clear.


    I certainly didn't intend to come across as if I'd gone berserk. I was just disappointed in not knowing how to access the super pack. I'd read in the announcements about it, it would be accessed by the in-game email. I feel pretty stupid now. Still, thanks for the clear explanation.

  19. While this isn't a complaint, it is an issue that can have a big impact on those playing the incarnate system.



    Long story short, I found out it costs about 1 million inf to convert an emp merit to incarnate threads.


    The long story is below.


    I'm sure it was somewhere in the patch notes, but I wouldn't even begin to know where those notes are, or even when they were written, nor if they would still apply. I'm one of those that jumps in with both feet, and then wonders why I didn't know about the sharks.


    That said, when I first "leveled" after reaching level 50..I just thought it was weird. A glitch. As I played more, I discovered I had some Emp Merits in my salvage. Well, once my Alpha unlocked, it seemed wise to fill it, and I began to use the incarnate threads and shards I had to build the ...enhancement.


    I'd only had to convert a few Emp merits to fill it, so I guess I didn't notice it. I also wasn't monitoring my influence through Combat Attributes. I only stumbled on that in trying to determine my characters smashing/lethal resistance.


    When my Judgement and the others became unlocked, since our server wasn't announcing any incarnate content, I simply went to convert the emp merits to the threads needed.


    Turns out..I can't say the exact amount, but it seems it costs about 1 million inf per conversion from emp merit to 20 incarnate threads. Seems like this would have been something I needed to know about before, not after.


    Fortunately, I'm one of those who enjoys the /ah immensely (crafting not so much) and will likely recoup this undisclosed expense/investment soon enough.


    But maybe for those who don't like the market, maybe they should get some kind of warning before doing this.


    And, if I'm wrong - where'd my darn inf go? I went through 40 million inf in a blink.



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