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Posts posted by Trickshooter


    Break Frees were added in Issue 4 which is when I started playing, and I remember hearing that there were at least two types of mez-related inspirations before it, but I don't remember the difference between them.


    You had Discipline/Iron Will - but you had to use them BEFORE most of the mezzes, and then it was replaced by Resolve, which lessened the duration, but allowed you to use it while being mezzed.


    Break Frees added resistance against KB, Repel, Taunt, and Placate, but is essentially the same as Resolve


    That's how I understood it from Paragonwiki, but the actual Issue 4 patch notes referencing the removal of all but Break Frees was confusing:


    Resolve, Strength of Will, and Sheer Willpower Inspiration are now removed from the game. Break Free, Emerge, and Escape Inspirations will now protect you from all effects including Sleep, Hold, Immobilization, Disorient, Fear, Knockback and Confuse, and can be activated even while under such effects. New Inspiration consolidates all effects into one Inspiration. Can be used while under such effects. Old Inspirations now all act like the new ones.

    Reduced the duration of Break Free, Emerge, and Escape Inspirations. Since the Inspiration is now all-encompassing, we reduced the duration to compensate for the power increase.


    That makes it sound like at some point, the Break Free line replaced the Discipline line, and Resolve and Break Free existed simultaneously for awhile before all effects were merged in to Break Free. Since I wasn't sure, I didn't add it.

  2. I might have missed it in your list.


    But wasn't there a point where Break Frees didn't exist, and you had specific inspirations to counter each mez type? Then the devs finally decided to merge them into a Break Free.



    And holy cow, I *totally* forgot "Cone Range Enhancements" were ever a thing xD



    Quite the trip down memory lane! Thank you.


    Break Frees were added in Issue 4 which is when I started playing, and I remember hearing that there were at least two types of mez-related inspirations before it, but I don't remember the difference between them.

  3. I get that defenders are better at buffing on an AT level, but I think it's not an illogical position to consider that as they control, and know how TO control, they could logically be better or at least equal to defenders for status protection.


    That would require waaay more work compared to just fixing Dispersion Bubble. The Ranged Res Boolean mod is used for more than just Mez Protection. It's also used to scale debuff resistance, which using the logic that 'if you're better at causing it, you're better at resisting it,' Defenders would need to stay higher. You'd either need a whole new modifier to separate them or need to manually adjust them all. Either way would require having to update many powers.

  4. So, all the devs have to do is take out THAT AttribMod from the power and give it another instead, let's say, duplicate the "throw up" effect of Mastermind's Elixir of life (minus the animation of course) that holds the target with a mag 1000 hold:


    That's not any special effect though, that's just a 4s Mag1000 Hold on an Ally with the HitFX being the 4s long vomiting animation. I don't see FF getting a Mag1000 Hold to use on foes, even if it's only for 4 seconds. I think you might be confusing this with the "throw up effect" from Traps/Poison Trap which is just a forced animation without actually being a mez.


    I feel like you could simulate the intended effect of Detention Field (they can't hurt anyone) without upsetting teammates with like a Mag6 Immobilize with a massive, unenhanceable, single-target ToHit/Damage debuff instead of the OnlyAffectSelf status. AVs would resist the ToHit debuff of course, but not the Damage debuff necessarily and most AVs are naturally vulnerable to Immobilize.


    I'm still open to Absorb... if I can be convinced that it won't make FF totally OP.


    Having played every Defender Primary except Rad, I can tell you I honestly do not feel it would make FF OP. It would just add some versatility to a set that otherwise is a bit too focused compared to its Support siblings.


    P.S. Knocking enemies in to ragdoll physics is very useful, which is why I don't like putting the -KB IO in Force Bolt. Now... if Force Bolt and Repulsion Bomb both did knock UP instead, so that they were less inconvenient for other players, but also still applied ragdoll physics... that'd be great.

  5. Similar to Overwhelming Force, I'd like to see a set that reduces or eliminates the fear effect on powers. I'd like to deploy Hot Feet and not have the entire mob run away from me. Fear can be just as annoying as KB.


    Just for clarity, "Fear" as most of us know it is the Terrorize status effect, which is great. The effect in powers like Hot Feet is a different one called Afraid, which was old-school Fear. Saying this cause I read the thread title and wondered why anyone would want to reduce Fear.

  6. Here's something interesting.  Corruptor Force Field's Dispersion Bubble gives better status protection than a Defender Force Field's Dispersion Bubble.  Seriously.


    I checked on Pine's first, and then in game.  A level 50 Defender Dispersion Bubble gives +8.65 status protection, while a level 50 Corruptor Dispersion Bubble gives +10.38 status protection.


    Because the SCoRE devs copied the Controller version of Force Field/Dispersion Bubble, which has an incorrect base value. Base value should be 20*Ranged Res Boolean modifier, which would give Controllers and Corruptors 6.92 Protection, but Controllers, and now Corruptors, have it set as 30*Ranged Res Boolean, which makes it 10.38. It's been a bug since probably the earliest days of the game.


    I added it to the Current Defender Issues waaay back in 2008:






    Dispersion Bubble uses the Ranged_Res_Boolean modifier, which is higher for Defenders (0.433 at level 50) than Controllers (0.346 at level 50), but Controller's Dispersion Bubble grants more Mez protection because the base value (before modifiers) is higher for Controllers (-30 to Defender's -20). In no other case of grantable mez protection do Controllers offer more protection than Defenders with the same power.

  7. I could get behind buffs to Battle Axe because it's the most vanilla melee set.


    I agree that Gash could become a cone, but I would say a standard range, 45° cone, rather than an extended range narrow cone. I'd also say increase all the attacks range as a bonus, but I wouldn't go beyond 8 ft except for Cleave which can stay 10 ft, and maybe Pendulum at 9 ft. And I also feel the KD chances are low and would agree with raising them.


    I would also swap the MaxTargets of Cleave and Pendulum, like they did for the War Mace versions. Pendulum having a limit of 5, but Cleave can hit 10 is crazy.


    I feel like your suggestions for Whirling Axe, Cleave and Pendulum are just too good. Running these new numbers, you'd actually expect their damage to go down, rather than up. I realize you're probably doing this as a bonus to improve the set overall, but it feels too generous. If you're set on these numbers, I would say either they need an increase to their endurance costs to make up for it, or reduce their KD chance and add the damage as bonus Lethal DoT.


    Edit: Also, if animations can be shortened, please share them with Broadsword and Mace!

  8. There needs to be an FAQ for these forums, because this question comes up at least once a week.  :P


    Edit to add:  more than one GM has posted that these other pool powers are near the top of the list of things people in charge want to see finished.  I think some require new animations, and that's something they weren't able to do until maybe recently.  So... maybe soon?  Eventually?  Who knows?


    Only the Shadow Leandro knows....


    Once a week? I have only seen it come up maybe once prior. If this is truly popping up once a week, then we really do need to do as you have suggested.


    Once a week might even be generous. I've seen it quite a few times, just not always on the same section of the forums. And not always here; I've seen it asked on reddit a few times, too, specifically regarding the Homecoming servers.


    We definitely need a "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING" somewhere that mentions the state of these pool powers, as well as Wind Control.

  9. I have a couple more formulas, if anyone wanted to work backwards a bit, and knew the damage they WANTED to cause, but not the recharge:



    (DamageScale - 0.36)/0.16 = RechargeTime



    ((DamageScale*AreaFactor) - 0.36)/0.16 = RechargeTime

  10. Side note: when talking about how much damage a power should do it's better to just give the damage scale rather than the absolute damage since the absolute damage depends on the AT.


    I find the damage numbers more 'readable,' and provided them at 1.00 (tanker/0.8 or scrapper/1.125), but that's fair.


    The thing is -- it's not just those powers.  Here's a few more:


    Name   AF  Calc.
    Frost 1.5 1.41 1.62
    The Lotus Drops  2.2 1.18 1.54
    Crowd Control 1.7 1.34 1.6
    Shadow Maul 1.2 1.37 2.12


    When I can't find a single hit for the expected result, I feel like I've gotta question the formula.


    Can't speak for the history of all of these, but Shadow Maul and Frost break the formula intentionally. It was done at some point in the game's life to improve those sets.

  11. 2. Why would I play Rad/Elec Defender when I can play Elec/Rad Corrupter and always be scourging?


    b) Similar to my question above, would my Rad/Elec Defender just end up doing less damage than an Elec/Rad Corrupter without any trade off after considering all the late gamer Enhancement and Incarnate potential (most of which I don't fully understand). And does Sonic Attack just outclass everything since it has -res?


    Outside of Scourge, Corruptors only do about 15% more damage than Defenders. If we're talking solo, Defenders are actually doing about 12.5% more damage than Corruptors before Scourge kicks in, too (because of Vigilance). This is an average though and powerset choice will affect this.


    Defenders will actually be a bit more survivable too, and not just because of their higher heals, buffs and debuffs. Defenders actually share self +Defense and +Resistance mods with Tankers. That means that their Epic pool armor toggles function at Tanker values. So a Sonic Defender with Temp Invulberability is nearly at their S/L Resist Cap, while a Corruptor with the same two powers is only 2/3s of the way there. Or a FF Defender with Scorpion Shield and Manuevers is right at the S/L Defense softcap with no IO investment needed, while a Corruptor is still about 10% away.


    Oh, and Defenders share their control mods with Dominators, while Corruptors are tied for lowest control mods with Blasters, MMs and the 4 Melee ATs.


    And strangely, Corruptors are the worst AT for +/-Special effects like PBU, Benumb and Weaken.


    But Scourge is cool, I guess.


    Regarding Sonic, the -Res is great for fighting one enemy, but it only has a single AoE -Res outside it's nuke, which is also it's only AoE besides it's nuke that does decent damage.


    Unfortunately, regarding Elec Blast, it's a myth that it drains more endurance than Corruptors or Blasters. They also drain the same amount because the set doesn't use the EndDrain mods for its effects.

  12. First, I enjoy the concept and support the possibility of a Natural/Tech Control set. However, I think it would need a bit more work. Not specifically your ideas, but rather a Tech-themed Control set in general.


    Knockout Gas, Flash Grenade, Web Grenades etc. would fit the theme, but without a more tech-y graphic delivery, it sounds more like Grenade Control. Also, it’s a bit tricky because naturally you’d want to pull from Traps (such as for Web Grenade) or even maybe Trick Arrow, but Controllers already have those sets as a secondary, so you’d have to come up with something else.


    I think to really work, and to be really unique, most of the powers would need to summon pets to deliver the controls (similar to Seeker Drones), which might not appeal to Dominators, or at least appear to as part of the visual FX (like Targeting Drone appears as separate).


    Overall I think it’s definitely something missing from the game, but I also think it’s going to require more than repurposing some existing animations and particle effects.

  13. It's just showing you your end costs expressed as a percentage of your max end. It's not calculating them that way.


    LOL it clearly is. Look at the numbers in the parentheses. Why show a final number calculated on that extra 5 endurance I have, which is 5% over 100 end?


    The number of the left is the percent of your max endurance being used per second, and on the right is the actual points of endurance being used per second; both are the final calculation. Recovery typically is shown as a percent, and EndConsumption as points per second. Both attributes are displayed both ways only so you can more easily compare the two.

  14. <3 claws. i can't imagine why you'd need to use kick with it when focus is such a fast recharging kd and with the kb to kd IO shockwave is great too.


    Because Claws doesn't have a seemless attack chain while leveling. Brutes use Brawl to help build fury. Kick would easily fill that need until later on.


    I thought to myself "What do you mean? It all recharges so fast!" but TIL that Brutes version of Claws has slower recharges but higher base damage than the Scrapper version.

  15. We're confusing several effects here.


    Intangibility is one status effect used by Phase Shift, Dimensional Shift and Black Hole. Intangible players can attack Intangible enemies and vice versa. Phantom Army use Intangibility, I think, so that probably has to do with why Hamidon can defeat them.


    Untouchable/OnlyAffectSelf are two status effects used together by Detention Field and Sonic Cage. There is no way to interact with someone in this state and no way to enhance it. Why they don't just use Intangibility, I don't know.

  16. No +absorb anywhere?


    What is absorb? I've never heard of this mechanic before, was it added after 2010? What does it do? I don't see a ParagonWiki article for it, though I see the name referenced in IOs.


    Absorb is like a shield of HP over your actual HP. It's a white bar that layers over your HP bar. The amount of Absorb on you must reach 0 before your HP will start depleting from an attack.


    It was added with the Magisterium Trial, I think? Or possibly with a proc. The first powerset to have it on Live was Nature Affinity, which was also the last powerset released.

  17. I want to rename it Implosion, have it work exactly as it does now .... but, in a much larger area, and instead of knocking everything away from it's center, knock things TOWARDS the center!  ForceField has three other "get away from me" powers (Repulsion Field, Forcebolt, & Forcefield).  It really never needed a fourth.  So how about we give it a brand-new tool: a way to CLUMP UP enemies, to gather them into a smaller area.  A way to set them up for an AoE attack (by a team-mate, by an MM's pets, from an APP or EPP, whatever).


    I think the game doesn't have a way to easily brings things together without it being like a secret Teleport. Both Repel and Knockback only seem to work away from the caster.


    Mathwise, it's trivial to code "knock-towards" and "reverse repel" if you've already coded knockback and regular repel, you just swap the positions of the target and the caster in the formula. That might not translate to being easy to implement of course. But for reverse knockback, there'd be nothing to stop the target from simply flying over the origin point of the knockback and ending up farther away that it started.


    But I'm not sure if the game engine can do that with the current implementation of the Knockback effect. It doesn't know where the knockback came from, only who the knockback came from, and it goes outwards from that direction. That's why if you throw Explosive Blast in to the middle of a group, even the ones in front of the blast point still fly backwards from your direction. I feel like knockback would need to be reworked in order to make it function another way. I would guess that reverse-knockback in the current engine would only be understood as knockback protection.


    Explosive Blast works exactly as I described. It knocks the targets away from the caster (you).


    Sorry, I misinterpreted what you meant by "origin point of the knockback".

  18. I want to rename it Implosion, have it work exactly as it does now .... but, in a much larger area, and instead of knocking everything away from it's center, knock things TOWARDS the center!  ForceField has three other "get away from me" powers (Repulsion Field, Forcebolt, & Forcefield).  It really never needed a fourth.  So how about we give it a brand-new tool: a way to CLUMP UP enemies, to gather them into a smaller area.  A way to set them up for an AoE attack (by a team-mate, by an MM's pets, from an APP or EPP, whatever).


    I think the game doesn't have a way to easily brings things together without it being like a secret Teleport. Both Repel and Knockback only seem to work away from the caster.


    Mathwise, it's trivial to code "knock-towards" and "reverse repel," you just swap the positions of the target and the caster in the formula. That might not translate to being easy to implement of course. But for reverse knockback, there'd be nothing to stop the target from simply flying over the origin point of the knockback and ending up farther away that it started.


    But I'm not sure if the game engine can do that with the current implementation of the Knockback effect. It doesn't know where the knockback came from, only who the knockback came from, and it goes outwards from that direction. That's why if you throw Explosive Blast in to the middle of a group, even the ones in front of the blast point still fly backwards from your direction. I feel like knockback would need to be reworked in order to make it function another way. I would guess that reverse-knockback in the current engine would only be understood as knockback protection.

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