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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. Seems a little basic? All three tier 1 pets are identical, there's only one move across the three pet powers that isn't just an attack, and the tier 7 power seems like it only summons another pet to have another power to put pet IOs in.


    Well, about it being basic, I wanted it to seem doable in the current state of the game, so I tried to limit new mechanics and gimmicks.


    For the tier 1 pets, they are all the same, but to be fair, the other Primaries are kind of split, with 4 having different tier 1s, and 3 having them all the same. Since I knew I wanted the second tier pets to be different (something that is currently only done in Demon Summoning, I think), I figured it would be okay to leave the tier 1 pets all the same.


    Although if I'm being honest, the original plan for the tier 1 pets was that the third would be a firebreather. Then, instead of summoning a Firebreather pet at tier 7, the power was just going to be Fiery Performance, with the MM giving his pets fire damage. Then I realized while I was writing descriptions out, you couldn't slot Fiery Performance with anything unless I made it a Build Up also, which I didn't want to do because then I couldn't have it as an AoE or else it'd have to be on a really long recharge. So the Firebreather was pulled out and made a temporary pet that could grant Fiery Performance.


    Also, I agree the non-attacks are lacking, and I did want to add more, but I also had concerns about Pet AI using anything efficiently. However, I do consider the Clowns aura another non-attack power in the mix. When they're together they're potentially debuffing a group of enemies by -15% Damage and Defense.


    Basically I had bigger ideas, but I don't know what is and isn't possible right now.

  2. Think of Piercing Rounds as a single-target attack that does a little less damage than it should in order to hit up to 3 targets. Trying to make it a better AoE will only be opening a can of worms, I think. As an 80ft cone, it already breaks the damage formula, doing more than double the damage it should. If it did appropriate damage, it would only do 67.52 damage unslotted at level 50, when it currently does 143.89.


    WHY should I think of it as a single target attack when it is by definition narrow cone with a max of three targets? How would it open a can of worms on what people call an underpowered power set? If the 3 target limit remains, what's the issue? It still can't hit more than 3 people, which is what the developers intended a decade ago.


    I'm just saying if you want Piercing Rounds to act more like a cone, expect for it to also do damage more like a cone, which would be a significant nerf. As of right now, it's basically a snipe with no interrupt timer that can hit up to 3 enemies.

  3. Think of Piercing Rounds as a single-target attack that does a little less damage than it should in order to hit up to 3 targets. Trying to make it a better AoE will only be opening a can of worms, I think. As an 80ft cone, it already breaks the damage formula, doing more than double the damage it should. If it did appropriate damage, it would only do 67.52 damage unslotted at level 50, when it currently does 143.89.

  4. I don't know a better way to word this, but there are several costume pieces, typically that use cape tech, that can be colored on both sides, but only provide a tab to choose colors for one side. Usually this is the outer facing side, and the only way to change the inside colors is to click the "link all costume colors" button, which will change the colors on your entire costume, then unlink them and fix the rest of your costume.


    I'd really appreciate it if these pieces were given a second color tab in order to select the colors for the inner facing side, like it is for actual capes.


    I don't know all the pieces, but here are the ones I've used lately:


    Butler Tux

    Wedding Tux

    Bridal Veil hair

    Cosmic Corsair belt (this one is especially annoying because the color tab provided ONLY changes the color of the inside, which you can only see if you look between your legs)


  5. I was wondering if there is any plans to add the power pools that didn't quite get implemented but are mentioned on the wiki, but which we had data and such for?  (https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Power_Pool)




        Force of Will


        Utility Belt


    Especially if there is still code and such for them, because a few of those would be wonderful addition to any number of concepts out there!


    There are plans to get those sets finished. We dont want to half-ass it, though. We wont just copy another power's fx and call it done. We will borrow particles, so some FX may look "at home" with similarly themed powers, not unlike how Rad Armor shares many particles with Rad blast, and Soul Noir dark theme borrows particles from Dark Control. We will just not just slap energy blast fx to Wrist Blaster, Blaster Drone, or whatever the final name for that power ends up being.


    Animation time matching is mostly an issue with powers that are already in use, these powers are new so changing the animation is not out of the question (although changing the animation time will always mean pvp attributes also need changing.) Biggest challenge is Bollas in the Utility Belt, as it already has a half-done cool animation with no fx that seems to expect a rather complicated fx script, plus is missing a flying animation (may force the power to only work on the ground.)


    Gadgetry is also underwhelming thematically, plus, anyone can buy a lame jetpack. Feels very redundant with Utility Belt and available temp powers, so the current plan is to re-conceptualize it as Cybernetic Enhancements (sounds a bit more techy, in contrast with Utility Belt's nature theme) with the flight power being based on Iron-Man like thrusters.


    The current plan is to develop them one by one, but it will take time.


    That sounds awesome.

  6. Admittedly, it was frustrating (to say the least) to be able to slot a SO Taunt Enhancement into the power, only to discover later (i.e. after I'd bought the recipes) that it wouldn't take Taunt Enhancements from a given set.  =\


    For future reference, in the enhancement screen, you can double check this stuff by hovering over a power. It will show you accepted enhancements, and then underneath that it will show you accepted sets. You always want to give that a look because sometimes things don't accept what you think, whether intentionally (like in this case) or as a bug (like in the multiple cases where the original devs confused whether a power should take Targeted AoE/PBAoE/Melee sets).

  7. Please be gentle, it's been awhile since I've tried to design a powerset!


    Circus Performers

    You command a troupe of lively performers. These colorful artists specialize is stunning foes and knocking them off their feet! Circus Performers are nimble and adept at dodging, as well as trained in maintaining their balance.


    rUJHD1v.png  Bullhorn Shriek

    You let forth a quick Shriek through your Bullhorn, damaging your target and weakening their damage resistance.


    3s Recharge

    5.46 Endurance




    -15% ResDebuff



    fQC4m8E.png  Summon Clowns

    Summon one to three Clowns (depending on your level) to do your bidding. Clowns are nimble and capable fighters, especially since most enemies will let their guards down around a harmless Clown. You may only have 3 Clowns under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call Clowns, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail.


    60s Recharge

    19.5 Endurance


    Basic Abilities   Train Performers   Upgrade Performers
    Juggling Pin Bash
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(50% Chance)

    Guards Down
    -5% DmgDebuff on foes within 7 ft
    -5% DefDebuff on foes within 7 ft

    Inherent Resistance & Defense
    +5% Defense(All Positions)
    Res(Knockback, Knockup, Immobilize)
      Banana Peel Throw
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 KnockUp

    Seltzer Water
    -5% ToHitDebuff
      Explosive Juggling Pin
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance

    Juggling Pin Jawbreaker
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 KnockUp



    voYK3Wh.png  Bullhorn Scream

    You Scream through your Bullhorn causing serious damage to a target while weakening their resistance to further damage.


    6s Recharge

    9.62 Endurance




    -15% ResDebuff



    uw1f0tU.png  Train Performers

    Train your Henchmen to perform new tricks to use against your foes. This power permanently bestows new powers and abilities to all of your Circus Performer Henchmen. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Henchman. This power only works on your Circus Performer Henchmen and you can only Train your Henchmen once with this power.


    6s Recharge

    22.75 Endurance



    90CA4qR.png  Bullhorn Howl

    You release a short range, but powerful Howl through your Bullhorn that damages foes in a cone in front of you, as well as reducing their resistance to damage.


    10s Recharge

    13 Endurance




    -15% ResDebuff



    UToU22z.png  Summon Acrobats

    Summon one to two graceful Acrobats (depending on your level). Acrobats have superior reflexes compared to Clowns. The first Acrobat focuses on their strong legs while the second is a tightrope walker who attacks with a balance pole. You may only have 2 Acrobats under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call more, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have your maximum allowed number, the power will fail.


    90s Recharge

    19.5 Endurance



    Basic Abilities   Train Performers   Upgrade Performers
    Thunder Kick
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(30% Chance)

    Jump Kick
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockup(80%)

    Throw Sand
    -5% ToHitDebuff

    Inherent Resistance & Defense
    7.5% Defense(All Positions)
    Res(Knockback, Knockup, Immobilize)
      Dragon's Tail
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback(75%)

    Storm Kick
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
      Axe Kick
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback(40%)
    -7.5% DefDebuff
    -1.6 FlyDebuff

    Crane Kick
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance



    Tightrope Acrobat:

    Basic Abilities   Train Performers   Upgrade Performers
    Mercurial Blow
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    -5% DefDebuff

    Precise Strike
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(30% Chance)

    Inherent Resistance & Defense
    7.5% Defense(All Positions)
    Res(Knockback, Knockup, Immobilize)
      Guarded Spin
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    +5% Defense(Melee)

    Serpent's Reach
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback(80%)
      Sky Splitter
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 KnockUp
    -1.6 FlyDebuff

    Eye of the Storm
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback(40%)



    xN4rdVt.png  Summon Firebreather

    Turn up the heat on your foes with a performance from a Firebreather! Your Firebreather will attack foes from a distance with Fiery Breath that leaves behind burning patches of fuel. The Firebreather will also occasionally ignite your other Henchman’s weapons, adding Fire Damage to all their attacks for a short time. Because fire breathing is dangerous work, this performer won’t stick around for long and will eventually retreat to recover. The Firebreather cannot gain new abilities from Train Performers and Upgrade Performers.


    600s Recharge

    13 Endurance


    Fire Breath



    Burn Patch



    Fiery Performance

    100% chance to all effects tagged FieryPerformance



    IfLt38A.png  Summon Strongman

    Summons an intimidating Strongman to join your troupe. The Strongman is nimble like most Circus Performers, but is also fairly tough. This performer attacks with a large mallet that stuns and knocks down most enemies.


    120s Recharge

    19.5 Endurance


    Basic Abilities   Train Performers   Upgrade Performers
    Hammer Bash
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(30% Chance)

    Hammer Pulverize
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(30% Chance)

    Inherent Resistance & Defense
    +5% Defense(Melee)
    +20% Res(Smashing, Lethal)
    Res(Knockback, Knockup, Immobilize)
      Hammer Jawbreaker
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 KnockUp

    Whirling Hammer
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    Disorient(Mag2)(30% Chance)
      Hammer Crowd Control
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback

    Hammer Shatter
    Damage(Fire) Tagged FieryPerformance
    0.67 Knockback



    4VDapHY.png  Upgrade Performers

    Upgrade your Performers with advanced and exciting skills. The Upgraded Performers will gain new abilities and powers. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of Henchman that is Upgraded. Upgrade Performers only works on your Circus Performers and you can only Upgrade your Henchmen once with this power.


    10s Recharge

    22.75 Endurance

    • Like 6
  8. Visually, her appearance seems to hint at this. The hair color and style are very similar to Sister Psyche. And unlike the other Carnival of Light, Vanessa's outfit's highlight colors are blue-green or teal, like Psyche's.


    Lore-wise, Mother Mayhem's story arc souvenir hints at "some sort of history" between the two, which leads to Mother being so eager to attack Vanessa that your character finds her attitude "concerning".


    Also regarding the lore, Giovanna Scaldi is strangely absent from any descriptions of Praetorian Vanessa, despite how large a part she plays in Primal Vanessa's story.


    So... is it possible that the "unstable psychic" Praetor Tilman was treating the day of her "freak accident" was Vanessa? And the reason that Tilman needed Aurora's body was because Vanessa took over hers? And maybe Vanessa's mask doesn't have Giovanna in it because it's main purpose was just to hide Praetor Tilman's face?

  9. It has to do with Strength modifiers, I believe, but after 7 years I honestly can't remember the specifics.


    summoning circle, hope this works



                ???              ???

          ???                          ???


      ???          arcanaville            ???


          ???                            ???

                  ???              ???



    I read that. I was about to post in the bug forums but I stopped to do a search first.


    The other question is how gamebreaking would it be for powerboost to work on +res effects. Off the top of my head, the effected powers would be the sonic, thermal and now cold shields, plus some castable auras like Acc metab and world of pain. It doesn't seem like it would be too bad to add a bonus to those effects. This would allow it to work on Cold while buffing a few sets that aren't considered top of the line, save for maybe Rad.


    Of course, the flip side is that this would make Mace Mastery all but mandatory for most MM builds. It's already arguably the strongest set with Scorpion Shield and the current version of Power Boost.


    The problem isn’t Power Boost not affecting Resistance, it’s about powers with Resistance having to be exempt from ALL outside buffs, Power Boost being just one of them, or else things get crazy. A Brute’s Fury or a Kin’s Fulcrum Shift would, in addition to their huge damage buffs, would also buff any Damage Resistance on a character to their cap.

  11. It does work on Force Field bubbles.


    Power Boost's +Special effects are only prevented from working on powers that have enhanceable +Res(Damage) due to a (from what I understand) deeply rooted coding issue between Resistance and Damage buffs that would be very difficult to fix.


    Since Force Field bubbles only provide an unenhanceable +Res(Toxic), they don't have to be exempt from outside buffs like Power Boost's +Special.


    Cold Shields have enhanceable Cold and Fire resistance, so they can't allow outside buffs, otherwise +Damage buffs would also buff the +Resistance they offer. In order to allow them to be affected by Power Boost, you'd have to drop the ability to slot resistance, which some people might not be happy about.


    If it's any consolation, this also means Cold Shields are immune to -Special, so they can't be weakened below their enhanced value.

  12. This was something I had sent to Synapse years ago and he said he'd forward to Arbiter Hawk, but then it turned out to be right before the sunset announcement was made, so I don't know if this was ever fixed:


    Someone asked for the Taunt mags and durations of the Radial Path of the Melee Hybrid Tree, and I posted them:


    Melee Radial Genome: Mag 3.4 for 2.1s every 2s
    Melee Partial Radial Graft: Mag 6.8 for 2.1s every 2s
    Melee Total Radial Graft: Mag 10.2 for 2.1s every 2s
    Melee Radial Embodiment: Mag 13.6 for 2.1s every 2s


    The thing is, as I was doing that I noticed that they work completely different from any other Taunt aura in the game.


    Threat is calculated using Taunt Duration, not Magnitude. So as you move up the Radial Path, the Taunt doesn't actually improve your ability to maintain aggro. Instead, it only has a greater chance of overcoming Taunt Protection, which I'm not even sure many (if any) mobs have.


    If the idea is to improve the Taunt effect as you move up the tree, then I think they'd do better like this:


    Melee Radial Genome: Mag 4 for 3.4s every 2s
    Melee Partial Radial Graft: Mag 4 for 6.8s every 2s
    Melee Total Radial Graft: Mag 4 for 10.2s every 2s
    Melee Radial Embodiment: Mag 4 for 13.6s every 2s


    This way, the amount of Threat generated improves as you move up the tree, improving the ability to maintain aggro.

    • Like 1
  13. When did Archetype specific enhancements go in? I think it must be 19.5 or later as I was around through 19, but was unaware of ATOs when I started here.


    The first set of ATOs was added in the Heroes and Villains Super Packs on 2/14/12, so about Issue 21.5.


    Also I did notice the other day that Boomtown doesn't have a hospital so that note about all zones having them is not correct. Several did get them then, but not all.


    Weird, the patch note specifically called out that they were added to Hazard and Trial zones. I will change the post to say "most zones."

  14. I think Serum could benefit from an effect similar to Fortify Pack in Beast Mastery, where just having the power grants all the Mercs some passive bonus in addition to the effects from using it. Maybe having Serum grants all Mercs a small amount of +Damage/+ToHit/+Resistance(All but Psi)/+Recovery, and then as part of the crash (which I would also suggest reducing), whichever Merc you used Serum on is exempt from this passive buff for 20 seconds.


    That would help Mercs overall, in addition to making Serum worth taking, without approaching cottage rule-level changes.

  15. In a recent patch Controller/Dominator Immobilize primaries were tweaked to convert all KB to KD instead. I'm noticing in Gravity Control this doesn't occur and KB will still fully impact foes, only the holds seem to suppress KB. I think before the update grav never had KB suppression on it's immobilize unlike some other sets like Earth. Just wanted to check if this is all by design or if Grav should get the KB2KD as well.


    Like you said, Gravity's (and Elec's) Immobilizes never had this -KB effect to begin with (to prevent Elec's Jolting Chain and Gremlins, and Gravity's Lift, Propel, Wormhole and Singularity from working as intended), so there was nothing to change in regard to the issue that was being addressed.


    The intent wasn't for all Immobilizes to convert KB to KD, but rather any Immobilize that previously caused KB to stop working to instead reduce it to a very low amount. That was done because the -KB effect actively worked against other powers in those sets (Bonfire, Ice Slick, Earthquake, Carrion Creepers).


    Edit: Reworded for clarity.

  16. FF is typed defense. Some players who cap will only be capped to positional defense (e.g. ranged). It's an amplification in that case, even if it might be a difference with only the most minor distinction.


    FF offers both typed and positional defense. Every +Defense buff in the Buff/Debuff sets was changed to make sure they could stack with either category of Defense. I think it was as early as either Issue 5 or 6.

  17. Archetypes have been able to switch sides since Issue 18 in 2010, and all Archetypes have been available to start as either a Hero or Villain at creation since Issue 21 in 2011. This wasn't a SCoRE change.


    The introduction of Praetoria in Going Rogue made this necessary. If the Villain ATs always became evil and the Hero ATs always became good, the entire point of Praetoria would've been lost.

  18. To the best of my knowledge, all endurance costs are already a static cost.


    Some powers have a cost per enemy affected, like Repulsion Field.  I honestly can't recall a list of such powers off the top of my head, but IIRC a couple of them take that cost in % rather than flat.


    Which is... a pretty niche area, and probably a deliberate choice for those powers.  If they exist.  I'd like that screenshot too.


    Yes, but those effects don't show up as endurance consumption for combat attributes or as endurance cost in the power info display, as they're actually set up like self endurance drains in the power effects, so they wouldn't explain what the OP is seeing.

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