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Posts posted by Trickshooter

  1. As far as exactly how much Absorb powers give, afaik it's based on the base HP of the caster's AT.  Since in this case the caster and recipient are the same AT, it means any given % would be the same regardless of build specifics.


    ...I think.  I do actually need to research Absorb again at some point.


    This is the part I wasn't sure about in my example about Nature. It looks like it would give 25% Absorb, and that would be 25% of your allies' HP bar, but then the Max Absorb looks like it's based on the caster.

  2. I don’t think absorb is a good mechanic for regen. Absorb on a defense toon benefits greatly from the defense and fewer hits landing. I am unsure if the same can be said for resist based sets, but I would guess that it can. Absorb on regen wouldn’t benefit at all from the entire rest of the set.  You can’t click heal the absorb or regen the absorb.  It may be a great mechanic for other sets but not regen.  Simply adding +max hp would be a much better option because it also increases your hp/s regen.


    A perma dullpain regen brute with 3200 hp can be quite sturdy simply because you can eat those alpha strikes a little easier.  Yes with recharge that high your sustain also goes up because you can click heal more often, but in normal mob to mob play on SO’s with hasten, reconstruction is up for nearly every mob already.  So in my experience, some +max hp would help quite a bit without greatly changing how the set plays.  I would take IH as a toggle though


    I can see what you're getting at with Defense and Resistance on a character with Absorb, but I also feel like Absorb benefits just as well from +MaxHP when it's granted as a percentage based on current MaxHP.


  3. Generally on Regen, Dull Pain doesn't have downtime (indeed, most /Regen goes for permahasten, which actually stacks the power).  The new version of the power looks like something intended to be skipped.


    ...In general, I love the formatting, but I don't think these changes make Regen noticeably more attractive for PvE.  If anything, putting yet another click power into rotation (by splitting Dull Pain into two different clicks, Abate and Revitalize) and making Abate require more frequent re-casting complicates it even further.


    That's fair. I'm mostly just trying to avoid changing anything from a click or toggle or adding or removing allowable enhancements. The further away you get away from how a power already functions, the more you tend to get "GOD PLEASE NO" as a response from other players.

  4. My personal ideas for updating Regen a bit:


    Fast Healing
    +75% Regeneration
    +25.95% Res(Regeneration)
    -----> Fast Healing (Unchanged)
    +75% Regeneration
    +25.95% Res(Regeneration)

    334.66 Heal
    +15% Res(Toxic)
    -----> Reconstruction (Unchanged)
    334.66 Heal
    +15% Res(Toxic)

    Quick Recovery
    +30% Recovery
    -----> Quick Recovery
    +30% Recovery
    +25% Res(Recovery, Endurance)

    Dull Pain
    +267.724 MaxHP (Unenhanceable)
    +267.724 MaxHP
    535.45 Heal

    -----> Abate Pain
    +267.724 MaxHP
    +40% Absorb (after 0.25 second delay)

    Res(Knock*, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immob)
    +50% Regeneration (Unenhanceable)
    +100% Regeneration
    -----> Integration
    Res(Knock*, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immob)
    +50% Regeneration (Unenhanceable)
    +100% Regeneration
    +20% Res(Speed, Recharge)

    +9.375% Res(All Damage)
    -----> Resilience
    +9.375% Res(All Damage)
    +267.724 MaxHP (Unenhanceable)

    Instant Healing
    +600% Regeneration (Unenhanceable)
    +200% Regeneration
    -----> Instant Healing (Unchanged)
    +600% Regeneration (Unenhanceable)
    +200% Regeneration

    1003.97 Heal (while dead)
    50 Endurance (while dead)
    -----> Revitalize
    1003.97 Heal (while dead)
    50 Endurance (while dead)
    535.45 Heal (while HP>0)
    50 Endurance (while HP>0)

    Moment of Glory
    Res(Knock*, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immob)
    +71.25% Defense(All but Psi)
    +71.25% Resistance(All but Psi)
    +100% Recovery
    -----> Moment of Glory (Unchanged)
    Res(Knock*, Repel, Disorient, Hold, Sleep, Immob)
    +71.25% Defense(All but Psi)
    +71.25% Resistance(All but Psi)
    +100% Recovery


    I'd also reduce the recharge and duration of Abate Pain to increase it's uptime, and then reorder the powers:


    Fast Healing Lvl 1

    Reconstruction Lvl 2

    Resilience Lvl 4

    Revitalize Lvl 10

    Integration Lvl 16

    Abate Pain Lvl 20

    Quick Recovery Lvl 28 (I know everyone is gonna really hate this)

    Instant Healing Lvl 35

    Moment of Glory Lvl 38


    My thinking here is that moving some of the MaxHP to Resilience improves performance during Dull Pain/Abate Pain downtime. And since Revive/Revitalize has better recharge than old Dull Pain anyway, it's ability to be used while alive means we can remove the Heal from Dull Pain/Abate Pain and give it something else more defensive/preemptive, like Absorb. And unless someone insists that the MaxHP moved to Resilience become enhanceable, this would also not add or change any sets or enhancements the powers already take. However, I do realize that this makes the set feel even more click-heavy, and I'm really sorry about suggesting moving QR to level 28, I really am, I just could not figure out how else to get more powers that actually contribute to survivability to be available earlier. I honestly hesitate to suggest changing power order at all, but it makes more sense this way.

    • Thanks 1
  5. Well, Id rather, for myself, blame PvP than to assume that the developers of that time were your choice of either 1.) Actively Malignant, or 2.) Broadly Incompetent


    I hate to say "Blame Castle," because Castle was a nice guy who was very willing to work with players, but from what I remember the nerf to ET's animation was something he pushed for almost immediately after being hired because he felt it was too much of an outlier. I can only assume that was based on whatever previous game design experience he had.

    • Thanks 1
  6. In light of the above, the only thing that justifies the existence of energy melee is the value of being pillow-fisted with pink-pom-poms.  Its not middle of the road with pros and cons, its just actively, notably, bad.  Reverting Energy Transfer probably wouldnt actually even make the set competitive with the later produced 'good sets' - Probably need to revist the animation time on Total Focus, and maybe give a bit of love to Barrage (say to the same DPA as Energy Punch and Bone Smasher - if you want the set to have a reason to be other than to by its choice indicate that you are uniformed, nostalgia-driven, or an active masochist.


    For Total Focus, I would make it's Smashing portion an AoE and also give it an AoE KD (but not on your main target). Beyond that, I think Stun could probably use a Cobra Strike-esque makeoever (ie recharge reduced to 10s, damage scale set at 1.96, could maybe even be given the old ET animation, unless anyone really really loves the baseball windup). Or maybe a small -Resistance could be added to all the attacks; it's one of the few debuffs not in melee sets.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm afriad I don't remember exactly, but I thought this was one of the many sets that took it on the chin because of PvP balance issues (where single target advantages reign supreme). One of the challenges with PvP on every MMO, is that you cannot have specialization and game balance. By definition making some powers different enough to be distinguished will always give folks a hook for abusing that unique feature to grief.


    If I'm wrong and it wasn't a PvP issue, then of course, nevermind. But I seem to remember that happening with a number of other sets.


    Before "it was because of PvP" gets too far again, let me try and clear some things up.


    Since Issue 4, the devs had the ability to make any power that targets a foe function differently depending on if the target is a Critter or a Player. That's how we had things like unresistable Defender debuffs, and triple damage Controllers, and unresistable Scrapper crits, etc. If PvP was really where Energy Transfer did too much damage, it could have done less damage to players since the introduction of PvP to the game. Even later on when the tech was introduced for one power to be able to redirect to different powers, Energy Transfer could have been left a long animation power in PvP, and had it's shorter animation time returned back to PvE if that was the issue. Knowing that, it's probably fair to say that PvP was not the cause.


    I'm not saying the animation changes to Energy Transfer were right. Far from it, actually. I like the look of Energy Melee, including the long ET animation, but the set no longer really excels at anything. Even as a concept pick for punch-y characters, Street Justice fits better. So I agree the set needs some work.


    All I want is for the story to stop being that PvP was to blame, because it really wasn't.

    • Thanks 3
  8. Ideally it would be the PPD Enforcer and a Swat equalizer or Grenadier.

    Support minion would be most likely a PPD guardian.



    It seems odd to have arachnos and so many other similar factions and not have a PPD option.


    I think Vanden meant Paragon Police Department OR Praetorian Police Department, but looks like you mean Paragon Police Department. I was too slow.


    Sounds like you kind of just want Cop or SWAT pets, but if we were going to get PPD, I think it'd be cooler to have a power armored unit, an enforcer drone and a Psi-Lieutenant as the buffer.

  9. When I read this, I thought it was about some special Arachnos Mace only carried by the 1960s Arachnos guys, in which case I was gonna be like "Yes! And let's also make those 1960s outfits available to Arachnos Soldiers!"


    I can't remember which one you're talking about, do you have a picture? I'm sure it could be made available if it's still in the files somewhere, though it might have been completely replaced/removed.

  10. I only suggested changing the immob to AoE, because it's a soft control anyway (To the point that a lot of people consider immobs "useless"), and single target immobs kind of are a bit useless. I don't think changing it to AoE would really make TA into more of a controller than it already is, it just turns Entangling into an attack I might actually want, rather than something I'd absolutely skip if possible.


    I don't know anyone that would consider them useless, as they're one of only two status effects that will affect an Archvillain through their Purple Triangles (the other being sleep), so for Controllers it's incredibly useful for setting up Containment. Which is the main reason I wouldn't suggest buffing Trick Arrow in this way. Improvements to the set for Controllers should be incidental, and giving the set another AoE control is a direct improvement to the set for them, while not really improving the set for the other ATs who have it as a secondary, Corruptors and Masterminds, whose control mods are only 64% of Controllers.


    It's much more useful for all ATs with access to Trick Arrow to buff the debuffing aspect of the power. That improves it significantly for Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds. You might say you still wouldn't take it, but upping the debuff to the strength of Web Grenade would make it very potent, if you've ever been hit by that power.

  11. Because additional recharge allows you to stack it.  Clickable mez protection powers like it and the one in SD currently offer the best mez prot in the game.


    It would be better to keep it as it is and also add other stackable buffs into it.

    This argument always rang hollow for me. It is incredibly rare for enemies to stack enough mezzes on you to overcome toggle mez protection from a primary or secondary set, so click mez protection being stackable just doesn’t seem like a real advantage. And it’s still useless against powers like Ghost Widow’s Soul Storm, because those mezzes are intentionally overpowered to make them nearly impossible to resist. On top of that, click mezzes use up your only auto-exec power, they can go off unexpectedly and root you when you’re trying to escape, and if you get real bad Scrapperlock you can queue up too many attacks, preventing it from going off and leaving you mezzable. So what, practically, are we getting out of click mez protections to justify those downsides and extra slots they need to achieve parity with their toggle counterparts?


    I think it's more useful in the lower levels, especially on non-Tankers. At level 22, Scrapper's mez protection powers only give a little over mag 7 protection (for comparison, Tankers exceed mag 7 protection at level 11), which is much easier for some enemy groups to get through than their mag ~10 protection at level 50.

  12. To everyone that's given feedback, thanks!


    I really want to stress two things with these suggestions, though:


    First, like I said, I do not want to drastically change any powers. I don't like the idea of logging in one day and a power you enjoy no longer works like you expect. I know A LOT of people feel like now that the game is more in the players hands, the cottage rule can be thrown out the window, but I feel like a lot of people misunderstand it's purpose. Arcanaville once described it pretty well, though I can't find the exact quote: the cottage rule doesn't exist to hamper players; it exists to protect players from the other players who think they know what everyone wants.


    Second, I would not try to improve Trick Arrow with more controls. The set already has an AoE Hold, AoE Sleep, two AoE -Speed, with one of them a KD patch, a ST Hold and a ST Immobilize; if it had one more AoE Control, it'd practically be a Controller Primary. It probably already performs best as a Controller Secondary, which I don't mind, that's the nature of the set, but I'd prefer to focus on the debuff aspects of the set so that it's equally improved for all ATs, rather than doubly improving it for Controllers.

    • Like 1
  13. Hey just wondering if powerset proliferation is hard for the devs here to do?  I'd like to see if we couldnt get Energy Aura armor set translated from the scrapper/brute/stalker into a Tank version?


    I would also love to have an Energy Aura Tanker!


    However... Have you ever done the math on how the set would translate to a Tanker? Way back when it was buffed in order to improve it's performance as a secondary, there was a bit of a lack of foresight on how that would translate to a primary. As of right now it'd be insane on a Tanker and would likely need a bit of tweaking.


    On just SOs, you'd be looking at:


    43.68% Defense(Smashing/Lethal)

    48.36% Defense(Fire/Cold)

    52.26% Defense(Energy)

    39% Defense(NegativeEnergy)

    7.8% Defense(Psionic)


    19.5% Resistance(Smashing/Lethal/NegativeEnergy/Toxic)

    35.1% Resistance(Energy)


    64.875% Resistance(Defense Debuff)


    That isn't to say that tweaking couldn't be done and the set could be ported. I assume it's just about the time necessary to do that amount of work. Simplest way would probably be to drop Energy Cloak for Tankers, add a passive with Fire/Cold Resistance, and lower the Fire/Cold/Energy Defense of Power Shield to match the Smashing/Lethal Defense of Kinetic Shield.


    That would make the set look more like:


    35.88% Defense(Smashing/Lethal/Fire/Cold)

    39.78% Defense(Energy)

    31.2% Defense(NegativeEnergy)


    19.5% Resistance(Smashing/Lethal/Fire/Cold/Negative/Toxic)

    35.1% Resistance(Energy)


    64.875% Resistance(Defense Debuff)

  14. It sounds to me like you're not a Super Strength player frustrated by the drawbacks of Rage, but a player of any set besides Super Strength that's jealous of the advantages of Rage. This thread is not for you.


    Says the guy with an Energy Melee avatar.


    It's not EM, it's Vanden's old suggestion for improving the appearance of SS!

  15. Would you say there's openness on that table for just removing the -Def penalty? Considering the end crash (and what risks that can bring), the damage penalty (which means foes get 10 secs to wail on you while you can't fight back), and that SS is disadvantaged in the late game with prominent resists to S/L; do you consider there being a case that could be argued for it, even if not ultimately successful?


    I think straight up removing it would have to come with some other downside. The thing we want to avoid is it becoming a "just set it on auto and forget about it" power, as that runs counter to the intent of both the original design and Castle's redesign of it.


    Even removing the damage penalty (due to the mentioned smashing resist issues) isn't out of the question if we can come up with some kind of alternative mechanic.


    If the -Defense has to stay, it seems simplest to let it be resistable.



    I firmly disagree with this. I would point to the suggestions I made in my post on page 5 instead, and the reasoning behind why a defense downgrade at all would be completely unacceptable. There's many other options. I don't think making Rage only viable for defense-focused sets that can easily overcap is a good idea.


    I think if it was -Str(Defense) at least, it wouldn't affect set bonuses (which I assume is where your Fiery Aura user is getting their +Defense from), as I believe they are flagged to ignore buffs and enhancements, but I would need to double-check. But the problem there I guess is that it would have no penalty for anyone without +Defense powers.

  16. Would you say there's openness on that table for just removing the -Def penalty? Considering the end crash (and what risks that can bring), the damage penalty (which means foes get 10 secs to wail on you while you can't fight back), and that SS is disadvantaged in the late game with prominent resists to S/L; do you consider there being a case that could be argued for it, even if not ultimately successful?


    I think straight up removing it would have to come with some other downside. The thing we want to avoid is it becoming a "just set it on auto and forget about it" power, as that runs counter to the intent of both the original design and Castle's redesign of it.


    Even removing the damage penalty (due to the mentioned smashing resist issues) isn't out of the question if we can come up with some kind of alternative mechanic.


    If the -Defense has to stay, it seems simplest to let it be resistable.


    However, that might make the effect negligible to sets with high defense debuff resistance, so if that's a problem (and I'm not sure it would be), would it make more sense if the -Defense was instead turned in to a -Str(Defense) instead?

  17. And while we're fixing things, Punch and Jab should have their base damage doubled.  Run the numbers and you'll see; those two powers are a complete joke.


    If you run the numbers, they actually do the correct amount of damage for their recharge timers.


    Jab: ((2*0.16)+0.36)/(1+0.75*0/5-(0.011*0/6)*(360-0)/5)=0.68

    Punch: ((4*0.16)+0.36)/1+0.75*0/5-(0.011*0/6)*(360-0)/5)=1


    That's not to say they can't break the damage formula; there's already precedence for that in SS, as Footstomp already does more damage than it should. But if Punch and Jab are a problem, it would be simpler to move up their recharges to either 3 and 5 seconds (0.84 DS on Jab, 1.16 DS on Punch) or 4 and 6 seconds (1 DS on Jab, 1.32 DS on Punch).

  18. /signed


    I use firecages to hold mobs in place while I tornado / lightning storm / bonfire etc. Or, well, I used to.


    I can see removing it from the single target, as it is with firecages the -kb is(was) a much shorter duration then the immob. This allowed firecages to really help nail mobs down and keep them in place for nuking.


    Or was the change just for the single target immob?


    KnockBack will be converted to KnockDown


    for partial or full time?


    I don't know what you mean by partial or full time. They likely just removed the -100 Knockup effect and then replaced the old effect of -100 Knockback with +9999% Resistance(Knockback) or something.

  19. My big issue is that Dark does in one power, TAR patch, what takes trick arrow 3 powers to do... seriously.. wtf?


    For corruptors Dark Miasma has a -30 resist and -90 run speed. Disruption arrow is a -15 resist only, Acid arrow is a -15 resist -20 def, and glue arrow is a -90 run speed.... seriously.. like how does this even happen...


    Even worse, Tar Patch only costs 7.8 endurance. Disruption Arrow on it's own costs double that.

  20. Is it possible to add the Carnival of Shadows Giovanna Scaldi mask as an unlocked costume piece in the costume creator? I understand if it is a tall order


    It may actually already be a costume piece that could be given, at least to the Female body type. I think it was originally built on to the Carnie models, but Desdemona has one now and I think that one is a separate piece. It may or may not work with face scales, though.

  21. /signed


    I use firecages to hold mobs in place while I tornado / lightning storm / bonfire etc. Or, well, I used to.


    I can see removing it from the single target, as it is with firecages the -kb is(was) a much shorter duration then the immob. This allowed firecages to really help nail mobs down and keep them in place for nuking.


    Or was the change just for the single target immob?


    KnockBack will be converted to KnockDown
  22. char lvl 26, all enhancements are lvl 25 IO's, electrical/super reflexes



    charged brawls - 1 recharge, 2 end red

    thunder strike - 1 recharge, 2 end red

    taunt - 1 acc, 1 empty

    chain induction - 1 rech, 2 end red


    super reflexes

    focused fighting - 3 end red

    focused senses - 3 end red

    agile - 1 def

    practiced brawler - 3 end red

    dodge - 1 def

    evasion - 3 end red



    sprint - 1 end red(and i usually turn sprint off in a fight...kind of annoying)

    stamina - 6 end mod



    maneuvers - 3 end red

    tactics - 3 tohit



    fly - empty



    aid other - 1 end red

    aid self - 1 empty



    That's 29 endurance reductions and modifications IO's.  Which is a very very long winded way of saying, i got end stuff in all my crap and my end is awful :P


    edit - forgot to label flight and medicine :P


    Level 26 seems way too early for a Brute to invest in the Leadership pool. If you really want these, you should invest in them later. Also, these pools' end costs and effects are balanced for team powers, you should definitely not be running any of them without EndRedux and I question why you'd want them at all, besides like late game Vengeance antics.


    You should also try to get at least one more slot in to your attacks for now, and change them up to like 1 ACC, 2 DMG, 1 EndRedux. Part of your problem, beyond the Leadership toggles, is probably that you're having to activate too many powers to kill enemies, especially since you've skipped the two highest damage attacks available to you by level 26, both of which are also AoEs.


    Taunt only needs an ACC for PvP. At your level in PvE, just one Taunt or Recharge enhancement should be okay.


    For now, you can probably live with converting one EndRedux in each of your SR toggles in to DEF, and Practiced Brawler is good with just 2 Recharge enhancements.


    Stamina does not need 6 slots unless there some specific EndMod IO set you really want the 6 slot bonuses from, and even so, add those slots late-game. 2-3 slots should be more than sufficient for now.


    You probably already know, but don't fight with Flight on. Also, consider switching to Leaping as Combat Jumping goes well with most melee +Defense sets, like SR.


    Injection would also stack with your build better than Aid Other. You can use it on foes for -ToHit.

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