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Everything posted by BuiltDifferent5

  1. I mean, if you felt inspired and so INCLINED to drop a Dark Armor/Energy Melee Tanker build… we wouldn’t be mad at you 😉
  2. Claws/Bio seems like a classic… for good reason. I’m torn between going Claws/Bio or Claws/Stone.
  3. Thanks for this call out @Erratic1! Would you say Rad Melee is one of the more end intensive sets, along with Battle Axe and Stone Melee?
  4. Radiation Melee seems intriguing to me, although I hate the animation of Proton Sweep and Devastating Blow 😂 I DO love Atom Smashers animation and will absolutely add a chance to KD proc in it just for the epicness. Thinking of pairing with Shield, since it brings a nice heal to Shield and AAO can help ramp Rad’s damage. Wondering if I could just run an attack chain of Smash - Siphon - Atom Smasher and mix in epic attacks/cross punch with a proc’d out IG doing (although I heard there were changes to it a while back)? The fact that it can slot so many procs (including -res) seems promising. Anyone have experience with it on a Tanker? How do you like it? How does it compare to the Shield/DM (which seems like the closest comparison I guess).
  5. Yeah, I am messing around with a Claws/Bio in mids myself right now, as well as Dual Blades/EnA and Battle Axe/Shield. This discussion has got me thinking a lot, it’s been super helpful!
  6. Gotcha, you feel that Shield/Fiery on a Tanker just flat out outperforms the Scrapper version? I could see that with it’s natural damage and the addition of Combustion.
  7. KD procs in FSC and Combustion (or at least one of them) is great to layer on top of Shield charge. Also, other than looking AWESOME together, Shield/Fiery feels like one of the most well balanced tanks between defense and offense. To me at least.
  8. Rad/, Elec/ and Bio/ are some of my favorites as well due to the fact that you never have to worry about endurance. WP/ is in there as well I'm sure, I just haven't run it yet.
  9. +1 for a combo you can only run on a Scrapper. Also pretty funny being stealthy with a GIANT weapon 😂
  10. Ninjitsu is interesting to me. I can also see the potential to run burn out and rotate Nin's T9 with Unleashed Potential... just cycle those and be unkillable lol.
  11. Claws + Shield = UNLIMITED POWER haha. I'm looking at Claws/EnA myself. Seems like it would be solid defensively and still do well on the dmg front. Still messing around with what I want to pair with Shield Defense.
  12. Alright so I HAVE seen you and Ratch talk about TW. I myself HAVE run an Elec/TW Tanker and the combo is *chefs kiss*. For some reason, it’s hard for me to mentally get it going on a Scrapper since it takes time to get Momentum going. MA/Nin sounds promising, but I totally get not wanting to run something due to lack of a taunt aura. I DO mostly team, but that would be a game breaker if I solo’d.
  13. Ninjitsu seems promising. Maybe something like Ma/Ninjitsu. I think MA gets a +Crit proc on a Scrapper as well?
  14. Great point on the ATO proc. Probably makes a huge difference based on what sets leverage it best. Just looked though, and you CANNOT pair Claws with Stone Armor on a Tanker or Brute unfortunately. Their T9 does not allow it for some reason.
  15. Good clarification. I guess the cop out answer is “a mix of both”? Lol Looking at it, it seems like /Shield and /Energy Aura (and maybe Ice or Stone?) kind of fit the bill the most.
  16. I.E. Sets think think work better on a Scrapper compared to any other AT? I’m asking this because, in my experience so far, it just seems that many/most combos just seem to work better on a Tanker with their larger AOE’s and ability to abuse procs while being much tougher. Not dying = being able to do more damage as well 😂 So, in your experience, are there any combos that just SHINE the most on Scrappers? For example, Elec Melee/Shield defense is KNOWN to really be great on Stalkers. Pretty much any of the resist sets are going to be better on Brutes/Tankers. Some combos that stuck out to me: Claws/Stone Armor, but mostly because you CAN’T run that combo on a Brute or Tanker 😂 another is Dual Blades/Energy Aura since the +Dmg you get with that combo/set screams Scrapper. Claws/Bio and Battle Axe/Bio seem great on a Scrapper, but I’m not sure if it truly outpaces the same combo on a Tanker. Maybe something with Shield Defense? Anyways, I just thought it’d be fun to hear from all you heroes out there! What are some combos you’d only run/feel are optimal on a Scrapper?
  17. All previous points are great! I also highly recommend taking Meltdown. It is a T9 that most other T9's aspire to be 😂
  18. I THINK if you hit one of the sword powers, it’ll “ignite” the sword and you can run around with a shield and greater fire sword… which is pretty cool. I WISH Scrappers got Combustion like Tanker’s do. Shield Charge + Fire Sword Circle + Combustion probably wipes mobs pretty well.
  19. I could see a Fire/Shield Scrapper looking awesome and being bonkers.
  20. Thanks for this! Yeah, for the purposes of “just surviving”, it seems tough to beat Dark Melee. I really like the Fiery Melee choice though, as the baddies can’t take you down if they are all… ahem…. ARRESTED. 😂
  21. You mind sharing your build? Seems like it would be an uber tough combo on a Stalker.
  22. Thanks for confirming. I REALLY like staff on Tankers for the larger AOE’s/Target caps. However, it looks like AS for Staff on Stalkers can really push the offense for it. How is it toughness wise compared to other Stalkers you’ve run? Any other sets you feel mesh really well on a Stalker with Staff?
  23. On paper, I could see this combo being the “studiest” tanker haha Part of me wonders if it’d almost be better suited on a Stalker since it’ll naturally be so tanky, and you get the added ST damage of Assassin’s Strike.
  24. I love seeing both Ice Armor AND Staff Fighting getting some love.
  25. Stone just seems great after the update. Any sets, other than Fiery Melee, you feel pair particularly well with it?
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