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Everything posted by BuiltDifferent5

  1. BOGO 😂 So my only hesitation with the ranged sets is that they are lacking the "martial arts" feel. I GUESS I could just commit to one element, like Seismic or Water Blast, and pair with Martial Assault. That being said, I guess once you achieved the "Avatar State", you wouldn't be doing as much melee fighting? haha
  2. I missed the train on this series when it came out. I’m not watching it with my oldest son and we’re absolutely loving it. I thought this would be fun: for those who have seen it, how would you build an Avatar that can bend multiple elements? I know it’s hard to get all 4 (Air, Fire, Water and Earth), but it’s a pretty cool exercise! Some I was thinking of: Fire/Kinetic Melee Tanker: Fire Armor fits for one obviously. KM is the set I feel is closest to “air bending.” Maybe go with Earth Mastery as well. Stone/KM Tanker: Same as above, but you would just sub in for the Fire Epic Master Pool Thermal paired with Water or Seismic Blast Defender: I feel this works in a couple of elements! Either blast set could work. Water KIND of works for Water and Air. Earth/Fire Dom: Could go this combo or the reverse. What are your thoughts/ideas/suggestions?
  3. Man this is precisely what I was looking for. This looks like a beast of a Scrapper.
  4. Thanks for this. I know some others in the thread were talking about it, but DA/Staff seems like it’d be very good. Tanky and holding aggro like a beast I’m sure.
  5. Is there one you’d suggest over the other? Which one is sturdier/holds up better in most 50+ content? Thinking of potentially pairing either with Katana, Savage Melee, MA or Street Justice. Nothing set in stone though, so happy to hear about synergies with either of those armors.
  6. This. My variation is actually Storm/Water Blast. Absolute chaos and I love it. Now I just need to figure out the endurance issues 😂
  7. How do you feel the damage is with this build? I’m assuming you just made it to have the most absurdly tanky thing possible 😂
  8. Could this be the most survivable tanker…. Ever? Lol
  9. I’m very interested in this combo! I can’t seem to find many builds out there to use as a base. If you’ve ran it before and have a build you’d like to share, I’d love to see it!
  10. My buddies and I all grew up watching Power Rangers. 3 of us have found Homecoming and thought it would be fun to create our own Power Ranger team! I wanted to ask you all: how would you build YOUR Power Ranger? What AT/Powersets? I know some make a lot of sense (MA/Nin Scrapper for example which one of my buddies is doing) but I’m leaning towards a Street Justice Scrapper for mine! I’m thinking of pairing it with either Rad Armor (for the power up effects you see in later seasons) or Bio Armor (with the idea that the suits are kind of bio organic like the Guyver). Weapons sets like Katana or Dual Blades could also make sense! Would you lean one way or the other between those two? How would you build your Power Ranger?
  11. Absolutely. I have a lv 50 Storm/Water that I haven’t IO’d out yet… but I have a feeling it’ll be a lot stronger after these changes.
  12. It’s interesting. I believe STORM performs better on a Defender, but the new Storm Blast has a ton of DOTS and would be better on a Corruptor. So if you’re just going Storm Blast, probably Corruptor. If you’re going Storm/Storm, more of a toss up. This is all guesswork on my end though.
  13. Makes sense. I’ll have to figure out how to rework my build/what I’m gonna drop to add it. You just 6 slot with proc?
  14. I've been leveling a DB/EnA Scrapper myself SomeGuy, and it is a hoot. I dig the animations and I like having the option to use the combos if I want, but to also just pump recharge for the "GOD" damage haha. QQ for you on DM/Shield: It was my first scrapper to 50 ever. I've been toying with it a bit since I feel it is a great all around, jack of all trades combo. What are your thoughts on ToF now that is AOE? Seems great on a Tanker, but I'm wondering if I should respec into it on my Scrap.
  15. I’ve had this dilemma myself, but if I were to steer you towards any of the above combos, it would be DM/Shield or DB/Energy Aura. DM/Shield is a great Jack of all trades. Once you have Dark Consumption, endurance should be fine. Shield always is fun with SC, and DM has a nice bag of tricks. DB/EnA is a great combo as well. EnA pumps up the recharge, which DB loves. It also has an endurance clicky, which is nice. DB comes down to if you like the style of its animations. I’d recommend trying one out on test or just playing with it in costume creator. I for one dig them.
  16. I do agree agree that StJ is one of the most aesthetically pleasing sets haha. I didn’t know that CU brought the highest ST damage for a Tanker! My only hesitation with the combo is what it brings outside of damage compared to some of the other secondaries. That being said, I guess Spinning Strike has a knockdown and CU brings some CC? And you mentioned the debuff from Rib Cracker, which I overlooked. Could be nice for the tough AV fights in HM! I was also thinking StJ didn’t have a great follow up to Shield Charge compared to some other sets. Re-thinking it though, it seems decent. Hit Combat Readiness - Shield Charge in, use Spinning Strike spender followed by your standard combos to end with Crushing Uppercut spender.
  17. Makes sense. Could even look to work Hand Clap into the build if I care about it that much. When the crash happens, use it and Foot stomp to keep baddies on their back and the 10 seconds is almost over. That being said, I guess I could go MA, Stone Melee or Battle Axe and just not even worry about it 😂
  18. All of this is noted. The dmg crash is one thing, which hopefully procs help and your team can cover for those 10 seconds. My bigger concern is the Def dropping. For a primarily defensive set like Shield, would that neuter it? Or is the defense crash not that significant?
  19. I saw these melee tests done a while back… was surprised by Savage Melee’s performance! Although, I don’t know how much utility Sav Melee brings.
  20. Tons of help Betty, thank you. I know the synergy for Rad/SS is the procs Rad Armor holds isn’t impacted by the rage crash… could you see the Rage crash really neutering Shield? I’m wondering if AAO would help with that. And good cal out for Shield/MA. I guess the best defense is a good offense in some cases 😂 Storm kick could free you up to slot some more damage.
  21. First off, SUPER clever about the mobile dummy. I did have a DM/Shield SCRAPPER on live, which might be why it was one of my lower choices. Battle Axe, Stone Melee and SS seem like they all fill kind of the hard hitting, heavy CC style. Would you push for one over the others. Something SEEMS like Stone has the most CC, and can slot some absorb procs with its hold. SS might have the highest upside damage wise with Rage, but idk if rage crash would totally kill it. MA seems like it could be a min/max choice. I was reading through an old “Tank Gods” thread and it seems @Werner did some crazy things with a Shield/MA Tanker. That being said, it could just be that it’s the optimal SOLO choice compared to being the best team choice when it comes to keeping your teammates alive.
  22. Hi everyone! So I'm a big believer that Shield Defense is the "Ultimate Team Tank" primary. Of course some others can be AMAZING, I just personally love how Shield buffs your allies, has the ability to hard engage and is just a literal SHIELD for your team to stand behind haha Anyways, with that being said, if I wanted to build the ultimate Shield Tanker for keeping my allies alive in Hard Mode/Aeon content, what secondary would you pair it with? These are the ones I've been looking at (and mostly theoretical): **Shield/Elec:** With it's double teleports attacks, you basically have an Alpha Strike for every mob. Single Target dmg is lacking, but AOE is insane and you're there to just to be unkillable and arrest baddies, right? Probably "feels" the most powerful out of the combos due to Shield Charge and Lightning Rod. **Shield/MA:** I believe some crazy stuff was performed with this combo in the past. MA can basically bring up all of Shields positional defenses to incarnate levels, and you can build heavy resists underneath it. Dragon's tail fires off really quick and can keep mobs down and if you slot a FF into it, it'll fire off to really pump up the recharge. **Shield/Battle Axe:** Originally was looking at BS, but the new Battle Axe seems great. Good area control and some FF potential! **Shield/Kinetic Melee:** This combo is my "dark horse" and kind of under the radar strong. Shield Charge + Burst allows you to really keep mobs on their butt. Burst refreshes quickly, and can slot FF and -resist. The BIG synergy is that AAO in shield causes foes to do -Dmg, as does KM attacks. So you're effectively lowering the damage that enemies do to your team just by... being you. Heck, you could grab Darkest Night epic power as well and further tank their damage. You also have two ranged attacks for runners that also have knockdown for great crowd control. **Shield/Stone Melee** From what I witnessed, Stone seems to hit like a truck and has great crowd control. Good FF slotting as well. I could see it being endurance heavy. **Shield/Super Strength:** I feel like this is a satisfying classic. AAO + Rage will make you a damage powerhouse. Yeah, rage drop will tank that damage, BUT you still bring a lot of utility with Shield Charge + Foot Stomp. **Shield/Dark Melee:** I've ran this on a Scrapper, and I feel like it is PROBABLY the most selfish. It brings a nice heal to shield, and good AOE. Outside of the -Tohit DM attacks provide though, it doesn't really do much else to help keep you TEAMMATES alive. Still an amazing combo on a Tanker I'm sure though. I'd love to hear the community's thoughts and/or suggestions! Obviously, I've really enjoyed my Shield Scrapper and I want to give one of these a whirl on a Tanker.
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