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R jobbus

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Everything posted by R jobbus

  1. ok I can see what you're getting at here, so what proc enhancements would you put in SD then. I have superior blistering coldx5 in it at the moment + one recharge enhancement that's probably not really doing anything. I'd lose the set bonuses if i do anything but replace the recharge enhancement but im just curious what's possible, i may mess around w/ it in mids
  2. Right, see i'm using superior blistering cold and the 2 archtype sets, with scrapper strike split as well. I'm likely doing what I should be doing im just not used to it cause I came from playing a blaster. But yea my katana/willpower scrapper is omega tanky and I find that to be more important than trying to squeeze out a little more damage as well. I also need to unlock hybrid slot lol that'd probably help things out as well. One last question would you go barrier if a scrapper is already tanky or ageless? I really have 0 endurance issues, it would probably just take like a few seconds off dragonfly/dragon at this point. I just dont know if barrier would do anything if im already pretty solid defense wise. i know it's probably good to get both. Thanks for the help, just wondering. I am quite new to scrapper, only played blaster so far.
  3. ah ok, thanks for the help. But I mean if this is the case, how do you get more damage for a scrapper? Just recharge and damage set bonuses?
  4. I'm pretty new here but just trying to understand, is it a good idea to use damage proc enhancements for scrapper abilities that have like a 13-17 second cooldown? or should you just use cooldown instead for the slot. I found another big damage proc topic that got into how worth it is, saying that for lower cooldown abilities like 3-5 seconds, it's not worth it, but for higher cooldown like 16-ish seconds it might be. But..global cooldown doesn't affect that, right. Cause say, on a katana scrapper, golden dragonfly's cooldown for me has gone down to 3-4 seconds after global cooldown. I'm unsure how hasten affects the damage proc also. So where and how/if do I use damage proc enhancements for scrapper. Or say a katana scrapper. and how does ageless/hasten affect that, if that's clear. if I'm even asking this right lol. again sorry i'm new just wrapping my head around this a bit before spending alot of inf on stuff. thanks for the help
  5. what set bonuses would you sacrifice to add some damage. I know i just need to get my incarnate stuff up lol that'd probably help. I do like the self rez just cause im a scrub
  6. So I used this build and it's really amazing, the defense and stuff is just wild and I solo'd alot of things. Very fun build. I have a few questions: 1) do you think it's possible to add more damage to this build? or is this just kind of what you expect from a katana scrapper. it's still solid damage, but I'm just unaware of what I should be expecting. Like does this build stress more defense or is the damage what it should be for the most part 2) How exactly do I use divine avalanche.. like I know you just use it, but does this build need for it to be used more than 2-3 times to get the full use out of it? I'm unclear on it. Sorry for all the questions, just new to scrapper and all this and very much appreciate all the info. again, thanks for the build, super fun
  7. This looks great, thanks so much! yea I was working on something similar but this helps alot. it's pretty stacked. I might switch like one thing out for a travel power lol but other than that his clears up alot of my questions. Awesome
  8. Yeah that'd be great if you wouldn't mind, i'd appreciate it. Ive seen some build up divine avalanche, or completely ignore it, so im tryin to just get some examples.. i'd rather use it if i can help it right, it's supposedly pretty good. Im just new to scrappers though, and katana.
  9. Hey i'd like to see the final build lol, I need help with Katana/Willpower scrapper, what did you end up going with
  10. Hey guys, I'm just looking for ideas/builds on how to make an end game katana/willpower scrapper. Ive only played blaster and a dominator so I'm not really sure what an end game 50+ katana scrapper build looks like. My build isn't really finished but I am level 50. I'm all for ideas if you guys have katana/willpower builds that you like. I've got inf to spend but just wanted to look at a few builds first. thanks for the help.
  11. Hey, I am trying to look at these builds but everytime I open them in anything it's just jumbled and a really long notepad text file. Sorry I'm kinda new, is there any way I can view them properly? or do you guys use a certain program to view them. Thanks
  12. Hey guys, I'm a new player and my first character to reach 50 is a fire/ice/ice blaster, though I'm considering respecing the epic ice pool to fire my questions really revolve around Fire/fire/fire blaster and how it would compare to just doing fire/ice/fire. Is the fire secondary really that important if i'm gonna switch to fire epic pool? or like what's the advantages of fire secondary compared to ice. I really like the ice patch and slow capabilities of /ice, but I don't want to miss out on stuff investing in a fire blaster without one of the better secondary sets. Is Fire/fire/fire better to invest in than fire/ice/fire? I mean i use the word 'better' but just if im trying to make one of the stronger blaster sets and invest in them long term, would i be better off just making a new fire/fire/fire blaster (I have a fire/fire blaster so far at like 24) What would you guys suggest. thanks for the help
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