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Everything posted by Hedrondesign

  1. Did this change? here is mine. No option showing in that location.
  2. Yes, Katana has fire swords and ice swords and one that is called fire and ice but. None of them are the actual swords from the standard ice or fire melee sets. Dual blades and some others use the greater fire and or ice swords but not the smaller ones (for whatever reason) I would love to have my katana characters have the ice and fire swords from ice and fire melee. If you want to throw in the greater versions then that's fine to. I thought at first there might be some reason they are not Katana options but then I saw the greater swords for dual blades and was really dumb founded that we do not have them for Katana.
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  3. I never have any issue with not having seizmic stacks for Stalag. I am always firing it off buffed. The stacks come so fast and there is none of that shut out crap like some sets have. I rarely use the stacks for just knocking stuff near me down because when I need it it doesnt and when I don't it does lol. the set fires so fast that constant self buff is more than doable. That buffed stalag hits hard. I didn't even think of the jump up build up trick. Now I am going to wreck even harder. Also I miss the original knock back on meator. It was STUPID and I loved it! It was the only time I WANTED to put knock back into a power hahaha. To bad they fixed it. Seeing mobs fly out of render range was great.
  4. On my claws scrapper I put it in follow up and I have often gotten it 2-3 times in a row in a fight. Occasionally I have gotten the proc 4 or 5 times. I never seen it go off more than 5 in a row. I didn't even know that was possible. Base recharge on follow up is what, 6 seconds I think? Of course from time to time I do have dry spells but it is pretty consistant. Follow up then cone and spin usually sends a cloud of crits across the screen unless the 50% just rolls low that time. I am trying to place it in a good slot on another scrapper but I made an oopsy and put it is a fast power and it seems to hardly ever go off. No clu why someone would put it in an aoe yeah maybe the proc goes off but then you miss out on using that aoe as a crit proliferator. When I hit the proc off follow up then throw an aoe or two it's magic.
  5. Well I figured it out now. Never mind lol. Don't know how to delete a topic I started so this will have to do.
  6. Wasn't sure where to put this so general it is. Perhaps there is a list already somewhere of the actual prestige costume power names for use to bind or macro them. I have dragged the costume power into chat to see the name and it is (example) [Power:Costume: Mk-VI Victoria] Now for things like attack power etc. I know the syntax/format to do a pow_exec_name activation but for these I have no clue. I tried several derivations on what appeared in the chat after dragging the power but no luck. Please help if you can thank you.
  7. I been looking at abuilds and also spent hours in mids. I am honestly not sure if I should be leaning into Resistance primarily or Defense primarily. Please led your advice and input. I am so unsure on this build with so many cones in the attacks seems like a lot of the same enhancement options for attacks. Of course I am taking tough, weave and combat jumping. If going defense I guess I should throw in maneuvers but I am so unsure on this build. It is a very different build aproach to my other brutes.
  8. Every time I make a bio armor or rad armor character this comes up. Bio armor I usually turn off all that I can but then the adaptations make me look like I am growing mould or fungus from my costume lol.
  9. Yep once this was explained It really made sense to me the issue. Hence my "band aid" solution of maybe adding a chest detail that covers the torso of tights, like some of the armor overlays in that section do but made to be right left colored. Of course this does not deal with the legs. As far as making many paterns Personally just a left right solid is all I am suggesting. While other patterns would be fantastic I would not expect so many to be made. I think my newest level 50 will show my complete bias and desire for a left right color option lol.
  10. Well this explains why it has been this long without it happening. I am curious then if the one mask that is right left colors was different or just because it was a smaller thing thus easy to be in the game. Hmm. Maybe something like the chest details that cover most of the torso could be added at least. The chest detail over tights would have the left right pattern with pickable colors instead of the actual torso? Of course legs would be another matter but at least we could have something? There are several chest details like roman armor etc tha almost fully cover the torso already I would think it is possible to add one more but of course I could be completely wrong. I have no insight as to the challenge.
  11. I swore someone told me there was a thread or something for this but I could not find it. Please, especially after the shoulders, gloves and boots change to be individually applied, we still don't have a simple left right color pattern for tights etc. We have a mask option that is 90 percent (it doesn’t go down the entire neck) and with the shoulders boots and gloves I can make all the right ones a color and all the left ones a color but then I cannot make a right left color divided torso and legs. Sometimes I still cannot believe this wasn't added while the game was live originally. Please can this happen. I know it may not be priority but it is one pattern for three body type legs and three body type torsos. Even if it is only for tights and not for shirts and baggy robes etc. Fin.
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