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Everything posted by CienFuegos

  1. eats pizza as watches mayhem of the digi tussel
  2. time for bunny to DIGIevolve into aNTYLMON!
  3. that's it!...throws pokemon ball and out pops Larker bunneh..I chose you battle!
  4. waddles self back into transmorgifier transforms into
  5. And becky * drags from under couch mixed with larker ...make....
  6. left is 12 the old guy before the chick then we have 10 11 and 4
  7. -_- traitor!...hops back in and transforms back to everybodys lovabale pup
  8. Or fedor and rook and Me we get....
  9. and when we mix larker bunny and Becky we get.....
  10. @rookery. we need to stop hanging out at @Pogomanlab together
  11. with a mighty growl holds on to rooks beaks avoiding the boops
  12. glares at becky from rooks beak....grrr grrrr
  13. noms pancake nom nom nom.... good morning rook Fedor larker bunny becky and co...
  14. walks by and sets it to SUPER FLUFFY KITTY throws in some glow in the dark sticks
  15. looks like someone accidently hit becky
  16. Dog house transform!...transforms doghouse into super soaker 6000 take that bunny....
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