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Everything posted by CienFuegos

  1. i think I was with you with the corruptor one he was mad because we just kept killing the pylons and ignoring the xp smh….
  2. remind me again how do I take a screen shot
  3. im still old school where I six slot stamina for endurance
  4. could it help to get stealth suit and envenomed daggers?
  5. ya most annoying part is the COT
  6. I ben thinking of trying to solo it
  7. If I Remember correctly a 12 min positron one task force was done on live ( please correct me if I'm wrong) can anyone match 12 mins now that Positron is Weekly Strike Target ?
  8. BB Ill try for the next one you all really need a MSR channel
  9. question does it have table mission computer etc? Ty for making it available
  10. can also try Tiger Bomb (space) Tigger Bomb T1ger Bomb Tiger Bawmb Tiger-Bomb A Tiger Bomb TigerBomb ( no space) Tigerbomb2 Tiger Bomb 1.0 Original Tiger Bomb
  11. and he finally has two alts !
  12. and it shows so nice to see huge sgs again
  13. why what happened
  14. love this community =0 )
  15. flying bean bags and auto serve coffee help yourself 😃
  16. wont be home till 6 pm pacific =( have fun wish could be there
  17. always welcomed there cold pizza and coffee
  18. has anyone counted the catgirls in pocket D? I think we down to under 1000
  19. suddenly a tunnel appears....sorry took a wrong turn at alberque
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