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Posts posted by CienFuegos

  1. 3 minutes ago, rookery. said:

    I do. Mini Me Blood Horn runs a great farm and is super nice! Tops!


    As opposed to me, who finds ways to MIN builds and somehow make them worse 😛


    Also, all you guys are great! Red OR Blue.


    /e bites into her hami and egg sammich and is concerned that it seems to be squealing. "I think this mitochondria isn't quite dead yet Puppeh."

    no problem rookerina! pulls out 45 and shoots it dead 

  2. 2 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

    I'm on Everlasting Sackbuddy, Rooky knows one of my vgmates real well his name is Mini Me Blood Horn, I play exclusively on Red.

    All I do is farm, min max builds, and run the occasional TF/SF.

    Warpact remind me on live where you Rumble Bunny? 

  3. 6 hours ago, rookery. said:

    Picture if you will a strange place....constantly shifting, never staying quite the same. One moment it has the appearance of the Disney castle, the next a house of horror but always the smell of maple syrup and pancakes coming from it. Now picture the lawn of that place, sometimes brambles, sometimes well maintained with rose bushes of white, red, rose and even black varieties. It always changes, except for one place, a place of freshly turned earth. It's clear what it is. You know what it is before you've even been told, but to read it makes it that much more real, that symbol of human's fleeting impermanence.


    It is a grave. 


    Someone, something is buried there and quite recently. 


    As you watch,  the dirt begins to shift and slide, and you realize that maybe whatever was interred wasn't quite dead. A fact that becomes all too true a moment later.


    Pushing it's way forth from the moist dirt, a wing and then another and then a beak snapping and chittering before finally the whole mass of it break free from the earths embrace and hunches upon the disturbed grave coughing and gagging.


    With a rasping cry the form lurches forward, picks up a shovel and staggers from the mound, "PUPPPEH.....WHY DID YOU BURY ME IN MY GOGO BOOOOOOOOOTS!"


    Now imagine this same hunched form making it's way into the building and turning on the pancake making machine.


    And now imagine it wishing you all good morning.

    to quote the rookery "nevermore" where is Fedor???


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  4. 27 minutes ago, rookery. said:

    Oh noes!


    And those are bismarks, they are like the caloric nuclear bombs of the donut world!





    KABLOOOEY PUPPY BITS ALL OVER..reforms in Puppy 11 ..rooky am I a Ginger now?

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