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Posts posted by CienFuegos

  1. 11 minutes ago, rookery. said:

    Beginning descent into italicized space in 3...2....1....


    The fact that you enjoy it is good enough reason in my book. 


    I posted a picture a while back, seems years ago now, of a really burly scary guy with the caption, "This is Hans BurlyMan. He fights bears as a hobby and punched engine blocks for a living. He also plays Princess Pink Poofs on his favorite videogame. Why? Because it makes him happy."


    And at the end of the day, one assumes you aren't an actual villain bunny so you are roleplaying! CAUGHT YA! MUAAHAHAHAH! But really, you can RP being a damn desk lamp if it appeals to you. Humans and the brains that go with them can be so freakin awesome! Not everyone has to be the five layers deep super villain with multiple motives and consistent backstories. I mean I have a super named Intergluteal Crease, his tragic backstory is he sassed the overworked Hero Corp admin who entered names in the computer and while he was talking with his buddy on the phone, he said, "Just call me the Intergluteal Crease!" as a joke and the admin went with it. It's silly and stupid and I never go hardly any further with him short of offering my teammates freshly cracked walnuts. 😛 Why? Cause it makes me laugh!


    Also, Rook works at 911 and we have some bad times roll around as well. High stress, high burnout, most days are boring but some...are not. And also dealing with some tangential relations with moderate dementia is quite frankly scaring me. A lot.


    So at the end of it all. I am happy you all enjoy the Rookery, the crazy place in our combined heads, it is as much yours as it ever was mine. 


    Back to non italicized text.



    /e hands out chocolate chip cookies and orange juice while watching Bunneh and Puppeh chase each other across the lawn.

    4th wall open

    I like the rookery I find it amusing and you all make me laugh out loud I miss the ones who don't come anymore 

    it a escape into insanity that is funny and we care about each other we are family for a long time

    bird cat puppy a fluffy toy we are almost a toy story,,,,

    My life has it intense moments to I am a Licensed clinical social worker and I see higher level of care people so when here I don't use that brain much,,,

    I njoy the antics and escape reality 

    end fourth wall 

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  2. 1 hour ago, rookery. said:

    /e leaps out of the way of the airdrop. That's a lotta bacon!


    We had over a hundred peeps come to the Black Cat club last night! And it felt like I waited on them all! 😛


    You all can come if you want, it's on Tuesday's but I cant run around the place like here. I have to have on my serious RP face.  


    Look for the black cat caller out by the SG portal in Pocket D.

    rook has a serious Rp face????


    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, rookery. said:

    /e cocks a head and peers down at Fedor, "I suspect malfeasance of the highest order."


    Probably a supervillain to be truthful.


    /e flies over to the baconator 5000 and punches the button for a ten piece bacon combo.


    This shouldn't take... *DING*  .... long.


    /e gobbles down the bacon before Puppeh shows up.



  4. 1 hour ago, rookery. said:

    /e cocks a head and peers down at Fedor, "I suspect malfeasance of the highest order."


    Probably a supervillain to be truthful.


    /e flies over to the baconator 5000 and punches the button for a ten piece bacon combo.


    This shouldn't take... *DING*  .... long.


    /e gobbles down the bacon before Puppeh shows up.

    frowns walks out....da rook traitor to da puppehs …..

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, rookery. said:

    *snags at least one chocolate donut before the box disappears and flutters to sit on the edge of the purple FBBC.


    Kinda hard to fly with armored wings....maybe I need a jet propulsion system....


    Hello Stark Industries? Can I get a special order made? Yeah I want....*mumbles* *mumbles* Yes to go into outer space. SOMEBODY Got to fight Thanos if he comes back. *mumbles* *mumbles*   Ok Good. I'll pick it up Tuesday. Oh Tuesday of 2027....oh ok. I'm post dating the check then.


    Good Morning all!

    gives rook number to Wakanda ….they suppliers now 

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