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Everything posted by MaskedMan

  1. Welcome! It's a cool community. Glad to have you aboard! 🫡
  2. Would it be recommended to slot a knockback to knockdown in Meteor? I've seen it launch mobs so far I can't even tell where they've gone
  3. Thanks! How well does it solo?
  4. I'm enjoying my seismic/earth blaster so far (lvl 27). I'm currently running with combat jumping, superjump, tough/weave, etc.,... Meteors, while really cool (and hilarious) has that pesky delay, so I am wondering if I really need it. I haven't seen much for builds yet. Thoughts?
  5. Really cool screenshots 👍
  6. I want to know how I can have a character that's 7' tall and he's still shorter than the "little" old lady who I just saved from a mugging. What's in Paragon City's water supply?
  7. I've been on a Egyptian-mythology bent lately. The Eye of Ra (the right eye; the eye of power) and The Eye of Horus (left eye; the eye of protection). Wish I had time to play them all 😭
  8. Actually I did end up getting the name Black Sphinx from a very generous player on Everlasting.
  9. Thank you. I contacted the owner of Black Sphinx and they were kind enough to let me have it (from one of their lvl 50s no less). Love this community ❤️
  10. Even with the name release I am struggling to name this one. I see him as being like one of the old Ray Harryhausen creations. I'm currently using 'Black Sphynx' (Black Sphinx is taken).
  11. I have no name for this one yet. Thought he was kinda cool though
  12. Very cool! Like the color palette and simple lines. IMO simplicity rules 🏅
  13. Saw him 'in person'. Great great toon! 👍
  14. Going to snag Hellhawk. Releasing Deus Mortem
  15. Thank you and you're right; I can keep both at least until I need the slot for something else. Thanks for the input everybody!
  16. Psy/Sonic Blaster 'Captain Airwaves' Which one do we like better? I like the rounded cape on the 1st version. Thoughts?
  17. It's like you guys knew I was considering a dp/sonic build. Thanks for this 👍
  18. Just wondering how this build has worked out for you? What's the verdict?
  19. That's good to know. TY. My next question is about slotting my BF and UF enhancements... I've always assumed it might be best to place them in powers that would be fired off the most (assuming I'm using the procs, but why wouldn't I?) I believe on my EM scrapper I have them slotted into energy punch and total focus. Scrappers are different animals, but the gist is about the same, right?
  20. Makes sense. My only issue with ancillary powers is that they seem to come so late int he build, allotting enhancement slots almost seems a waste.
  21. My energy/electric brute Mad Star
  22. Currently at lvl 18, I realized I don't have a definite build plan for my energy/electric brute. If anyone has a build to share, or even general advice that would be great. Also, what patron/ancillary power pool might best suit me (if any)? I was considering Energy Mastery or Mu. I am familiar with Mids, although it tends to give me a headache.
  23. Really nice composition. It all works together very well 👍
  24. That's bada$$. Great design!
  25. It's funny you mention this because I was perusing Tsoo lore (wiki page) again, and it must not have stuck the first time I read it. You are totally right. I think I got it in my head that Tsoo hitmen are ninjas and ninjas are Japanese. But, this is all good since it opens things up a little.
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