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Everything posted by MaskedMan

  1. Really nice composition. It all works together very well 👍
  2. It's funny you mention this because I was perusing Tsoo lore (wiki page) again, and it must not have stuck the first time I read it. You are totally right. I think I got it in my head that Tsoo hitmen are ninjas and ninjas are Japanese. But, this is all good since it opens things up a little.
  3. Thank you. I'm trying to warm up to the name.
  4. So, I just rolled a ninja (nb/electric) who is a former Tsoo. He has the reptilian face cosmetic. I am trying for a name that will fit the lore and came up with 'Storm Cobra'. It's cool enough, but I'm not in love with it. I think it's mostly because cobras aren't native to Japan and I let little details like that bother me (I am difficult to live with). The word 'serpent' is used often with Tsoo characters and I think 'viper' would be acceptable. Maybe I'm making a big to-do about nothing. Lemme know what you think.
  5. That's something I hadn't thought of.
  6. I usually try to figure out why my characters have this power or that. Sometimes, I can't make it make sense. My storm/storm corruptor uses super speed and I can't justify it. How would his powers over the weather make him run fast? If he flew, I could say he generates wind to hold him self aloft and propel him through the air; I could probably say the say for super jump. As he is zipping down the streets with his electricity path aura crackling behind him, I can't see how electricity would make him run fast. This is silly, I know. These are the things that keep me up at night.
  7. Thanks! This gives me something to go by. Much appreciated.
  8. Thanks for all of that! At least I know what I can expect. I could respec out of of sorc if I had to.
  9. I've had a ill/time controller sitting on the shelf for a long while. I got him to 20 and just benched him as I have no real idea where to go with him. It's a concept character and I would like to keep sorcery in the build. Any input is appreciated.
  10. So, here's what I've been playing around with. I'm no Mids master by any means. 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
  11. Thank you. I guess what I am looking for is slotting of ATO's and maybe what powers of the two sets should be priority.
  12. Does anyone have a somewhat updated build they would care to share? I'm mostly just looking for slotting suggestions for a concept character with fly and energy mastery (cuz he has all this other energy stuff going on, so why not) I play casual and mostly solo. Thanks and happy weekend!
  13. These seem to be free and I am dry on costume ideas: Racer Blade Go Time
  14. That was just a Bob-Ross style 'happy accident' 🙃
  15. I've revamped this guy's look and rerolled him countless times, but I think I've finally come up with something I really like. AR/DV blaster named The Secret Soldier
  16. If he looks like Richard Simmons you're my hero.
  17. Likewise, I have something similar. DP/Nin Sentinel named "The Phantom Fear". Combat teleport is fun to throw into the mix as well.
  18. Grabbing Gorilla War. I've noticed this name and its variants free as of this post: Racer Blade Racer-Blade Racerblade
  19. Yes please. I've wanted this forever. Hard to do a hat-wearing skull (that requires no hair) 😢
  20. Thank you! The more input the better.
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