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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. 5 hours ago, Ghost said:

    Well, it’s done and buried.

    Lowest grossing MCU movie to date.

    First MCU film to not cross 100million in N America.


    Ugly all around.  Hopefully they can figure out how to get back to what made them successful.




    There might simply be a glut of too many superhero movies. It looks like The Marvels took in $197 million worldwide and was the lowest grossing MCU film. Blue Beetle took in $128 million and was the lowest grossing DCU film. We'll see how Aquaman does. 


  2. 2 hours ago, Excraft said:

    Scores on Rotten Tomatoes are notoriously suspect, same as any other site where "customer" reviews and product ratings are easily manipulated by bots and sellers paying for good reviews.  The Marvels being good or bad is subjective, but numbers don't lie.  Overall, the 46 million dollar opening weekend followed by a near 80% drop off in the following week is enough to inform you that the movie isn't performing and is a complete box office disaster.


    The numbers are saying that it failed at the box office. That doesn't tell you why it flopped. John Carpenter's The Thing is, in my opinion, one of the best films ever made and at release it not only bombed but was absolutely despised by critics. Dredd with Karl Urban kicked ass and it didn't even make it's money back. 

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  3. I enjoyed the first Captain Marvel movie. Part of me really wants to get enthused by this one but I can’t. Because the last Dr. Strange movie sucked so badly. Because of that movie, I skipped Quantumania—which my wife and kid saw and claim sucked. So I am definitely burned on Marvel movies.

    On 11/14/2023 at 10:20 PM, PeregrineFalcon said:


    But even Forbes knows the real reason that The Marvels did poorly


    Did you even read the article? It details reactionary attacks on female centered projects in general and Brie Larson in particular. But it mentions that the first Captain Marvel movie and Barbie, both of which were strongly targeted by he-man woman hater types, we’re both hugely profitable (also the Little Mermaid remake and Elemental did well). The article does not actually claim to know a “real reason” the movie is underperforming. It does relay the thoughts of cultural luminaries like Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool.

    • Haha 1
  4. 52 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    No, it's not creepy at all. It's actually pretty normal for most mammals. I'm not sure how or why normal comes off as creepy to you.



    Yes I have, and yes I know.


    You know, I just love it when you post in a thread and lecture us as if you're the only one on the forum who's ever been to a University. Well, you just go being you and trying to educate us lesser folk.

    It looks like Festivus has come early this year. You've already started with the airing of grievances!

    • Haha 1
  5. 8 hours ago, rolandgrey said:

    However, despite my rarity of posting, I do have one region I try to avoid:  Suggestions.  I have never seen so much negativity just poured into one region of this game's fanbase before.  Suggestions is rapidly gaining a reputation of "The place where good ideas go to die," and the people circling that section of the forum like hungry vultures are certainly reinforcing that reputation.


    The dysfunction of the suggestions forum is on a par with the US Congress.

  6. So this kind of term started circulating online, what 10-15 years ago? And like most slangy forum things, it can vary in what it actually means depending on the context in which it is said--but there is generally an implied idictment of someone's character or motives involved, no?


    So Troo, not only are you dropping a somewhat contentious terd here, it's an old desiccated husk of a terd that you dug up from the yard. Probably somebody else's yard.

    Is this quaint nothingburger the best we can expect from you now?


    Or is there an ulterior motive here? Are these devs hot but you just don't want to come out and say it?

    • Haha 1
  7. Midjourney added a new type of prompt called "describe." You upload an image with this prompt and it kicks out 4 different text prompts that the application thinks describes the image. You can then enter each of these prompts to see what it actually creates. I tried it with the Draggynn image above:




    The set on the bottom is the original image entered again in conjunction with one of the text prompts kicked out by /describe.

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  8. I have a subscription to Midjourney and have been playing around with it a lot. I did spend some time trying to see if I could use it to generate cool versions of coh characters. The answer right now I think is no. You can probably enter a prompt that will produce a superhero-ish character that might be in the same ballpark as your character. But if you really care about the details you've chosen in the character designer, which I think most players do, you're not going to get that kind of fidelity out of the AI unless you're much more sophisticated in your use of the algorithms and have some sort of dedicated data set that it's employing to generate images.


    It's very hard, for example to get it do masks and weapons with any kind of predictability. My older son is generating a lot of images of melee style weaponry and it's kicking out a lot of things that look like a cross between a weapon and exercise equipment. I uploaded images of masked superhero characters I've drawn in the hopes of guiding the AI towards the results I wanted. But it's clear that the AI sees the mask as a visual pattern on the surface of the face--so I ended up with characters with panda faces or face tattoos. Of course this is all subject to change as the technology develops and my prompting could be lacking. But I did spend many hours testing parameters to see if I could get it to work.


    AI is incredible. I think that people interested in fanart of their characters absolutely should look into it. But unless you have just a very generic desire for pretty pictures, it's not going to replace an artist. It's better thought of, IMO, as steroids for your imagination. It's amazing at ideation. If you have a vague idea of something you want, AI can instantly generate well rendered visions of that thing. And this includes ideas for lighting and compositions, color schemes, etc.


    So imagine you are looking to commission an artist to do art of your character. If it's just a simple character sheet, AI is not going to be that much of a help. But if this is a complex image of your character's origin, fighting their arch enemy on the streets of Paris in the 1940s, AI can quickly generate a wealth of reference imagery that would be really useful in creating that image. Also you the commissioner can get a clearer idea of what you want and you can SHOW the artist rather than trying to put things into descriptive language.

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  9. 1 hour ago, Frostbiter said:

    Everything I like is good, everything I don't like is bad and if anyone else has anything to say I will post memes! You've all been warned!


    I'm seriously at a loss here. This isn't about whether Reddit is good or bad. It's just some people offering an invitation to join a channel there. 

    Now if people lack the basic tact to be supportive of other players and are going to suck the air out of the room by venting their grievances with the platform--might as well have a laugh. Especially when the memes are on point. If you don't want to be called a boomer, stop acting boomerish.

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  10. 58 minutes ago, Lady Victory - The Watch said:

    You must be fun at parties lemme tell you.


    He wouldn't make it to the party. He'd get the invite, see the address, and start complaining that the neighborhood sucks. That's analogous to what's happening here.

    • Haha 2
  11. 1 hour ago, Snarky said:

    more like this then?

    Riff Raff | thingsthatmadeanimpression

    "How d'you do, I
    See you've met my
    Faithful handyman
    He's just a little brought down because
    When you knocked
    He thought you were the candy man"


    I dunno. If that's emo, it's a bigger umbrella than I thought.

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  12. Most families have black sheep that act in bizarre ways that don't make sense. And the conventional wisdom is to have zero tolerance for their bullshit, so these people start getting passed around like a hot potato until they end up in prison or homeless on the streets somewhere. And not a damn thing is learned from the situation, so this sort of thing continues to happen and it's just as traumatic the next time it happens. On and on.


    In my extended family there's a lot of flavors and degrees of dysfunction going on. One relative in particularly is, at least on the surface, extremely fucking lazy. He's on the autism spectrum, but that can't explain how damn lazy he is can it? One day a therapist explained that this person doesn't have a neurotypical brain's ability to process social contexts and nuance. So in the course of a normal interaction, the linear thinking function of the brain is working twice as hard to try to decipher cues that people normally just naturally pick up on. Add to this the anxiety that comes from not being able to effectively read other people's reactions and know whether you're offending them or somehow not communicating properly. This person is mentally laboring through a mundane interaction that most people take for granted. With this in mind, characterizing somebody like this as simply lazy is akin to calling someone bound to a wheelchair lazy for not hobbling around on their atrophied legs. Calling someone with a neurological issue or personality disorder a drama queen is similar.


    This whole incident, as related in this thread, comes across as an episode of The Waltons. A drama queen rolls into town and sets her sights on a gruff but good natured farmer. John-boy and the others in their folksy wisdom suss out that this person is no good and try to intervene. The drama queen tries to frame the farmer, but the local lawman--he knows what's up and drags the ne'er do well off in cuffs. I mean, yeah you can look at it that way if it makes you happy or entertains you or something. It doesn't offer any constructive insights about why these situations occur or what to do about them. It doesn't entertain the possibility that this intern could've been handled differently to get different results. And it ends with the farmer in question no longer taking part in the intern program (despite having some good to decent experiences in the past) and presumably still needing help. Also, people getting this account are going to presumably less likely to take part in a program like this. 


    It's not this farmer's fault that this happened or that things played out this way. But as a society we need to do better.

  13. 2 hours ago, Luminara said:

    still can't fathom what the intern expected to accomplish, though.


    There doesn't appear to be a whole lot of fathoming going on in this sordid tale. The intern sounded like they could've been afflicted with a number of psychological disorders. 

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