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Posts posted by battlewraith

  1. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    The Homecoming Team, together, made the decision.  Yes, the team composition has changed over the years, but until and unless that team, as a unit, releases a statement which revises their stance, the statement remains the definitive stance on the subject.  That's how teams work, even the HC team.  They may work on separate things, but they communicate, collaborate and maintain a cohesive environment so they can all make progress on their projects and move forward together, in agreement.


    This is your idealized vision of how things work on a team.  Given that you are not actually on the Homecoming Team and aren't privy to these discussions, it's pretty silly to beat someone over the head with simply your notions of how things work. That statement from years ago may be relevant or it may not. 

  2. 2 hours ago, El D said:

    Insta-50s for standard content would ruin any incentive for folks to actually play the game, engage in story arcs/task forces, and in-general experience what CoX has to offer. Besides, it's already ridiculously easy to level up in this game and anyway, If someone really wants the ability to do insta-50s they can already do that on the Beta server. Sure, the characters might get wiped on occasion, but when you can just use a few commands to remake them exactly as they were, with everything unlocked, and import their exact build from Mids, that's maybe a minute or two of time to get everything back.


    This is pretty evidently not true. A lot, if not the majority of players fast track their way to 50, whether it be through farming or joining higher level teams which tear through radio missions--typically with an incarnated leader who clears the majority of the mobs. Then at 50, they accolade and enhance their characters and exemp down to play the stuff they passed over or just do lvl 50 content.


    Since MMs got some buffs with this patch, I decided to level one up just by soloing regular content. You know what that experience has to offer? Almost exactly the same thing it had to offer back when the content was introduced with some qol improvements and the buffs they gave the AT. Especially playing with SOs, like I am, it's a repetitive grind where you kill all the mobs, run around clicking glowies, and rest a lot inbetween fights. There is nothing special about this experience over planning a build, enhancing it, and then going through the same basic content with something that is more enjoyable and dynamic to use.


    Telling people to go to beta server is like telling them to go to another game. They aren't just here for the mechanics, they enjoy being around an actual population and whatever friends they've made.

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  3. I think crosspunch was the attempt to justify the idiotic waste of a power choice that is having to take boxing or kick as a prerequisite for tough and weave. It at least gives those selections a possibility of being meaningful to unlock an attack that is actually good.


    What I would like to see is more power pools, particularly ones that provide the things that players want (more res, more def, +perc, etc.) without requiring players to dip into the standard choices--fighting, leadership, and so on. I would also like to see them jettison the old philosophy that pool powers need to be inferior to those of sets. If hardly anyone actually takes and uses certain power selections--that's indicative of bad design.


    In the event they don't do that, I would suggest adding another first tier power to the fighting pool that isn't a pure waste to most builds. My suggestion would be a click +range power similar to boost range from the blaster energy secondary. Understanding range is fundamental to actual fighting and this makes as much sense as the idea that a boxer's bob and weave skill would be helpful in dodging fireballs and energy blasts. Does this mean they'd have to add another tier one power to all the pools? Nope. They can prioritize the sets that affect a lot of builds without waiting on parity for all the possible options.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Cancrusher said:

    Astrophysics articles are the worst.


    Click bait popular science stories are especially painful. I guess it's the combination of being hopeful/excited about new discoveries and the naive assumption that stories based on empirical research (particularly physics) would be somehow less prone to being utter bullshit.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  5. 5 hours ago, Troo said:


    Just out of curiosity, is the time to level up (pick powers & slots), acquire enhancements and slot enhancements included here?

    No, that's just the farming and periodically selling stuff at the AE vendor and buying inspirations. This is also spread over multiple sessions, I don't level something 1-50 in one sitting.

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  6. 4 hours ago, Six-Six said:

    So if you rolled a toon with X AT and Y+Z primary and secondary, pl-ed it to 50, slapped on all the bells and whistles, took it out for a spin, and then decided that Q AT might work better for Y+Z primary, or a different power set combination, or a totally new configuration of AT + power combos might be in order... then what's stopping you from doing it your tried and tested way? It will only take you a few hours. You can strip your "old" toon of the IOs to be recycled on the new(er) ones. And life goes on.


    Obviously, nothing is stopping me from doing it the conventional way. But what value, does that hassle bring to either the game or my experience playing it? I think with the new changes to the 2xp token it takes my derpy farmer around 4 hours to get a character to 50. That is 4 hours that I'm not joining teams to do other content. Four hours of doing a repetitive activity that people complain about contributing to inflation. And 4 hours that I have to struggle to justify internally in the face of all the other more productive things I should be doing. If I look at the recent history of characters I've made, it's bursts of grinding typically around 3 new characters with maybe 2 months of inactivity inbetween. For me, this change would result in more actual playing and less mundane prep work.


    Of course this is one of those completely voluntary options and if you choose to level the old fashioned way, more power to you. If other people choose power leveling or this route, life will indeed go on.


    5 hours ago, Six-Six said:

    But that eats a FEW hours that you don't have. Again, the few hours represent an enormous leap compared to the regular grind. And if you don't like the grind, then I'm sorry to say that this kind of game is not for you. This is after all a hack-n-slash dungeon crawler at heart.


    This is a roughly 20 year old game running on a private server that has gone through numerous waves of development. The best way to mismanage it is to not heed what players want, or how they play in 2022, and instead appeal to some stale genre convention that is a reduction of what this game could be to different people. And players on this forum really need to stop saying things like "this kind of game is not for you." You don't know what kind of game is for me and it's not your call regardless. And those types of statements are an extremely bad look for this community.


    5 hours ago, Six-Six said:

    Yes, there is instant gratification that that toon you wanted, you get it now will prove more harmful in the long run. Insta-toons become something you pick off a shelf rather than earn.


    5 hours ago, Six-Six said:

    TL;DR It takes time for your brain and body to build affinity for something. Without that affinity, that something will just as easily be discarded as it was procured. 


    I quoted these together because they reflect a complete divorce from the reality that this proposal is aimed at addressing.


    This is an OLD FUCKING GAME. Most people replying to these threads have been playing it for over a decade at least. How much time does your brain and body need to build an affinity for it? And you really need to run the same easy content again and again ad infinitum to earn something? I hate to break it to you, but you leveling ala 2004 doesn't mean you earned anything special. It just means you apparently enjoy doing that activity. Someone RPing all day, pvping, playing with the costume designer, making a base, etc. have all been earning as long as they take part and enjoy what they're doing.

  7. The was another thread detailing this idea, but it was removed by the poster for some reason. It was a good proposal, so I'll restate it in terms of my own playing habits.


    I'm a veteran of this game since launch. I have maybe 5 pages of 50s spread across two accounts, which isn't even a lot by the standards of this playerbase.  I have no interest in the pre-50 content. When I make a new character, I pl it to 50, enhance it, and then start running TFs, incarnate missions, etc. while I test the build and see if there's anything I want to change and/or improve. If I like the character, I'll log on and play it for a while or maybe use it for certain content. Sometimes a character ends up not clicking with me for some reason and I'll just shelve it.


    The proposal is to give players an option to recycle an extant 50 and do a full respec of the character that includes not only the primary and secondary power selections, but the AT as well. Basically you are given a new character that can be leveled straight to 50. You would lose whatever other types of progress had been made on the character--so it would have no progress on incarnates, no badges or accolades, etc. The would also be the risk of potentially losing the name and supergroup affiliations and whatnot would need to be redone.


    I think the most straightforward way to do this is would be a clickable option on the character login screen near the rename and transfer options. If there was some concern about this ability causing some unforeseen problem, there could be a timer on the option (1x/week, 2x/month, etc.). The icon would be lit when a redo was actually available.


    A lot of people prefer to play at 50. A lot of people skip the early grind through pling. This would enable that sort of player to skip sitting in a farm for hours and getting right to the content that they want to do. It isn't free: you are trading work you already did on another character for the redo. A brand new player won't have access to this option.

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  8. 3 hours ago, Rudra said:

    No, it's not. Robotics is the use of robots, in the game's case, that are loyal to you and no other.


    Wrong. Like really wackadoo wrong. Me telling Alexa to do something is not robotics. Golems are not robots and probably fall under alchemy or something in terms of the process that created them. Magneto hacking a sentinel is robotics in the same way that me typing this response on my computer is an example of computer engineering.


    And none of this inane dithering improves the proposal in any way, bears any relationship to how fun the set would be to play, or is even relevant in a game where somre characters can throw spirit sharks.

  9. 1 hour ago, Shadeknight said:

    Ultimately, my stance on Insta-50s is that there are two better suited locations for those seeking Instant Gratification.


    It's not about instant gratification, although it seems that the people who oppose this sort of thing view it that way. For me, it's simply about skipping the hours that I am going to spend farming the new 50. It's not "oh boy oh boy I've got a new 50"! Once I have the character at 50, I'm enhancing it and testing the build, grinding the Incarnate levels and components, doing accolades, etc.  And if I enjoy the character just playing it. There's nothing instant about it, just a few hours less grind.

  10. 1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:

    That said I personally don't even want a token to get an instant lvl 50. If you want to play a lvl 50 you didn't earn or at least sacrifice for, there's Brainstorm, or you can play it in PvP as. Temporal Warrior, but the production servers for PvE don't need to be the wild west.


    We were talking about recycling. You are not getting a new 50, you are recycling an old one. You earned that old one. Yeah it's easy to level up, but that still involves hours of wasted time sitting in a farm. What point does it serve to always require players to do this? In addition to exchanging a 50, there could be a limited number per month or something if there was a serious concern about gluts of unslotted 50s running around.


    People keep mentioning Brainstorm. Brainstorm has no population and is subject to getting wiped. When people request a change for the game, they are asking for a change to the game they actually play, not looking for advice on where to be sent elsewhere.

  11. 1 hour ago, SeraphimKensai said:


    I think the general idea here is reasonable, but there should be a cost of 2 lvl 50 characters to create 1 lvl 50 token, that way the player has to actually think about how bad they want that instant lvl 50, and if the juice is worth the squeeze.


    Why? They already leveled a 50, why should they need to burn two to get a redo?

    For a lot of people the question is not how bad do they want the insta 50, but do they want to be wasting time in this game versus something else.

  12. 1 hour ago, Krimson said:

    Something I wouldn't mind seeing: Level 50 Recycling


    Yeah I have a bunch of characters that I tried out and then lost interest for various reasons. It would be nice to be able to recycle that effort. Even if there was some downside, like needing to redo incarnates from scratch or something.


    1 hour ago, Krimson said:

    Are we ready for waves of unslotted 50s?


    Maybe that would be an improvement over slotted 50s exemping down and burning through content.

  13. 1 hour ago, Ghost said:

    Just an idea - if it’s been brought up before, I apologize.


    What if once a month you could trade a 50?

    You would basically give up a 50 for the opportunity to replace it with one of equal level/incarnate ability.

    So if you have up a 50 with tier 4 incarnates, you could build a new tier 4 50

    The caveat is, you also lose the name (and anything else that toon was named over the previous 30 days)




    Would work for me.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Or I'm pollyannaish in thinking you'd understand the purpose of this thread. 

    Whatever your mental state, if you have some point to make, do it. The purpose of the thread--who the fuck knows, ask her.

    The point? Satire of recent forum posts. If there was any doubt, it's made explicit in the follow up rant. 

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  15. 1 hour ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Wow. The point of this thread didn't just go right over your head, it was in a totally different galaxy. 

    Or you're being obtuse. Particularly in light of the post I was quoting.

    • Thumbs Up 3
  16. 2 hours ago, Luminara said:

    I don't need to do any soul-searching.  My conscience is clean.  I'm not the one behaving like a spoiled adolescent, and I have no qualms about emphasizing the absurdity of that behavior.


    You're as bad as anyone else in this regard. Worse maybe because you start this thread mocking some ill defined group of other players in a very self-righteous fashion. 

    You're pouring gas on the fire and if it's for your own amusement you shouldn't be lecturing other people on community.


    I don't think people just straight up lose their shit and attack the developers and mods of this game out of the blue. I think people get angry over changes that happen and come to the forums to vent. Maybe they aren't being reasonable, or maybe they're not particularly eloquent in framing their grievances. Well, if they get mocked or told they are entitled or something then they become resentful. Maybe some of them have legitimate reasons to be resentful. When this sentiment progresses, this probably leads to thoughts of favoritism, cool kids, and so on. At the same time, the people defending the devs or what they see as the community mock these claims of conspiracies. Until some disgruntled player who is salty over some perceived grievance is lumped in with a supposed group that sees everything the HC staff does as an attack on them (according to someone). 


    The vague nature of bullshit threads like this are manure for discontent. it's not a celebration of community by any means.

    • Confused 2
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  17. 1 hour ago, biostem said:

    This is a video game inspired and influenced by comic books, pulp fiction, and so on - it is not a "let's throw out all the rules because I think X would be fun" sandbox to cater to any one person's wants or dreams...


    I didn't say throw out the rules. I actually said that people should be concerned with gameplay, balance, etc. Any yes, unfortunately we are working with a narrow set of well established game dynamics. But that is all the more reason why, on an ideation level-when dealing with things like themes--we should not be just looking at existing powersets and working within that framework. We shouldn't be happy to get the same repackaged garbage over and over again. Especially on a suggestions forum. It shouldn't be the part of posters here to make things predictable and mundane in advance. And I notice you put fun in quotes. This is a game, not a job. It's supposed to be fun. If someone communicates a clear idea of fun, maybe at this stage that's more important than killing it because of what some posters expect or are used to. 

  18. 5 hours ago, Glacier Peak said:

    Why stop at just level 50? Why not Veteran Level 99? Why stop at max level, why not unlock all Patrons, all Incarnate slots and powers, and be able to add infinity slots? Why not give the instantly made character all of the badges, complete every story arc, mission, task force, and trial in the game? Give that character max items and max inf - and you know what, give them the dev console tools while we're at it. Give that character a button that allows them to complete and do everything instantly.


    You can make a generic slippery slope argument to counter anything. It's a bad argument. But regardless, there's a concrete rationale why you stop this at 50.


    A substantial portion of the playerbase likes to play content at level 50. They farm characters to 50, enhance them, and then typically do incarnates, badges, accolades, whatever. This is what happens in the absence of an instant 50. If an instant 50 was available, these people would be able to skip the tedious farming phase and go immediately to the other things I listed. They would still be doing incarnate trials, TFs, etc. to earn those vet levels--just not sitting in a farm map for hours with their alt account first. Another potential upside is less inf generated through farming. Giving them everything, as in your question, removes the reason they are trying to get to 50 in the first place. The desire to skip the leveling process doesn't mean they don't want to play the game at all.


    This is another one of those things that would be completely voluntary. Don't like it, don't do it. But the real underlying anxiety I see in these posts is that the devs will make it too easy for other people to play the way they want. I think there are a lot of people that still associate doing what I see as a shitty grind as an accomplishment. Something that they earned. So if someone else can just skip over that grind--that "earning" is tarnished. There's a crisis of meaning. So a lot of players will pressure the devs to keep things grindy so that they hold on to this nostalgic sense of value over the time they've spent. 

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  19. An arcane set is an obvious omission from the roster of power sets for this game. And you could certainly ideate ways that it could be different from, say, other blast sets. It could be more controller-ish than other blast sets, maybe focused on binding somehow. Maybe some of the blasts could summon some little short duration mini-pets, like the new changes to mastermind necromancy. I'd like to see something that summons eldritch tentacles--maybe a tentacle version of voltaic sentinel or something. There are tons of cool things that a set like this could be.


    Unfortunately, the suggestion forum is over full of garbage, rules-lawyering naysing white noise. So instead of talking about how something could be fun, people end up arguing over somebody's narrow conception of how magic works within the realm of video game or fantasy fiction norms. At least according to the people that think they are doing the community a service by sucking the air out of the room. 


    Our general conception of superheroes comes from comic books. Comic books are a populist art form of entertainment--things happen there because they are cool and entertaining. They don't have to make sense or even be consistent. The rules can change any time a new writer picks up a title. As for this game, people should rightly be concerned with things like gameplay, balance, etc. But with regards to themes and artistry, the best way to make the game boring and predictable is to pay heed to people who will nitpick these ideas to death over their stupid thematic hangups. 

  20. On 10/9/2022 at 3:12 PM, Troo said:

    Would this make for a nicer forums.. maybe, maybe not. But at least folks would need to articulate their disapproval and could be held accountable for any actual harassment.


    I'm going to say most people here don't want a nicer forum. They want a cure for their boredom and that often entails winning an argument. If you can't win the argument, or you simply don't want to make an effort, you go for the next best thing which is garnering approval from other people--that might entail getting emojis (primarily thumbs up or thumbs down) or applying emojis in consensus with the group. So you were included in showing your approval or disapproval of some thing with the rest of the club.


    People generally want drama and want to harass the people they disagree with--as long as the harassment is socially accepted (ie the rules allow for it, regardless of how someone may actually take it). It's only seen as a problem when there isn't a strong consensus on the thing being discussed. Then you might jump in on the dogpile but suddenly find yourself on the bottom. Oooops! When that type of situations boils over, people will start wringing their hands about toxicity on the forums and a peacemaker like Flea will swoop in and try to smooth things over with weaponized pleasant vibes. Then after things have cooled down somewhat, someone will write some satirical take on the whole situation to help people orient themselves again to what is the norm.

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  21. This is what I came up with, I guess geared towards tanking the harder content:


    This Hero build was built using Mids Reborn 3.2.17

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Tanker
    Primary Power Set: Super Reflexes
    Secondary Power Set: Radiation Melee
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Sorcery
    Power Pool: Speed
    Ancillary Pool: Energy Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Focused Fighting

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • (3) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (3) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    • (5) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 1: Contaminated Strike

    • (A) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage
    • (5) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Recharge
    • (7) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (7) Superior Might of the Tanker - Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (9) Superior Might of the Tanker - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (9) Superior Might of the Tanker - Recharge/Chance for +Res(All)

    Level 2: Focused Senses

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (11) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    • (13) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 4: Agile

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • (15) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
    • (15) Defense Buff IO

    Level 6: Practiced Brawler

    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO

    Level 8: Dodge

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed
    • (17) Defense Buff IO

    Level 10: Taunt

    • (A) Perfect Zinger - Chance for Psi Damage

    Level 12: Evasion

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (17) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • (19) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    • (19) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 14: Boxing

    • (A) Empty

    Level 16: Radiation Siphon

    • (A) Hecatomb - Damage
    • (21) Hecatomb - Damage/Recharge
    • (21) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (23) Hecatomb - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (23) Hecatomb - Damage/Endurance
    • (25) Hecatomb - Chance of Damage(Negative)

    Level 18: Lucky

    • (A) Defense Buff IO

    Level 20: Tough

    • (A) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance
    • (25) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance
    • (27) Unbreakable Guard - Endurance/RechargeTime
    • (27) Unbreakable Guard - RechargeTime/Resistance
    • (29) Unbreakable Guard - Resistance/Endurance/RechargeTime
    • (29) Unbreakable Guard - +Max HP

    Level 22: Weave

    • (A) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance
    • (31) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Recharge
    • (31) Luck of the Gambler - Endurance/Recharge
    • (31) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • (33) Luck of the Gambler - Defense
    • (33) Luck of the Gambler - Defense/Increased Global Recharge Speed

    Level 24: Maneuvers

    • (A) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance
    • (33) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance/Recharge
    • (46) Shield Wall - Defense

    Level 26: Quickness

    • (A) Run Speed IO

    Level 28: Irradiated Ground

    • (A) Armageddon - Damage
    • (34) Armageddon - Damage/Recharge
    • (34) Armageddon - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (34) Armageddon - Accuracy/Recharge
    • (36) Armageddon - Damage/Endurance
    • (36) Armageddon - Chance for Fire Damage

    Level 30: Mystic Flight

    • (A) Winter's Gift - Slow Resistance (20%)

    Level 32: Arcane Bolt

    • (A) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage
    • (36) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/RechargeTime
    • (37) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (37) Superior Winter's Bite - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (37) Superior Winter's Bite - Damage/Endurance/Accuracy/RechargeTime
    • (39) Superior Winter's Bite - Recharge/Chance for -Speed & -Recharge

    Level 35: Rune of Protection

    • (A) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
    • (39) Gladiator's Armor - TP Protection +3% Def (All)

    Level 38: Devastating Blow

    • (A) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage
    • (39) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/RechargeTime
    • (40) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/RechargeTime
    • (40) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
    • (40) Superior Gauntleted Fist - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/RechargeTime
    • (42) Superior Gauntleted Fist - RechargeTime/+Absorb

    Level 41: Atom Smasher

    • (A) Superior Avalanche - Damage/Endurance
    • (42) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage
    • (42) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance
    • (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge
    • (43) Superior Avalanche - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Recharge
    • (43) Superior Avalanche - Recharge/Chance for Knockdown

    Level 44: Focused Accuracy

    • (A) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff
    • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge
    • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Recharge/Endurance
    • (45) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Recharge/Endurance
    • (46) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - To Hit Buff/Endurance
    • (46) Gaussian's Synchronized Fire-Control - Chance for Build Up

    Level 47: Physical Perfection

    • (A) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance
    • (48) Numina's Convalesence - Endurance/Recharge
    • (48) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Recharge
    • (48) Numina's Convalesence - Heal/Endurance/Recharge
    • (50) Numina's Convalesence - Heal
    • (50) Numina's Convalesence - +Regeneration/+Recovery

    Level 49: Hasten

    • (A) Recharge Reduction IO
    • (50) Recharge Reduction IO

    Level 1: Brawl

    • (A) Empty

    Level 1: Gauntlet 

    Level 1: Sprint
  22. Except you're not a common redsider schlub, You're a player and by virtue of that simple fact you have abilities, even at low levels, that are far beyond what the rank and file npcs can do. You can even hop over to blue side, or back and forth, without any consequence whatsoever. The VEATs are supposed to be epic and therefore superior to the troops in general. 


    I agree with Wavicle, structurally it would be nice to have some parity with HEATs, who have substantial movement options built in. If that bothers you thematically, simply don't use the powers. 

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