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Posts posted by Flashtoo

  1. All right, so here's something I've never seen anyone do before... In addition to drawing, I am also a fractal artist, and I am now offering abstract 'portraits' of characters for $30 each. Any takers?


    About the art:

    I use Apophysis 7X to make my fractals and I render them in Chaotica. If you use these programs or any other that takes the same kind of XML parameters, I'm happy to send you the raw parameters in addition to the final image.

    The largest dimension I can render is 1920 pixels - a pretty big image, wallpaper-size, and big enough to have printed at reasonable size without obvious blurring or pixelation. However, they are still best for digital display - I cannot guarantee that any very bright, neon colors that a fractal may contain will work as well in ink as in light. If you do want it, I will create a CMYK version suitable to print, which may have slightly different coloring. Up to you!


    How to order:

    Send me a screenshot of your character's most iconic outfit(s) and a few words about them. Include their bio if they have one, otherwise I want general attitude and themes.

    Tell me some good visual motifs to include. Examples: Art nouveau, foliage, geometric, circles, rust, Hermetic magic, water, electricity, DNA, snowflakes, stained glass, tribal patterns, gears, high-tech, slick, Celtic knotwork, amorphous, smoke, burlesque (obviously not limited to these words, but this KIND of word). This helps me figure out what kind of overall structure to make the fractal.

    Tell me what the most major colors should be. 


    Not mandatory but helpful: If you already have a favorite art piece of the character you want fractal'd, I'd like to see it! I can take colors directly from this image, and having a visual helps me get a better idea of composition and overall feel. Also, I've got a lot of examples of miscellaneous fractal work under my belt, so if you see anything in this gallery that you would want something stylistically similar to, point me at it and tell me what you like about it and I can make sure to include something like it in the parameters.


    With this information in mind I will send you an invoice for $30 and get started on setting up parameters. When I have something that seems to be a satisfactory concept, I'll screenshot the preview (a smaller, grainier version of the fractal) and send it to you for approval. When I have payment and approval, I'll put you in the render queue. Depending on how many people I have waiting and if you, how long anything takes to render, it may take a few days before I get you a final image.


    There is no limit on the waiting list for these.



    Examples below, compared to more 'normal' art of the same characters:


    Go Go Go by plangkye Payce by plangkye


    Shed Some Light by plangkye The Illumineer by plangkye


     Watchful Eyes by plangkye Oougel by plangkye

    Shattered Soul by plangkye To End All Wars by plangkye






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  2. I so rarely get anything done just for my own pleasure but here's a sketch (that i wish didn't take me two hours) of the Devil's Doctor tending to the Hour Thief's PTSD because sometimes this game makes you go on a sinking ship or take a submarine ride (I'm looking at you, Roy Cooling)






    i've also done an expression sheet for him


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  3. I'd like a variant of Walk with a built-in minor stealth, about like you see on the Stealth procs or even slightly less, for anybody who likes to play a transparent character - the stealth proc slotted into Sprint works all right on mission maps when you're fighting, but not while walking! That wouldn't be too broken, would it?

  4. On 2/17/2020 at 6:55 AM, Erydanus said:

    Yeah and I don't know why Dacy said Control+Z won't work on a storage item, I've definitely moved storage items around in a room and even had them go sproing and jump somewhere undesired then undone it. 

    Strange. It's never worked for me. It only returns the message "Nothing to undo" - maybe it only works on empty storage?

  5. 20 minutes ago, 12thPower said:

    If you could do that, that'd be greatly appreciated. I would love to know your entire method and config files for converting TGA files to textures. I'd love an easy way of putting more content in this thread.

    Are you using Leo's texture script to make the conversions? It's pretty simple to use and it comes down to saving in the right format before converting.

  6. Here's a personal base I put together for @Tinhead's mad-science quantum reality warper!


    Arrival by boat on a strange little rock that clearly has SOMETHING going on...




    ...A hidden Fifth Column base? 



    ...Wait a second.






    Okay, so you've just walked down some hidden steps into what should be underwater but seems to be outer space. Okay. At least the coffee's hot.



    ...Real hot.



    What was once a secret Fifth Column facility has been commandeered, folded into its own pocket of localized spacetime, and converted into a working space, living space, relaxing space...





    ...though the decorative sensibilities are maybe not quite human, as befits the slightly-crazy Kheldian-imprinted cyborg who owns the place and his fellow escapee friends.



    Naturally, the power draw is immense, and if you get too close to the edges, reality starts breaking down a little bit.


    screenshot_200222-15-45-55.thumb.jpg.e6ad4123a6e792b0a8c1aa4111090ed4.jpg screenshot_200222-15-47-35.thumb.jpg.c00de13a1c8d77f76d7fe2c04e9556c7.jpg


    It's more impessive in person! The passcode is TheDifference-12272

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  7. Specifically, these emblems only display one color instead of two, as they do on players - the affected emblems are Tech Hole, Medieval 1, and all of the Kanji.






    The Paw Print, Anarchy, Skull 1, Skull 2, and Moon emblems are also really pixelated and low-res, much worse than they are on players:





    I can throw together a clientside fix for this (probably) but I figured it should be brought to the attention of the people who can actually patch it in.

  8. Speaking of villain lairs, we have the 5th Rail, 5th Rail Endcap, and 5th Catwalk plate but the railings don't come together at corners or fit on stairs - however, these pieces very definitely exist in game (inner corner rail, outer corner rail, stair rail):


    screenshot_200217-19-46-04.thumb.jpg.b1f0bb47b83bc0298ff9c849d42d885f.jpg screenshot_200217-19-46-11.thumb.jpg.42753fd184e59db91f187462e28b0bc1.jpg



    I can has?

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