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Bill Z Bubba

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Posts posted by Bill Z Bubba

  1. 10 hours ago, Sovera said:

    Not my experience.


    Nor mine. The fury generation is taken care of with my attack chain. The +regen/recovery is dealt with through proper slotting. Compared to the scrapper/tank ATIOs, the brute's are downright complete crap.


    And, yes, I bounce between 2 and 3 stacks of the tank ATIO +damres thanks to my attack chains as well. That just makes it worse.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Mezmera said:

    Battle Agility DDR is enhanceable, I have 71.5% defense enhancement in it running Agility Alpha.  I also don't use Ageless to get there, I just take all the powers in Shield that provide DDR.


    Ok, gotcha. I missed the Agility Alpha mention. Side note: doesn't look like Mids picks up the enhanced buff from Agility for DDR even though MRA defense all spikes by nearly 5%.

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  3. On 8/21/2022 at 10:20 PM, Mezmera said:

    You can get high DDR on Shield tanks.  Mine is at 90% without using Ageless, not too far off of SR.  For a heal I went with Unrelenting and made sure to put the tanker and entomb absorb procs into high frequency firing attacks, I've got an extra 900+ first line hp I can count on and can 'heal' it back well enough when it gets chewed away. 


    How? ED capped, my Shield tank stops at 87.81% DDR wtih doublstacked AD.

  4. 7 minutes ago, lepidopter said:

    Stuff like this is why I told myself I was only gonna lurk around here, no posting, but...


    Hold up, why on earth do you care about xp/time balance, why do you only mention melee ATs, and why does it seem like you're conflating xp/time balance with game balance?  Do you think other people should care about this particular bee?  It's in YOUR bonnet.


    Cuz I love numerical purity. I only mention melee ATs cuz that's the hot topic. In my world. every AT and powerset combo could achieve the same xp/hr rate. while solo.

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  5. 1 minute ago, battlewraith said:

    You've said this before and I can never really tell if you're actually serious. 

    This is a video game. It's entertainment. The objective is to make people happy, not to pursue some OCD fixation with numerical balance. Balancing these ATs numerically is akin to the generic dumbing down of the entire system. They should be evaluated in terms of usefulness and function, not balancing raw numbers.


    And your opinion on the topic is irrelevant to me. Balance should be achieved for balance's sake. Otherwise, it's City of Tanks as it is now.

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  6. 10 minutes ago, Riverdusk said:

    Without side switching my guess would be red side would be even more dead than it is already.  As it stands now I make most of my characters vigilante so I can join either side.  Not sure how often I'd bother if I had to switch characters as well to do it.


    So kill side switching and find out. I expect redside participation to increase.

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  7. 3 minutes ago, Coyotedancer said:

    I'll keep my blue-side Stalkers and Brutes (and my red-side Defenders and Scraps), thanks. Count me firmly in the "Side-switching was a Good Thing" camp. Chasing some illusion of real balance in the City is a snipe hunt and always has been.


    That's such a false statement. There absolutely could be xp/time balance created with nothing more than AT mod corrections amongst the 4 melee ATs.

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  8. 11 minutes ago, Linea said:

    Most people are under the impression that Barrier is godmode for 2 minutes ... it's not.  It's about 20 seconds, maybe 30, then negligible.   But rotate it with some barrier teammates and .... then it IS godmode.


    It's not negligible when you're built for 53.75% defense to MRA.

    • Like 1
  9. NCsoft forcing the money grab mentality was not the fault of Cryptic Studios.

    NCSoft killing the game was not the fault of Cryptic Studios.

    The game code being hidden for over half a decade was not the fault of Cryptic Studios.

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  10. I was on the beta server, the last to fall, when the lights turned off.


    There's a great deal of bitterness toward those that had this game up and running but kept silent about it, somewhat checked by the fact that what we have now is in thanks to them.


    I miss CuppaJo. And Castle and BAB. I know a lot of people dog on Castle but he was a good frood.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Doomrider said:

    Okay I think I broke something with this one...

    Peacebringer - Triform - Shifting chain
    No pets, no temps, no insps, T4 Degen core, T4 Musc Radial, T4 Assault Radial on

     1:43 (500 dps) 😮 (video is not sped up. I swear)

    Had to use filler attacks in my chain cause I don't math anything.



    Am I wrong thinking that the form bouncing is allowing you to skip some attack animations?

  12. 1 minute ago, Infinitum said:


    That is completely not true - in fact there is recent precedent when it was found invul and other typed defense based sets were found to be more vulnerable to the typed defense tag change - the extra mitigation was added in NEXT DAY.


    In the early days of the tanker patch testing - CPH reverted part of it until it was demonstrated the reversion was worse than the original setup with gauntlet - it was re reverted the next day.


    There are plenty of other changes also that they listened on especially if you actually do the tests and show your work instead of blanket complaining like this thread with no professed goal - in the OPs own words.


    Exactly. They made the already ridiculously strong even stronger.


    Brilliant Guinness GIFs | Tenor

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  13. 11 minutes ago, PeregrineFalcon said:

    Understandable. Especially considering that the Homecoming devs, based on past history, are extremely unlikely to actually implement any suggested improvements.


    Ummm, point of order, I suggested a while back that the emp to reward merit conversion should be removed when I was reminded that it existed, having never utilized it. They are listening. It's arguable that what they choose to listen to is highly subjective.

  14. Took BZB tank (sr/claws) into a +4/x8 arachnos radio mission, saw nothing of note. Had to eat the occasional edit: wrong name, catch a breath, not respite, when conserve power was down but never needed rebirth regen as I never saw health go below 90%. Survivability was never in question. Can't think of any reason Arachnos would be different in a tip mission but maybe?

  15. 3 hours ago, Doomrider said:

    Warshade - Triform - Shifting Chain.

    No pets, no temps, no hybrid, no mire fodder.
    T4 Degen Core. T4 Vigor Core. T4 Ageless Radial (not really built for pylons, clearly)


    4000% more effort than you should have to put in 😅
    Pleasantly surprised with the result... for a Warshade.


    ... that's downright fuckin impressive.

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  16. 44 minutes ago, The_Warpact said:

    This thread is delicious...like popcorn. P4 has indeed brought out the drama like never before.


    I equate it to getting older...we just bitch more about everything, maybe we should sprinkle some politics in it to really get this bonfire going.




    That would be bad. And we'd all get banned. But, yea, it's no surprise. As mentioned before, the vast majority of us are here for nostalgia of days long past and the game has become something much changed. Many of the changes are downright stupid but that started long before the snap. Couple that with the world going to complete shit all around us, it's really no surprise so many of us are on edge and lash out at the slightest hint of provocation.

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