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About Zilljah

  • Birthday March 21

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  1. Can you use Jaunt on a Stalker when Hidden? I'd like to "jump" behind a target and take advantage of my Stealth bonus on an Assassins Strike attack. Can I do this with Jaunt, or do I need to take a Teleport power?
  2. Windows, doors and door frames that can be displayed open, walls that aren't thick, ceilings, roofs and ends. Those are a start
  3. Thanks, now I know it’s a real problem
  4. Anyone know how to get VidiotMaps to work on a new character now? It still works on old characters
  5. They’ve been level 50s. I went back last night with the same character and-it worked. Got badges and everything. Did have a weird theory. I’d gone ToT individually before hitting the team, and the other time this happened, I’d done the same. Maybe this causes an issue when yo join a league? And now you people have me curious enough to level a character to 25 to see what happens!
  6. I'll join a Trick or Treat league on Peregrine Island at the hotel. I'm in the League list, in a Team but if I go to the Team member list I get the "You are no longer looking for a team" message. I'm getting some XP and Inf, but no credit for monster kills so I'm not getting the badges. Try logging out and back in, still problems. And it's happened with different characters
  7. Congratulations to you both!
  8. Thank you, that worked
  9. I'm having the exact same problem. Tried installing a new copy, still getting errors
  10. I’ve decided to use the “Time Agent” idea and go back using Ouro to play the Goldside content I haven’t done. Wish you didn’t have to be Level 50 and Incarnate to do most of the rest
  11. @Darmian That’s what I thought, but was hoping there was some post-Going Rogue material before Incarnates and Dark Astoria. Just started Mr. G so putting it off is no great loss. @Snarky The Time Agent thing could work. Hadn’t considered Ouro, but it might be fun to see where it goes.
  12. And not sharing, either.
  13. Not chronological releases, but in-game timeline. Like how First Ward leads into Night Ward. What would be the next event timewise to follow?
  14. I managed to get a character through Goldside, First Ward, and Night Ward. Now they're in Redside, level 30, and I'm looking for what to do next. I know there's content that happens before Going Rogue, but I'd like to focus on what comes after. I was going to do Mr. G, but that seems more like a much later arc.
  15. I'm in favor of the idea, and a range of 20-25 ft (6-8 meters) would be optimal
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