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  1. Yeah, the ability to give the contact an emote would help in adding character to the contact. Especially compared to the current stiff pose.
  2. There's a lot of outdated base building information due to the I25 changes that need to updated. Was planning to do it myself but need to brush up on my wiki coding and I've noticed other small things that need adjusting.
  3. until
    Using the style of a double feature, the Mission Architect Sunday Special is a monthly event for story based AE missions consisting of two arcs. Generally, the first will be selected ahead of time by the team leader while the second will be a random pick or chosen by one of the other team members. MASS will be across shards but the first Sunday in the month will always be on Indomitable. It starts approximately 2PM EST in the RWZ for co-op teaming.
  4. I believe people are typing their text without any code and then right clicking to add the code after. This adds the code in a way that ignores the character limit but makes things a headache to adjust afterwards. I'd say it's better to be concise with your narrative.
  5. My arc Consideration of Knowledge hits most of the needed badge types. It's also structured as a tutorial so it could help if you were still missing a badge after the alignment missions.
  6. "Feels like it could exist in the game" is a fairly high compliment. As far as the vibe I was going for? I wanted a fun pulp fantasy. But, you know, less blatantly racist than some of those could be. To that end, Portal Corp is the excuse plot that keeps on giving. And to your point on a emotions, there got to be a valid reason the magical kingdom with tons of steampunk resources needs an outsider to solve its problems. Succeeding here means any future problems are just you helping an established ally. The writing being tight is partially because the original version of this was written back around I15 or so and you needed to manage your file's size. All the code for fonts and such was hand typed instead using workarounds to get more than the character limit. The useful part of that is it makes fixing things like small typos easy. Also, not sneaking more text in helps retain the narrative flow. Though the two arcs have benefitted from prior feedback, I have been thinking about a lot of things recently and I might edit some small bits to these.
  7. While my own main server was Victory, the teaming was in a similar style as MASS and cycled servers. There used to be. Homecoming revamped it to the new space. Makes sense considering it's an active warzone and all. Pretty sure most people were thinking it. Though, I've seen fire farmers in other zones. No one likes a traffic jam.
  8. Zero clues feels weird to me but there's something to be said about brevity. Some arcs are entirely too wordy and could stand some trimming. Something that would be nice (and I might go officially suggest) is if we could have clues delete after a few missions. Would help clean things up like the official missions.
  9. Main reason I run AE in RWZ is habit since that's where co-op AE teaming was pre shutdown. The second is that the revamped RWZ AE is a nice place. Its most obvious drawback is dealing with the MSR, especially if impromptu. The obvious problem is that the location can be somewhat hard to find for people who don't know where it is. It might not be a bad idea for me to try to shift to Pocket D on some shards.
  10. I've been wondering which is truly better for team based AE, RWZ or Pocket D? Both have strengths and weaknesses.
  11. As a night shifter, it's not impossible Reunion could work. But every shard has its own culture. What hours, BTW?
  12. Does Victory have anything that regularly runs on Sundays between 2-4PM Eastern? I'm asking since I'm running an event through Mission Architect that's cycling through shards and while the time has been perfect for Indomitable and Torchbearer, I lack that knowledge for other shards. I guess to be on the safe side, is there anything at 1PM? Don't want to reschedule away from one event and run into another.
  13. That was an embarrassing copy/paste error. Asking about Reunion.
  14. until
    Using the style of a double feature, the Mission Architect Sunday Special is a monthly event for story based AE missions consisting of two arcs. Generally, the first will be selected ahead of time by the team leader while the second will be a random pick or chosen by one of the other team members. MASS will be across shards but the first Sunday in the month will always be on Indomitable. It starts approximately 2PM EST in the RWZ for co-op teaming.
  15. Does Reunion have anything that regularly runs on Sundays between 2-4PM Eastern? I'm asking since I'm running an event through Mission Architect that's cycling through shards and while the time has been perfect for Indomitable and Torchbearer, I lack that knowledge for other shards. I guess to be on the safe side, is there anything at 1PM? Don't want to reschedule away from one event and run into another.
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