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Everything posted by ThatGuyCDude

  1. Men were REAL men! Women were REAL women! And small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri were REAL small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri! (How would the new models be selected? Power customization? Randomly? Random might interfere with henchmen/pet naming conventions, unless the game starts tracking pet names by model instead of pet slot number. EDIT: Just to be clear, I'm on board with any customization or variety expansion in the game... just trying to wrap my head around how the devs might handle the details.)
  2. I've never seen the problem on Savage Leap, but Savage Leap's teleport order is different: it spawns the pseudopet immediately (instead of after .8 seconds) and then the teleport occurs .1 seconds after the activation, so if you miss you don't teleport at all. That might actually be beneficial to White Cap, since if the power fails you'd remain out of the fray. Trading the White Cap priority so that the teleport occurs at .8 seconds after activation and the pseudopet at .7 might be the fix it needs.
  3. I wonder if there's a way to move the procs off the initial hit onto the pseudopet instead; this sounds like the same mechanism that Burn was originally using to double-proc (one for the activation that spawns the pseudopet, and one for the pseudopet itself). If the procs could be called on the pseudopet instead of the initial hit, that would ensure it's spawned before proc damage can defeat the original target, right?
  4. While a dice roll's true for a single proc, having 'em in a bunch of different powers would increase that probability (three attacks would make it like a coin flip each rotation). The idea was to chance for a consistent bonus control, a happy mitigation every few attacks. With Oppressive Gloom running, that would make regular attacks on a focused boss target have a chance to spread the stun. I already do this with fears using the Presence pool and Cloak of Fear (can even fear Elite Bosses, or ArchVillains when they don't have their purple arrows of doom up), but that's dependent on Mag 2s from three sources. If Triumphant Insult and Unspeakable Terror had been Mag 2s, I could've chanced a similar outcome from them, Pounding Slugfest, and Oppressive Gloom, but no such luck... having to use that many slots to chance stacking Mag 1s up from 4 to 6 (when they only last 3 seconds instead of 8 ) just isn't worth it.
  5. I forgot about the Stalker terrorize, it's been a while since I played mine. I think that's the way to handle it, as a general buff to stealth and a doubled buff to stalkers: make the player drop a 'typically standard perception' radius (of 50 feet so bosses, snipers, and turrets would ignore it) brief terrorize on dropping stealth, just enough to make the mobs go 'Oh!'... and make the stalker version triggered by dropping Hide more effective. The current stalker Terrorize is a Mag 5 with a 25% chance to trigger within 30 feet of the Assassinate target, so that could become the unstealth baseline and Stalkers could get a buff to 100% within 100 feet (so only snipers aren't startled, and then only if they're out-of-range). The stalker version also currently lasts 8 seconds, whereas standard stealth could get by with--say--2. The game currently handles this as a rider to the Stealth Assassin Strike pseudo pet (it's a debuff called "Demoralized"). I wonder if similar pseudo-pets could be spawned as a PBAoE on the character when a stealth power is suppressed. To make it fair, have game mobs drop a similar terrorize on the player when they drop stealth.
  6. You'll also lose all your alignment points, so if you were close to 10 in a category it might be better to get there and do the alignment swap mission before resorting to Null the Gull (otherwise you're going to lose out on 40 merits). I believe you also lose all of your alignment tips.
  7. I agree that the inclusion of enemy reaction time for unstealthing to represent surprise would be a welcome addition. I wonder how the devs would go about coding it, though... a high-priority brief animation feint attack that does nothing and has a VERY long cooldown, to stall them for about one attack? Some sort of brief placate into taunt aura when Stealth is canceled? *Shrug*
  8. For Earth, you can use the crystalline Quartz Devouring Earth, the granite Devouring Earth, and the mushroom Fungoid Devouring Earth (up to you which order to put them in, but I think granite being last is a nice parallel to Earth Armor). I agree there's not much to work with for water models, you'll end up with Hydra sludge soldiers or water bubble mini-Sallys... which isn't terrible, but probably isn't what people are picturing for 'elemental' henchmen. You could do Electric with the Sprites (of Croatoa, like the Wisp prestige pets), the Gremlins (of Cap au Diable, as you mentioned), and the Lanaruu Storm Elementals (of the Shadow Shard): that might make for an interesting entourage.
  9. Aw man, it's only a Mag 1? Dang, I thought all the procs were Mag 2. Guess I could switch those for Mocking Beratements for the extra proc damage, or even Pounding Slugfest since I just checked City of Data and at least those are Mag 2 stuns. I was wondering why I wasn't seeing any stuns between Fear phases... of course I wouldn't if they typically only work on minions. Oof, even the Control Hybrid incarnate that boosts magnitudes wouldn't help with that... what a waste. Well, looks like I'll be doing some aggressive re-slotting! Thanks for the info, everybody. (Really wish that these enhancements would list the magnitude of their effects in the description!)
  10. With regards to the original post: If Awakens are allowed as part of the challenge, waiting for a level to rez would keep the character alive (since the rez is identical to a large Awaken inspiration). I'd say if the agreed rule is 'no hospital', the character would still count as alive. That would allow for team and self rezes, though, so it's soft on the Iron Man premise. If you wouldn't have counted an awaken or a self-rez power as survival, then leveling to rez doesn't count either. I think that 'no debt' is an excellent metric for the live-die question of an Iron Man, since it's something that can be readily checked in badge progress. ...That may also suggest that you could still attempt a wakie/rez without going to the hospital if you've got day job progress as a Mortician. With regards to the necro post (@Waljoricar): Ambushes are extremely dangerous, but even more so for Stalkers. The suggestion Owl Girl pitched--to research and avoid missions that have ambushes--is sound advice. If that feels like cheating or an interruption of natural play, you could stick to random missions (Scanner/Paper missions). The Concealment power pool has an intangibility power [Phase Shift] that makes you invulnerable while it's toggled on. It'll cost you two extra powers to take, but it's a nice panic button that lets you take a minute and pop some inspirations (Note, it will NOT remove DoTs you're currently suffering, so you still have to think fast or it won't save you). It could keep you alive in an ambush situation while your enemies use up their stronger cooldown attacks... might be worth a try.
  11. So... because of PokeVoke (Fury's taunt effect), Brutes have the interesting phenomenon of being able to slot Threat Duration into LOTS of their Primary and Secondary powers (pretty much all of them). This lets you slot Threat sets in strange places, which gives additional access to Psionic Damage procs and Stun procs. When I mentioned this in general chat one night, other players were surprised that this was possible... so it's either new or something nobody's ever bothered with. At the moment I'm trying to use two-set Triumphant Insults to proc stuns and score extra recovery, in search of some kind of Brute scrap-troller unique archetype identity (I'm running Savage/Dark and I'm stacking controls with Fears, IO stuns, and Knockdowns... I can even get up to a Mag 6 fear using the Presence pool). I'm wondering, though... has anybody else done any frankenslotting with Threat Duration sets on a Brute? Does access to Psionic damage help on a proc bomb power, or is it mostly a throwaway feature?
  12. The unearned badge text for Arachnos Agent is displaying its acquired text instead of its unlock criteria. It should say something like "Spend time logged off in an Arachnos Base." instead of "Your work with the forces of Arachnos has earned you the Arachnos Agent Day Job. ...". I think this became an issue when the alignment-specific text of this badge was addressed. Speaking of which... it might be nice if the day job unlock criteria also stated something about the required alignment, like "Spend time logged off in an Arachnos Base (Villain or Rogue).".
  13. So, normally when I'm coming up with a new archetype I like to test the power pairing in Architect Entertainment. I do this by creating boss characters that have the primary/secondary pairings suggested, and then running stealth through test missions with one of these custom characters as an easily acquired friendly target. I can then monitor how well they handle fighting groups without assistance (since I'm generating no threat on my own) and see how the archetype would fare. This isn't a perfect way to test an idea, mind, because it doesn't consider other factors like enhancements, necessary AT power replacements, and archetype bonuses... but it does serve as a good first impression. Problem is... Armor/Buffs (Tanker Primary, Controller Secondary) isn't a character you can actually make in AE: Armor and Buffs [Dominations/Manipulations] are both flagged as secondary to ensure the resulting combat character can actually attack, as neither set has a guaranteed damage source... this makes it impossible to get a first impression of the pairing through Architect Entertainment and also indicates that there would need to be forced AT power swaps to allow such a pairing. The first that comes to mind is that the Tier 1 secondary power would HAVE to be replaced with an attack [to force the player to take it, ensuring they can fight]. I also believe that the armor primary would need a damage aura in its T1 or T2, just to be able to run missions. Control/Armor (Controller Primary, Brute Secondary) is something that CAN be tested in AE, though (although I haven't tried that pairing personally). Sets that I've sent through that grinder thus far that were intriguing were Pets/Armor (Mastermind Primary, Brute Secondary), Melee/Buffs (Scrapper Primary, Controller Secondary), and Melee/Ranged (Scrapper Primary, Blaster Primary)... though that last one was really not much different from a Martial Blaster. Other possible names for your combo could be Enforcer, Stalwart, or Blocker, since the emphasis appears to be survival and control more than pets--which Commander evokes.
  14. A toggle power the player could activate on the pop-up bar: "Shrouded in the Fog" that makes them an ineligible target for "Follow through Fog" would help with the stealth aspect of the league. Being a toggle, it would get deactivated when the stealther dies and could be popped on or off at any point as needed. The League window's team order is indeed frustrating and needs some work; mainly the ability to anchor team numbers as described. If it's possible to add something like this, as well as dedicated 'Team1/Team2/.../Team6' channels, it would be a welcome change. I think in order for that to work, the membership of the individual team chats would need to include at least the League leader (but preferably all six team leaders) as well as the members of the team in question. I'm not sure in the UI where the buttons to quick-access those channels would go; maybe to the right of each team in the League window? I'm on the fence about the league leader being able to promote team leaders in other teams, though. On the one hand, it helps with the bewilderment of pick-up players who don't know how to pass the star. On the other hand, it lets the League leader specify the exemplar level of every team, potentially to that team's detriment. Can't make league changes that only apply to max-level areas, so it unfortunately opens a door to griefing that is difficult to close... unless there's some sort of pop-up vote timer "League leader wants to make your team's captain <Username>, do you agree? (Approve) (Deny) <10.00 seconds remaining>" with it requiring unanimous approval or no response (a denial preventing the change and locking out the option from the League leader for say 2 minutes). I totally get your frustration. I wasn't even league lead and I was running into the same problems: people kept popping in needing "Blue" or "Purple" or "White" motes and I'd have to stealth back to each spot to fill them in, only to make a last call and then hear somebody else say "Hey, I need <color> mote". It was especially annoying with Purple because I'd specify that they need to activate flight before coming to me, they wouldn't, they'd plummet into the mob of enemies below that I wasn't able to clear alone, and then perish. A wider range of enemy-proofing around the motes would be greatly appreciated, especially the Orange one which is always a hot teleport.
  15. Additionally, if you use the Changeling macros to rapid-toggle the forms on and off, every ability animates correctly (INCLUDING the Nova abilities)--there is no model animation complication that prevents a non-Nova model from calling those powers. If you get the sticky press timing down right, you never see either form at all (not that that's a reason to refrain from further customization options). I'd like to see the pulldown get a full list of costume options: Nova >Original >Color Custom (No Tail) >Mirror Costume 1 >Mirror Costume 2 et cetera to 6, since those are the slots that are unlocked by default. Since a model switch would have to be involved, and since models can mimic player costumes, I'm hopeful they could pull from an existing slot instead of strictly the active slot. With such a system, a player could 'shapeshift' into different forms or outfits based on which attack phase they're using... maybe they've got street clothes and a Kheldian style super-suit that they'd swap into for Nova, or a beast/different alien outfit to trade for Dwarf. If it's a model swap it'd still override prestige costumes, which creates even more interesting scenarios. And yes, it might encourage players who want to try the mechanics of the archetype without playing their character as a direct representative: I can use Arachnos Soldier to make a Family Mook, or a PPD Hardsuit officer, or a Crey Tank (and those are just off the top of my head). All I can make with a Warshade is... a Warshade.
  16. Regarding the "Epic" Lore requiring shapeshifting? Shadowstar's missions don't mention it once. The Nictus she has you fight for your Epic-Only missions never employ it. The entire quest line never even touches forms, only bonding of host and Kheld. ...Come to think of it, neither does Moonfire's taskforce! I even skimmed through Sunstorm's contact dialogue (which is similar but slightly deviates from Shadowstar's) and he doesn't mention them either. Forms don't seem to have much lore in the game itself outside of the power description, existing only as a gameplay mechanic. What makes the Kheldians special as an archetype is the unique story element that a human has joined with an energy being from across the universe. That doesn't change if some later-introduced armor set half-mimics the mechanics. It continues to be cool even if the energy being only (OPTIONALLY) empowers your punches/blasts instead of transforming you into an alien memory (which--again--isn't even referenced in the signature, HEAT-only missions!). Kheldians also play VERY differently from the substitute archetypes that have been pitched. You can play them like a Blaster. You can play them like a Tank. But only Kheldians can do both *simultaneously*. EDIT: Also, the claim that the human form has access to all the same powers is patently wrong. While all the Nova powers have a human variant, the Dwarf powers only share two. Warshade characters can't even punch somebody without resorting to Brawl or a pool power.
  17. Except none of the lore Kheldians have to shapeshift to use any of the Nova or Dwarf powers. ShadowStar, Arakhn, Requiem, and Romulus use their full force without changing shape. The Council Galaxy troopers have complete access to Nova blasts too. Even the War Wolves--red-headed step-children though they may be--don't turn into Dwarves to muster their tremendous strength. In fact, the only Novas and Dwarves I can think of that actively use those forms in in-game content are nameless malevolent filler forces. I'm not arguing that Kheldians can't use their control of positive or negative energy to reshape the body of their host... but clearly not every Kheldian bothers resorting to that. What's the harm in letting a few of them fight with glowing eyes instead of lobster claws and squid tendrils? The important Kheldians we encounter do this already.
  18. Nova has this line too: > Set Costume "Kheldian_Nova_Peacebringer" (self only) every 3.0s for 2s (100% chance) But it conditionally applies the regular Nova model or the recolored Nova model (no tail) based on the customization selected. Thus, to some extent, the Set Costume function must be able to detect power customization and redirect accordingly. The Mini Mode power is a model replacement that uses the character's existing costume. > Set Costume "Baby_Costume_H" (self only) every 0.7s for 0.6s (100% chance) [if source>curcostume eq 'Huge'] (among other conditionals based on the current model in use) So it might not be a matter of removing the model replacement, but rather forcing a model to be replaced with ITSELF (or a copy with extra effects, like the Prestige Umbral or Prestige Luminous effects).
  19. This could be an indication that task force/strike force missions need more in-mission hospitals. Higher level ones tend to have them while lower level ones usually do not. It wouldn't hurt the difficulty of the task if 'going to the hospital' just placed you inside at the entrance/exit, rather than forcing you to zone TWICE and making everybody wait for you or move on without you. Just a spot by the doors, with a prompt 'Medi Porters online' or something if that's really necessary to get the message across. (Just to be clear, I'm not suggesting this for *every* mission, just task force/strike force instances.)
  20. The changeling macros allow you to initiate a form-specific attack while appearing in the form for a fraction of a second (or sometimes not at all). Both Nova and Dwarf attacks animate properly in human form. As such, a Minimal FX power option might work if the model swap selected is simply the player's current model, much like how Mini Mode swaps the player's model with a scales-floored version of itself (You can tell this is happening if you try to make a costume change while it's active, or if you look at your ID). Kheldian form customization already does this to some extent, as the color-customizable Nova (and I assume Dwarf) are different models from the standard animation (Nova has no tail). Resistance to the idea has been that the Kheldian energy being is reshaping the body into a lifeform it has previously bonded with (IE: It's lore that the character changes shape). I generally disagree with this argument. It's been suggested before that a 'minimal effects' option should use the player model as a base with some forced additional effects--like shadowy tendrils from the back while in Nova or lobster claw auras around the hands while in Dwarf. Other proposals suggested a mini-pet version of the existing models hovering behind or near the character, or some kind of spirit silhouette of them. Personally, I like ALL those ideas and I'd like to see several implemented.... maybe even a color-customizable eye glow too.
  21. Gang war summons a bunch of entities from what I gather is a custom enemy group. It calls about 10 of them, but I don't think there's ten unique models for them (there's definitely more than two, though). Three tier 1 henchmen slots, Two tier 2 henchmen slots, One tier 3 henchmen slot, and One control-set pet slot (though that could share a slot with tier 3 since there's no overlap, unless a future archetype pairs them up)... so there'd need to be six (maybe seven) 'hidden' costume slots at the end of the list that could be edited through a separate interface (to avoid confusion and bloat at the Tailor and in the costume menu). Ten (or Eleven) if you throw in Patron Power pets. Doesn't help with Beast Mastery, though (unless the human skeleton can animate Beast Mastery attacks, of which I'm uncertain), or with mix-and-matching vanilla and custom assets. It makes sense that this has been such a back-burner feature, it's quite a pickle of complicated interactions. [I still like my 'henchmen' enemy group idea, though.]
  22. Could you please add to the guide that the only way into the Core of the Labyrinth is to beat the Minotaur or to teleport to someone who is already there? You reference the Core repeatedly but don't explain how to get there, and the mote hunting in particular sounds like something that could be done solo but can't because of lack of access to the Core.
  23. Right. It comes down to whether they can still animate at all when using 'animal' powers with human models, or vice-versa. As a working example, Kheldian Nova-form and Dwarf-form attacks have animations that are viable both with their unique models and when the player is in human form. I imagine the player would be able to mix-and-match existing assets and their own created assets into each category, so they might drag wolves into their Tier 2 (Upgraded) category to coexist with--say--a custom werewolf costume using the <Huge> body model... or even a model from a hologram they've unlocked with Prismatics. Of course, if it's impossible for a wolf model to animate properly with say thug henchmen powers (or a thug to animate properly with wolf henchmen powers), then the system would have to exclude Beast Mastery (and possibly the bots) and stick to henchmen that are interchangeably 'human enough'.
  24. I think the answer lies in the Mission Architect. More explicitly, in the ability of Mission Architect to create 'enemy groups'. The enemy group editor lets players assign custom entities to various ranks (Minion/Lieutenant/Boss/Elite Boss/ArchVillain). These entities can have player-created costumes, and more than one entity can be assigned to each rank. The custom enemy groups take up a certain amount of space when incorporated into architect missions and that eats into the data limit each player is allowed for missions they create and share. MasterMind Henchmen could work with that same kind of interface and setup. Give the players an enemy group window that lets them assign any number of costume files they may have (NOT their costume slots! Files from their saved costumes, just like in AE creation) to each of the three henchman tiers (and separately each of their upgrade states). They can then select however many henchmen group files they want to load into the game at large... provided their total space does not exceed the amount allotted to their account. Then, character by character, allow the player to dictate which of these henchmen groups they will use (or if said character would use the default). Doing so would immediately dismiss all henchmen and cause new henchmen summoned to draw their costumes from the henchmen group selected. This interface would need to be accessed in a fixed safe location, probably City Hall/Marconeville Arachnos Headquarters/Pocket D. I'm also not sure if it would conflict with Beast Mastery or Robots either... I don't see why it would but there might be some animation incompatibility. Still, it's at least a different place to consider than using the costume slots.
  25. It's a problem with Teleport to Target powers. Savage Leap (Savage Melee) has the same trouble. It's because the location of the inanimate object is in its center rather than adjacent to it, so there is no valid spot to which you could teleport. Not sure if there's any way for the game engine to address it.
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