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Black Tangent

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Everything posted by Black Tangent

  1. Is there any reason that the Long Range Transporter doesn't cover Cimerora? THAT would be a time saver.
  2. I am not a gamer. I'll say it again - I am NOT a gamer. ...But COH is my game. I am way too busy with real life most times to spend much recreation time, and can truthfully say that there are two games I ever played with any regularity - COH and Subspace. Subspace is basically "I have 10 minutes to spare, let's fly a ship and kill things with others", whereas COH is how I can unwind. Have fun. Forget whatever might need forgetting for a while. That said, at sunset, I was bummed, but not devastated. I moved on and accepted the shutdown, but part of me missed my bots, so I grabbed the client, ripped out the sound effects, and installed the shield sound effect as my text message tone. 🙂 When I got an invite to the Server That Shall Not Be Named, I was beyond excited and happy, and remain grateful to those who started it. Now I'm here, and it's the same as it ever was, but I am very happy to see the hard work being put into the game here at Homecoming. I'm on a playing kick now; will it last? We shall see. Like I said - life is pretty damned busy. Outside of that, all I can say is that I'm drawn in by the gameplay, not so much the storylines, costumes, or minutiae like how much a level 35 SO enhancement augments damage versus a level 40 DO enhancement. The game is gorgeous and plays well, and has enough variety to keep it interesting, and that's enough for me. - BT
  3. If the next mish door turns out to be the same door or within a few hundred yards, tt is not needed. No sense burning it and not having it when the next mish is in another zone. 23. Not every character is as fast as you, so don't be so eager to run off to the next mob all by yourself. MMs in particular have to wait for pets to catch up, even if the character can move fast, but not everyone has a speed power to begin with.
  4. I was on Virtue as well, then in a super-secret-squirrel location, and now here!
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