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Posts posted by Omega-202

  1. Its a great combo.  My first villain on live was Ice/Dark/Soul and its a solo powerhouse.  I remade him on HC as my first character back in the game and loved the nostalgia of it.  So many holds, great single target DPS, essentially full lockdown with Fearsome Stare + Tar Patch (AI tries to leave the patch whenever they get an action during the fear and barely attack back).  


    However, my warning is that it doesn't hold up on high speed endgame teams.  The animation time on Stare, Drain, Patch, Ice Storm and Blizzard are just too high.  By the time you drop all of that, the spawn is mostly dead.  You can run off and solo your own 54/8 spawns at a moderate pace and safely, but I often feel like you're dropping AoEs on nothing if you stick with the pack.  

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  2. 41 minutes ago, pearbear said:

    Can I ask - does that mean the Force Feedback proc slotted into a pet triggers on pet attacks too or not? Sorry not really sure of the proc rules with pets. Thanks!

    Pets are usually immune to recharge buffs.  I believe its because it messes with their AI. So, they do not get any benefit from FF.  


    However, the player can benefit.  For example, slotting FF in Tornado is pretty decent, because it's proc rate capped at most recharge rates you could slot Tornado for.  It makes it so 90% of the time you use Tornado, you personally get the FF proc boost.  

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  3. 27 minutes ago, Frosticus said:

    you can just do a fade away call hawk, (or blind) and not lose out on the damage during the 1 second cast of combat teleport. Hoping back 40ft while activating a ranged attack is not much more challenging than the combat tp. Maxing feral charge is definitely a worthwhile goal, but it is pretty easy to do.


    I'd only use combat teleport for that purpose if I was specifically trying to hit the middle mark of feral charge to limit it to 2 stacks of blood so I could forever avoid exhaustion*. Perfectly spacing that jump can be challenging. Or if I was a hover dom.


    Fold space might be worth the power picks though for some people. 


    *If avoiding exhaustion is one's specific goal.



    My test build also had Fold Space, so it was also a stepping stone power, as you alluded to.


    Regarding back jousting, yeah, that can work.  I haven't actually put appreciable time into Savage so I'd need to try it out.


    On this topic, I have a Hasten free, perma dom Ill/Sav/Ice build I'm tinkering with before making the character.  I might post for feedback here.  

  4. 2 minutes ago, Frosticus said:


    -Combat teleport: I don't see the need for this when you have feral charge up every 4ish seconds. Unless it is a concept build that just teleports around while your summons kill things? Nothing wrong with that.


    I did some noodling around on test with CB + Feral Charge.  By hotkeying CB to TP backwards 50ft, then hotkeying FC to charge your target, you can guarantee max damage on every charge, even if you're already in melee.  


    It was a bit jarring to play with, and took getting used to, but I can see myself making it work on a Live build when I get around to making an Ill/Sav.  

  5. Procs actually work pretty well on Spectral Terror.  The way it works is the Terror pet has 2 active powers: a fear/-tohit aura on a 5 second pulse (20ft radius), and a single target fear/-tohit on a 6s cooldown.  Cloud Senses and Abyss procs (and anything else that triggers on fear or -tohit) apply to both powers.  It's a double dip.  


    From experience on an Ill Controller, dropping the Terror on a full 4/8 spawn will pop 3-5 procs on the initial drop and then more over the course of the duration.  Even against a single target (eg AV), having a 46% chance of proccing every 6s for the single target Fear power is cheap extra damage.

  6. 6 hours ago, Sanguinesun said:


    Are you promoting a false dichotomy or just towing a dev intended line of intentionally alienating and invalidating a segment of the player base by targeting their game play enjoyment through specific changes with the sole purpose or damn near close to it for that goal or something else?



    EDIT: gifs broke, but I don't care enough to fix it.  Billy Madison, "everyone in this room is stupider for having heard what you said", yadda yadda yadda

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  7. 5 minutes ago, Tachstar said:


    I'll do you one better: I don't even need to read the patch notes to know that I don't want any further changes made to what's left of the original game. I didn't want any of the changes that have already been made. All I wanted was something as close as possible to the game I knew and loved all those years ago, before it was so rudely snatched away. That's it and that's all. If the HC devs want to add new stuff like the Sentinel AT and new power sets like Symphony Control? New story arcs? New Task/Strike Forces? Great! Bring it! But all these tweaks and adjustments and 'QOL' changes to the old stuff... I didn't want any of that, didn't ask for any of it, and I'd just as soon see it all revoked. All of it. With every new 'fix', the game gets less and less like the game so many of us were so excited to get to play again, and more and more something that kinda sorta almost looks like it -- if you close one eye and squint. YMMV.


    TL;DR -- if it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    Anyway, that's my feedback.

    There are other servers that stick closer to the "as it was" model.  You can go try those.  Homecoming is what Homecoming is.  They're going to change stuff, so operate under that assumption.  

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  8. 9 hours ago, Bill Z Bubba said:

    Guess I'm old school. Spidey I knew never had electric blast. I'll second StJ/SR with SJ/CJ ... and maybe a proced out Flurry. Kind of a bummer you'd have to haul out a mace for webbing but it is what it is.

    You don't need the mace for webbing.  That's what the Elec and Mu are for.  Re colored to white makes electric attacks look like webs. 


    To the main topic, I have alt builds and costumes on my Crab/Mu and Elec/Invuln/Mu Stalker that are Spidey homages.  Crab is built as a melee based attack Iron Spider suit with Fighting pool and Mu attacks colored white for web attacks.  Stalker is also colored white with costumes for the classic and "Big Time" stealth suit.  

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  9. 44 minutes ago, Sovera said:

    Gauntlet is not needed to prevent runners. All Tanker primaries have a taunt aura as it is which takes care of that.

    (A) Taunt auras have 12 ft radii (8 base x 1.5 from gauntlet). The Punchvoke taunt is WAY bigger.  


    (B) The taunt auras proc the Gauntlet Punchvoke.  So you can't say one is useful vs the other.  They're inseparable concepts on a Tanker.  The reason the taunt auras are so good is because they are utilizing the Gauntlet effect.  


    Case in point on (B), compare runners on a Scrapper just running their aura vs a Tank jus running their aura.  One gets just the aura effect and the other has the aura procing an extra taunt.  

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  10. This suggestion and the idea that Gauntlet is useless solo shows an incredible lack of understanding of game mechanics.  The Gauntlet taunt is a massive benefit for tanks in that it almost completely eliminates runners.  Not to mention the ABSOLUTELY NOT negligible AoE increase.  If you are finding that the AoE increase isn't doing much for you, that's a perception or build issue.  


    In summary, OP doesn't understand the AT pr Gauntlet, and no change is needed.  

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  11. Is this a troll thread?  I swear Diantane has posted this exact same thing in the past and it got locked and purged.  


    Same issue as last time: Mids and in game show the values with Scourge.  


    Anyone else distinctly remember the old thread with the exact same topic?  I know I'm not going nuts.  This has to be a troll post.

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  12. 33 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    This is a bit mis-leading. Prior to the change from this patch, you can't really say that using emps "as intended" was for incarnate progress only.  

    Yes, it's certainly true before shutdown that emp merits were used for incarnate progress - but they were also used for other items - as shown below: 


    That's just Emp Mike, and doesn't show Astral Kristy. 

    Historically, emps and astrals were used for recipes and such just as well as incarnate progress. 

    As for this change from last patch, some folks probably missed it, but the reason for the change had more to do with a few bad apples that were reportedly using the emp->reward merit exchange in a nefarious manner. It's still lost on me why our HC dev team didn't lead with their reasoning instead of having countless pages of debate over the issue. But, I'm just a visitor here. Not my game, I just get to play here. Someone did finally explain what was going on, but felt they couldn't share too much, lest some players take advantage of specific info. 

    You're trying to nitpick without seemingly reading my full statement.  Let me reiterate:


    34 minutes ago, Ukase said:

    The only thing you lose out on is if you made a habit of using your lvl50+ freebie Emps on Reward Merits instead of using them as intended: unlocking Incarnate powers. 


    The level 50+ freebie merits didn't exist on Live.  They were added on SCORE and HC specifically to allow people to upgrade their incarnate abilities without having to run trials.


    Empyrean Michael and Astral Kitty never co-existed with the freebie lvl 50+ Emps so your response is a complete non sequitor.  The intended purpose of the freebie lvl 50+ Emps cannot have anything to do with cashing them in for the reward tables you screenshotted.

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  13. Titan was always described as a "shooter with powers, online RPG" and not a true MMO.  All descriptions from the time before it got retooled into Overwatch made it sound a lot more like Destiny, Anthem or Borderlands than a super hero MMO that tried to do what CoH does.  


    I don't think there was any real corellation.  

  14. 5 hours ago, mtmittens said:

    Thanks for the reply. That's a damn shame, can't think of any good reason for getting rid of it.

    It was changed to close a loophole that was being exploited by farmers to churn out hundreds of merits per hour.


    What @Excraft is intentionally leaving out is that 90% of content that used to reward Empyrean Merits now also reward standard Reward Merits so you don't lose out.  Incarnate trials used to only give Emps.  Now they give out Emps and Reward Merits, so you don't lose anything.


    The only thing you lose out on is if you made a habit of using your lvl50+ freebie Emps on Reward Merits instead of using them as intended: unlocking Incarnate powers. 

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  15. 13 minutes ago, biostem said:

    You are probably right, then.


    Then it sounds to me like you play more of a "we all solo, but it just so happens we are in the same instance" style.  I'm glad that works for you.

    Not at all how it works, but fine if you want to pretend that.  


    Again for context, the radius for Leadership is only 60 foot.  Thats shorter than the base range for a T1/2 Blast for most ATs, the same as the base range on Sentinel attacks. Most mobs are more than 60 foot wide, some are easily 120 foot+ (mobs in Apex mission 1 are an easy example).  Two Scrappers hitting bosses on opposite sides of the spawns and a Blaster standing outside the spawn shooting in will all be missing each other's Leadership ranges.


    You mention lack of knowledge but it seems like you are the one who hasn't studied the real world examples.  

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  16. Just now, biostem said:

    Getting your teammates to stick together is another matter entirely, IMHO.  If you're team can't or won't stick together, then that is a matter for that team to discuss/work out internally.


    That's not the point and if that's your take, we're not going to agree.  


    Teams don't need to stick together on 90% of the game's content and if you're rolling around clustered together in things like Market Crash, TinPex, non hard mode ITF, any of the lvl 10-40 TFs or SFs, then you're moving too slow for my liking.  And if you are a team that is highly coordinated and running Hard Mode content, then you're probably rocking at least 4 Def/Corrs and the marginal benefit of a Scrapper running Manuevers is meaningless.  

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  17. Two main reasons I skip Leadership on certain characters:

    1) The marginal benefit and end cost isn't worth it on melee characters.  Melee characters get nearly half the value of a Defender or VEAT and they cost a lot of endurance, especially for sets with bad or no end management (Dark Armor, Invuln, etc.).  10% Damage from Assault just isn't worth the endurance cost on a Stalker that is already running nearly perma BU from the proc, especially in view of....


    2) The radius is only 60 feet.  My melee characters aren't even boosting parts of the team in a standard fight, let alone fights where the team is split.  If I'm Tanking, I'm leap frogging groups to grab early aggro and the team isn't benefiting from my auras and I'm not benefiting from theirs.  Most fights in content I like running (ITF, Incarnate Trials, TinPex, Market Crash) usually involve the team splitting up a lot.  So why bother running expensive, low value toggles that my team isn't even getting the effect of?


    That's not to say people shouldn't take Leadership.  I take it on basically all of my Defenders, Corruptors, Controllers, MMs and VEATs (double leadership).  But I totally understand not taking it on Stalkers, Scrappers, Brutes, Blasters and most Tanks.

    • Like 4
  18. 1 hour ago, WindDemon21 said:

    I like how you arbitrarily say it's a buff for 95%, pulling that number out of thin air. When it is in fact a nerf to WAY more at that time frame.


    Given that toggles shouldn't take more than 1-1.5s to begin with, but even WITHOUT that, it's still too long for most that only have two, if not just one offensive toggle. I'd have to pull all the combos, but it's really only a buff to maybe 10% of the combos, a slight nerf to about 40%, and a big nerf to about 50%.


    Don't forget, this also has to account for enemies dying and you can't even manually turn the toggle off when mezzed, and a HUGE issue, that during this whole time, when mezzed and suppressed, that the toggles are costing full endurance.


    Just cause you don't care enough, doesn't mean the issue is gone and should be moved on if it wasn't done right the first time.

    Look in the thread.  I isolated all of the combos, listed out their animation times and basically the only set that arguably comes out behind is Rad Emission.  And that's assuming your first reaction after getting mezzed was always to retoggle and not to pop a heal, attack or run.  


    You're wrong.  But thid has already been litigated and you lost, so I'm not going to waste any more time.

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  19. 4 hours ago, WindDemon21 said:

    The 3 seconds WAS about the max. We WANTED none at all like defensive buffs have. In the middle would have been 3, or 4 seconds max. 5 is still too long. There is no confusion. Just that the devs decided on 5 seconds for now, and we need to keep bringing up that it should be shorter for them to look at it again.

    You're saying this like everyone unanimously wanted 3 seconds or for the change to be cancelled.  That's not true.  I think that 5 seconds is more than fair and is actually some solid power creep.  I thought 6 seconds was more in line, but I didn't see an issue with 8.  


    This change is an overall buff for 95% of characters, and that huge discussion thread was definitely "over".  You just didn't want to give up.  If the dev team had to wait for you to agree with the change for the discussion to be over, then Page 4 would have never dropped.  


    Move on.

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  20. Fold Space is a game changer on Tanks.  Doesn't matter if they scatter, you can just pull them back in.  


    Also, kill faster.  I don't worry about scatter on my AoE tanks because proccing the right attacks to high heaven means the 4/8 mob is down to bosses after my initial volley.  Then who cares about scatter?

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  21. 26 minutes ago, Yumichan said:


    This is one use yes.  Other is to convert to merit for enhancements or recipe if I want.  Now I am losing out on bonus empyrian merit from veteran levels.  This is a bad change. 

    You seem to be mistaken.  You aren't losing out on bonus empyrian merits from veteran levels.  That's not changing.  All that's changing is the conversion to regular merits.  


    I think you need to re-read what is changing.  

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  22. @Andreah 

    I still disagree because ever second my Tank is running to gather up another spawn is another second I'm not doing damage.  For some tanks, that's not a huge loss, but I build procced to the gills on all of my Tanks.  My current fav being a procced out max offense Rad/Dark that can thin a PI radio 54/8 spawn down to Bosses only in 3 or 4 attacks (Soul Drain>Procced Rad Therapy>Procced Ground Zero>Dark Oblit).


    Why waste time herding when I'm also usually one of the top damage dealers on the team?  

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