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  1. Check out the Atom Eve origin movie they made if you haven't already.
  2. So in City of Heroes power terminology, having rewatched Season 1 thru 3 a few times, especially the Season 1 and 3 finale fights, I would say that in the game a Viltrumite would be in terms of AT and powers: 1. Brute (they can be injured and bleed profusely so NOT a tank) 2. Super Strength with perma charged RAGE on auto fire 3. Easily maxed up Fury bar 4. WILLPOWER for their secondary. They are not immune to all damage but they also regenerate from extreme injuries. Invincible was beaten to a pulp by his own father in season 1 and survived. Maxed up heal, health and regeneration 5. Alpha slot is either Vigor Core or Resilient Radial 6. Judgement is the MIGHTY judgement. They have yet to really be shown hurling fireballs or lightning but MIGHTY suits them 7. Interface: players choice 8. Destiny: T4 Rebirth Radial or T4 Ageless Core, either one fits for a Viltrumite 9. Hybrid: T4 Either Assault for more damage or Melee to boost regeneration Obviously I am not saying we make copy cat costumes and names for characters I am simply speaking in terms of their powers. 🙂 Opinions?
  3. Budget constraints probably. I think you will be happy with Season 3 🙂
  4. Tactical error on Eve's part in the fight: when she increased the air density she should have them formed a tungsten steel cube around Conquest plus an energy force field. Yes Viltrumites can hold their breath for a long time, but dense air is not that healthy to breathe and there wouldn't be much for him to breathe. If she could have maintained that double layer cage, she could have stopped him. Still this shows that Mark and especially Eve are the two first, best, last and only hope on Earth against the Viltrumites. But they are not enough. Mark has upgraded and trained but he is still a baby Viltrumite in terms of power differential between him and the others. Also they have more experience in battle and Mark for some time now has held back considerable amounts of his might.....except for when he was on Thraxa and just now in this episode. Since the cartoon is following the comic lore rather well, this won't happen but still....Mark needs to talk to Cecil and Robot about making a gravity chamber where he can have the gravity increased to levels greater then Earth. Once he acan move easily in the increased gravity they then increase it more and more, as much as the chamber can increase it. By moving in that gravity until he can move as easily as he can in normal Earth gravity and by lifting weights in that gravity, to say he would have muscles like iron would be an understatement. His power levels in normal gravity on Earth would be greatly increased and so would his speed. Also loved the HULK reference in the fight "Getting mad doesn't make you stronger! That's NOT how it works!"
  5. Yep the episode is a near mirror exact copy of the comics. And Invincible gets a nice reward at the end.
  6. Funniest line in the fight for me: "Take a break while I focus on the boy!" then backhands Invincible into a building
  7. Well ep 7 compressed the Invincible War a bit, so I do hope they do an animated movie that really shows the war but the season finale in ep 8 was awesome.
  8. Send a total of 5 alts this week that need to finish Partner badge into the Cavern of Transcendence trial and EACH one solos it 35 times each....... Or put it this way: "So 3 tanks and 2 brutes each separately enter the Cavern of Transcendence and solo it 35 times each......"
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  9. You shoot the extinguisher at the fire, it MISSES.........and then the building explodes in your face.
  10. This is indeed a tragedy. He should have had a live in caretaker or else been in a nursing home, and if he was bedridden most of the time then likely he should have been in hospice care. RIP
  11. I just had an idea for how they could create a small squadron of heroes to help against things like multiple Invincibles and the impending Viltrumite invasion I have read the comics (the art at times......eeesh) but anyway what they could do is this: 1. I suspect Rudy/Robot thoroughly monitored and recorded the Maulers cloning process and mind copy/paste process 2. We get some blood from Invincible and then make say........5 clones. However instead of Mark's mind being transferred into them and thus having the whole clone/original conflict of the Maulers, they could take the heroes that were critically injured and copy/paste their minds into the clone bodies. The original will perish just like it was with Rudy/Robot and the world gets new heroes. Modify the costume and appearance of them so they aren't impersonating Invincible, of course. Or in lieu of critically injured and dying heroes I am sure there are plenty of soldiers critically wounded and dying from the Invincible War that could be copy/pasted into a clone body of Invincible. If I were Cecil I would have to seriously consider this plan as I would be in charge of defending Earth and would need weapons/soldiers to do so.
  12. Just wait until next week's season finale!
  13. Enjoying the series so far, it is a nice resumption of the story from the Netflix series. Now if we can get Season 3 for Cage.....
  14. Episode 7 now available for viewing! It was awesome!
  15. I think the next 2 eps will satisfy the need for action. 🙂
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