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Posts posted by tidge

  1. I will echo the use of empowerment devices: I will regularly use them to consume salvage that would otherwise be wasted.


    Aside from P2W and Ouroboros, the Brickstown ZigBreak also grants Temp Ranged attacks good for 18 hours as a reward.


    The two Temp powers I rely on are the Envenomed Dagger and the Shivan. Both help with AV/EB HP stacks and having a bulky pet at low/mid levels helps with soloing things like TFs.


  2. 56 minutes ago, Cutter said:

    Tacking on to this since my google-fu failed me last night... does one have to be trained to 35 to get the arc, or just have dinged to 35? I'd rather not take a power I don't want at 35 and then have to respec, if possible...

    You get the contact after training to level 35, and you earn a respec along with the badge (at least the first Patron).


    I tried Sirocco's arc solo, that felt harder than GW and BS.

    • Like 2
  3. 19 hours ago, Steampunkette said:

    It never occurred to me, before now, just how -limited- a Mastermind's Hybrid options actually were. Control and Hybrid are all but useless for them. The only things worth half a damn are Melee (For Tankerminds Only) and Support. Though for what it's worth, Support can grant all your pets a 12% damage, defense, accuracy, and mez buff... which, y'know... Nothing to sneeze at!

    It isn't as if there are that many Hybrid choices *anyway*. My MM just go with Core Embodiment Support and wade into the mobs!

  4. 5 hours ago, AerialAssault said:

    I think the balance we have now is just right. Let's not open ourselves to the Purple Rain, or make the game even more of a ball ache to play by adding more grind in.



    The lonely non-farmer playing as "team=1" may not be seeing many purple drops, but I don't think the Purple/PvP drop rate is extra-ordinary. I have a couple of non-farmer (Tank, MM) lvl 50s who will revisit the first Dark Astoria arc at 0x8 (which I suppose is a sort of farming) and will get a Purple/PvP drop approximately every other run. I can take these same toons into a comic-con farm and average 1 Purple/PvP per run. RNGesus has blessed one run with 3, but I've also had runs with 0. This doesn't seem to high OR too low to me.


    I default to 'neutral greedy' about my Purple/PvP drops, but many of them are not ones that I'd normally seek out so they find their way to the market to help out other players who want to kit them. ...And as a player that will occasionally seek out Purple/PvPs, I appreciate that others are doing the same.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 minutes ago, EyeLuvBooks said:

    You just described a majority of the players. Believe it or not, most players don't use the Market. They certainly don't want to 'leverage' it. Most players don't like crafting either. Many people just want to play the game. As I said, we can already store everything else. Why not store one rack full of recipes?

    What is the point of storing recipes if you don't like crafting?  This would be some Horder mentality that is not worth encouraging.


    Every player can store recipes in the auction house or email. Every player can access email anywhere in the game.


    • Like 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, molten_dragon said:

    I've always found making money in the auction house to be trivial, so it's always been pretty easy for me to outfit a character with IOs.  It does take some planning time though.


    I don't go whole-hog on every character I have.  I guess I sort of have three tiers of characters depending on how much I like them, and if I have a specific purpose in mind with an IO build.

    Get this man another Tier, because it appears that he may have neglected to fully kit out his alternate build slots!


    I'm a slow leveler who is lazy about looking at IO set bonuses. It's sometime after lvl 20 that I start thinking about things other than KB protection, +End, travel Stealth. By the mid 30s I will have several sets. By the time I get a character to 50 it's a toss-up how deep I go into the build, but I love having the option.

    • Like 1
  7. I used to worry about the storage of recipes (I used the auction house, and email) but after six months of Homecoming play I find I don't really need it. The market place basically takes care of everything you need, and converters allow players to (eventually) get to any pieces that are not on the market.


    Initially, I thought I'd want certain IO sets for certain builds. However, it turns out that buying (attuned) is much better for almost every build, excepting the lvl 50 pieces that you want to boost.


    Initially, I also considered 'donating' certain recipes to alts to be able to make items to sell on the market. However, sending INF between toons is trivial.


    Initially, I considered transferring 'standard' IO recipes to make it cheaper to get crafting badges. INF is so easy to make that it is more trouble than it is worth to avoid just buying the IO recipes at the workbench.


    Initially, I thought 'hording' low level recipes was going to save crafting INF (compared to lvl 50 recipes, where the crafting prices take a jump) but practically at level 50 I find I get enough INF from just selling standard IO recipes that it doesn't matter.


    I'm sympathetic to the original request, but I have found that lack of recipe storage (other than the Auction House or email) is only an issue if a player has a small number of toons and completely lacks the INF to leverage the market.

  8. My lvl 50s have only gotten tips in Peregrine Island and the RWZ. Is it possible you have been ToTing in PVP zone where you cannot be in costume?


    I've done some ToT in Siren's Call, but I didn't find a working door in Bloody Bay.

    edit: Have you ever done a tip mission? Are you pure villain/hero?

  9. I was under the impression that the market fills bids by matching the highest bid against the lowest price that is below the highest bid. If so, it is possible that you placed your sell price higher than other players. If multiple players have placed the same sell price I don't know if the bids are matched by FIFO, LIFO, or WTFO.

    • Haha 4
  10. Here is a conflicting anecdote: last night I logged in to a lvl 50 and immediately ran a new instance of an Ouro mission (Heather Townsend, DA1) to get a couple of incarnate components. It was somewhat early in the arc that a catalyst dropped. However, after the flashback, I then went to another mission I had previously queued (in Cimerora) and got an early Catalyst drop in that mission as well.

    I didn't have much more time to play, so that is the extent of this anecdote.

  11. I'm pretty sure this is still in the mix: Tanks are supposed to get an 'inflated' amount of Endurance as well. This (along with higher damage) ought to make soloing at lower levels a lot more tolerable. I subscribe to the classic 3-slot Stamina (Perf Shift proc+End, IO End) on my characters so I'm somewhat curious if any players have experimented with cutting down to just 2 slots in Stamina.

  12. 49 minutes ago, Onlyasandwich said:

    Agreed with cyvert. As long as you are still trading up it won't really matter. You will adjust to the new market as you go.


    The hassle of storage and hard limits to capacity make saving in nonliquid assets not really worth the trouble. If you are planning a long hiatus, maybe dump some into atos and high demand purples to sit. Other lower priced items like miracle or perf shifter procs don't store enough wealth per slot.

    Here are the things that I think are keeping inflation down:

    1. Market seeding (not just salvage, but also Super/Winter packs)
    2. Current conversion rules
    3. Merit Vending (converters, catalysts, unslotters, recipes)
    4. Farming (AE, as well as Aspect/Ouro farming)
    5.  Nothing 'new' to spend INF/Merits on

    I can't imagine that the Homecoming Devs making radical changes to any of the above. If there is anything that might threaten trying to store more than 2 billion Inf, it may be placing bids on 'impossible' IOs...just in case the Devs suddenly make them possible, a player may find some crazy bids suddenly filled!


    If anyone is really worried about not being able to buy future stuff with stored inf, follow the earlier advice in this thread and buy the items you are nearly sure a future alt will want.

  13. 21 hours ago, Kigo said:

    And for anyone who wants to give me grief over using it to travel between zones faster, I ask you this. How many of you only bake your food completely from scratch? Or do you ever eat out, have delivery, or eat pre-made foods at home? Unless you are Amish or some other type of person who hates time saving processes then the answer is that all of us have at least a few times in our lives if not on a constant daily basis done this. And guess what? It is exactly the same thing. Almost no one wants to take extra time to do something that can be done just as well but faster with less effort.

    I am casting my downvote from a pneumatically-powered difference engine using gears and levers hand-crafted from self-refined ores I mined from the bowels of the earth. I originally had an Amish partner but he didn't believe in the time-saving processes of metallurgy.

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    • Haha 2
  14. I vote NO on adding gimmicks to Energy Melee. (I would also vote NO to make any changes to the Stuns component in PvE).


    Energy Melee should be returned to the top tier of single-target attacks for generating (and keeping) THREAT. In my mind that means faster attacks (ehem Energy Transfer) to switch between targets if necessary and (generally) harder hitting single-target attacks at the expense of a mediocre (but not pathetic) AoE.


    If Energy Melee isn't going to end up at the top of single-target damage, it should at least be at or near the top in terms of achieving a reliable single-target attack chain that does respectable damage without having to resort to Hasten (or Incarnates).

    • Like 5
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  15. Some suggestions for the low-level player:


    Visit P2W to pick up free attacks and free enhancements.


    Use purple & yellow inspirations. I realize that low level toons don't have many slots, so use 'em as you get 'em.


    Buy boosters (as suggested: offense).


    At lvl 7 you can slot lvl 10 IOs. Check the AH for cheapies if you can be gifted any from another character.


    For CoT and ToT you must alter your strategy, if you don't have the defences or boosts to deal with the debuffs. If your entire team was individually fighting in close combat and it wasn't working, did you try maybe have one character tank while others sniped?

  16. Quote

    I didn't take Fighting Power Pool, I never feel like I need it.  We already  get Tough Hide and Invincibility.  My S/L resist is around 84%. 




    The only time I use Unstoppable is if I don't pay attention and run out of End.  I see a lot of Tankers don't bother to take it.  



    My Invuln doesn't have the Fighting Power Pool either, and I'm not sure I'm missing it. I don't hit the "caps" when solo, but on a lot of teams I'm way past it.


    I also took Unstoppable, but only as a Mule. I removed it from my trays so that I don't accidentally use it!

  17. Accolades have the biggest contribution to HP. I think the actual HP cap for Tanks is around 3.6K HPso you are not far off.


    Slotting a Health IO (not a proc) boosts Regeneration. IMHO once the baseline (non-Dull Pain boosted) HP is above 2K, and you have achieved some level of Defense, that Regeneration is more important than simply chasing HP. Obviously Regeneration is improved by the Dull Pain boost, but on my (endgame) Invulnerabilty tank I run through a lot of content without ever hitting Dull Pain.

    • Like 1
  18. 24 minutes ago, Leogunner said:

    I think you'll just have to bite the bullet and accept that certain ATs will just benefit proportionally less than others using certain powers. 


    And the majority aren't "wasting" part of the power if they aren't min/maxing IOs... Those players are out there. 

    I agree here. I just want to note that in my case most of the extra HP is coming from Accolades.

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