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Posts posted by tidge

  1. Dull Pain is useful, but I personally don't find Absorb to be useful on Tanks. Why propose a radical change to a power when folks can just slot an Absorb proc?


    EDIT: let me add this, in case it wasn't clear in my first post on this topic. My own experiences with Dull Pain (as a tank, as was described in the OP) is that the use of Dull Pain changes over the course of the character's advancement. Early in a career, before you have a lot of Inspiration slots and before you have coverage to most damage types (again, see Invuln and Stone Armor as described in the OP) and before you have many other powers, Dull Pain will get used a lot more than later in the career. Early in a career, it may seem like you are wasting a Tank's most important resource (HP) but my own practical experience is that this is not the case.


    Squishier toons have a different perspective on Absorb HP barriers, but that is not my experience with an Invuln tank. BTW, the IO HP bonuses on my toon were never the goal (except possibly for one 3rd LotG slot) as they just appear on the way to other bonuses. I would say that as a Tank, an HP bonus is one of the better side effects, as HP is what a Tank does best among the ATs.

  2. I checked my lvl 50 tank. All toggles off, w/no incarnates contributing. I think this is the correct math for my toon.


    Base HP: 1874.08

    HP from IOs and Accolades: 2600.27 (Reasonably well slotted with IOs, but not chasing HP boosts)


    Using Dull Pain, this toon hits the HP cap, but only a few hundred HP are 'wasted'. (~350 HP?)


    However, before Dull Pain, the regeneration is 25.67 hp/sec. With Dull Pain it is 34.89 hp/sec...so doesn't this mean that while DP is active it's only taking (on average) 10 seconds to 'regenerate' what would be the proposed 'Absorb' barrier? (again, there is some slotting contributing to Regeneration, but most of the extra is from slotting Health). Even if I was at a lower Regeneration rate, it isn't taking long (in tanker time) to recover whatever would be consumed by an Absorb field.


    From my PoV, this is a solution in search of a problem. Other ATs may view HP differently, but for my Invuln tank I just don't think about Absorb-ing damage as much as I think about regenerating the HP I'm spending by tanking.



  3. The P2W (free) extra attacks go a long way towards helping with low-level content that hits with -Recharge.


    There is no analgesic for some of the dialogue, but you can get your revenge on Flambeaux in at least one Tip mission (as a Rogue, IIRC). I think she explicitly says she is trying to kill you in that mission!


    My personal peeve in terms of difficult (for your level) missions are the first contacts in Talos Island that ask you to defeat X Circle of Thorns. It may be just the characters I build, but that particular outdoor 'hunt' is one I never appreciate trying to solo as a fresh level 20. The CoT seem to be particularly mean at that point of n a hero's career.

  4. My Mastermind takes Grant Invisibility early in the career to allow pets to 'stealth' through missions with him (after he takes Invisibility). I am appreciating the recent changes to Invisibility, especially the reduced End cost. I never take more than those two powers! Aside from also muling defense sets, I have never looked at this set as needing to be much more than a tool that provides an alternate approach to some game content.

  5. My Invulnerabilty (tank) experiences follow:


    Early mid-game, before 'inherent' HP is really big and before resistances/defenses are swollen, I make frequent use of Dull Pain for both healing and as a sort of Absorption prior to specific, predictable encounters.  80/20 in terms of use.


    By endgame, Dull Pain is only (99.9/0.01) used as a heal (and as an HP buff to support Regeneration). Endgame (post-40, including Incarnate content) turning Dull Pain into Absorb would be a loss for me, as the extra Regeneration contributes more to my lasting through a tough fight than just having an extra layer of Absorb.


    Feel free to pass judgement: I also don't bother to try to make Dull Pain perma. I can see the appeal at lower levels, but after a certain point the HP boost is far less important than defense (and resistance) boosts that multi-slotting an IO set within it give you.

  6. I've played quite a lot of bots (1-50+) and I wouldn't support these proposed changes.



    -Remove melee from bots so they stop running up to things to slap them.

      (The leading cause of death for robots fighting mobs with deadly melee.)


    Pet melee is part of the flavor of being a MM. Yes it is annoying, but I have always found it to be something I could work with. I usually don't have Detonator (Traps) available in my builds, but using the melee-bot is a natural. The T1 pets can be resummoned quickly enough that this is not really a concern for me.




    -Photon grenade to have a 100% chance of disorient.

      (Instead of a 30% chance. Protector bots get 100% photons, so why not you?)


    This seems like an extraordinary ask, especially when you can already slot the attack for Accuracy and Disorient. If the power isn't working for you, I suggest looking at some of the other things you can slot in it, such as -Res. This is a power I often respec into late game specifically to have as an AoE under my control. Jumping ahead to the next snippet, this is the power I often have the Overwhelming Force KB->KD IO slotted in, just so that *I* can also knockdown enemies!




    -Bots to have their random knockback changed to knockdown.

      (I can't even begin to say how many times they've shot enemies off a cliff and spent the next 30 seconds chasing them.)


    I have always 'fixed' this via slotting IOs. I see this as part of the compromise between having pet AoE and ranged attacks. It is annoying to 'burn' a slot to turn KB->KD, but it adds a tremendous amount of control to the pets. Getting it for 'free' doesn't seem correct.




    -Assault bot to always prioritize napalm rockets on the first attack.

      (Not sure how this is chosen to begin with, but I hate seeing them start with single target attacks on large groups.)


    This has never really bothered me. My late-game play style has always been for me to start with an AoE and then allow the bots to follow-up. I have no real opinion here but this seems like a preference rather than a problem.




    -Repair to heal 25% but have a 20 second cooldown.

      (Two minutes is waaaay too long, it's much more useful as an ability you can use frequently. How often do you actually heal more than 75%?)


    I never take the primary pool heal, so that should tell you something about how useless I find the Repair power. Early game (with fewer robots and smaller enemy group sizes) I use the Medicine pool to heal specific bots; by the late game I typically respec out of the Medicine pool because the number of inspirations is larger and the time to resummon robots is pretty short. Several secondaries offer alternatives to Repair as well.


    I understand where you are coming from, but these requests seem to have a hint of  'first world problems'. My list of wants for robotics has much the same flavor:


    The one thing I'd like to be able to do with my (Protector) Bots would be to be able to order them to put a Force Shield on a specific target...but that's just because sometimes *I* want the Force Shield first! Silly Robots will protect their own before thinking of their fleshbag master! (wink)


    Something I'd REALLY like to know how to do is to make them emote sparks, like they do when spawning/upgrading.


  7. This is an observation that I have not been able to reliably test if it is a 'bug', especially as it involves a 'beta' feature: Power Recharge Indicators.


    I have observed that for longer recharge click powers (> 90 seconds) when I get a trigger from the Forced Feedback: Chance for +Recharge proc the Power Recharge indicator will jump (closer to zero) about 15 seconds, but then when the +Recharge proc ends that the Recharge Indicator jumps back to the original time of the indicator. I only began noticing this when I was able to work the attack with the +Recharge proc into a relatively quick/reliable attack chain but also had relatively slow (90 - 120 second) click powers.


    Edit: The power with the jumpy indicator is "Dark Consumption" (for Controllers)

  8. I have toons that have multiple powers from the Presence pool. I can't write for why others don't take it, but I use the FEAR powers as a form of Control for certain Melee characters to mitigate/prevent cascading defense failures, or to help out squishy pets. The pool may not be everyone's cuppa, but it works fine for me as is.


    I have a big issue with Group Fly: I like it best for MMs and I like the level of control it brings (similar to Hover) but I resent having to take 2 Pool powers before being able to choose Group Fly...  especially because it is otherwise so similar to Hover and Flight when 'solo'. Writing just for myself (as a player that prefers Flight as my travel power) I often find my (MMs) wanting to take GF at some point, but unable/unwilling to burn a second power choice from the Flight pool.


    I will add this thought about T5 Pool powers: I rarely take them, even on 'extra' builds or during 'burn a Respec' phases. This is primarily due to the cost (in terms of other power slots) with a little bit of the 'meh' nature of the options. I am disappointed that the pools have so few Auto powers... I find myself selecting powers that I may never click/toggle simply to mule an IO (ehem LotG,  Universal Travel, etc.) If only some of the unloved T5 offered something similar.


  9. 1 hour ago, Sanguinesun said:


    It is only as easy as you choose to make it. 

    Yep. The suggestions for Ouroboros content are good ones. If you exemplar down to lower levels you may also find that simply not having your lvl50/incarnate powers offers a challenge, even without applying buff/debuff/restrictions.

  10. Because it was mentioned: IIRC MM pets don't block doorways. There are a few pseudopets (FFG from Traps) which can still block doorways, and can act as curbs (Acid Mortar, again Traps).


    I've often wanted a 'better' free travel power, but this desire has always been motivated by either being greedy about wanting another Pool or a slot for another power. If the P2W choice doesn't fit my character concept (including costume) I simply don't take/use the P2W power and go for the travel Pool instead. The Travel Pools offer a variety of single-effect IOs which take a lot of the sting out of 'having to take a power for the concept's (not even counting the powers which take Def IOs).


    I apologize to all the Roleplayers who feel like their concept is crippled by not having a non-P2W travel power at level 1. Count me among those who don't take this complaint seriously.  Perhaps my imagination is limited, but I think the RP potential at level 4 is nearly identical to what it would be at levels 1 or 2. Eventually even a non-combat RP toon is going to have to get experience in some way other than finding exploration badges!


    If I were to make a 'greedy' request to blatantly serve my own interest, it would be: can the requirement to have TWO OTHER powers in a Travel Pool before selecting the higher tiers be reduced to only ONE OTHER power in the pool. For example, even though I find the first 3 powers in the Flight pool to be useful it hurts my own concept to sacrifice other power choices to take extra powers just to get Group Flight (don't judge me, my pets want to Fly!)

  11. On 6/22/2019 at 12:26 PM, Kimuji said:

    I've read some posts stating that EM wasn't nerfed because of pvp and I couldn't disagree more. Because EM was kind of "OP" in PVP, it had the highest single target damage AND stacking stuns was ridiculously easy. That was the stun + damage combo that made people complain, not the damage alone. A vocal portion of the pvp players  had been crying for years for an EM nerf (mostly on the Heroes side, where only tanks had access to EM). So I can't believe that it is not what sparked the intent to revisit (nerf to oblivion) EM.

    I wanted to quote this older post as it aligns with my recollection: stunning attacks in quick succession in PvP directly led to an over-reaction that Energy Melee has had to live with ever since.


    My live main was an Invuln/EM tank, and I've played it back up to 50 on HC. The slow animations are painful. I can accept a mediocre AoE (Whirling Hands) but I want more rapid single-target punches to be able to best keep as many opponents' attention as possible. When teaming, I feel like focusing on the bosses is 80% because they will still be standing when my big hits land and only 20% because the team needs me to control boss aggro.


    I'd like to be great in 1-on-1 PvE content again, at least to the point where Energy Melee is at least trading hard-hitting blows closer to one-for-one with  most EB/AV rather than the current 'they hit 3 or 4 times before my blow lands'.


    I enjoy the stuns as a small measure of Melee control in PvE. I can understand the annoyance in PvP, but surely there are other equally annoying elements there.

  12. 2 hours ago, Troyusrex said:

    I kept track of over 1,300 conversions and trades and 2 to get to rare and 2.74 to get to 'saleable' is the actual average not an estimate.  The point is I kept rigourous track of everything for these trades including all the costs and what they sold for and am sharing the data. 


    Converting certainly is one path to market riches. It may well not be the quickest or most profitable, but it is a steady stream of reliable income. 


    I'm not questioning your numbers, I rounded to the nearest integer since most players can't sell fractional converters. Relax.

  13. On 9/20/2019 at 3:27 PM, Burnt Toast said:

    You can also do actual Incarnate content/trials to earn a lot of components. I generally only go up to like vet level 15 with my characters and still have multiple t4s in some powers because... I do actual incarnate content and get loads of drops. Just saying.... I see no need for this as components etc are easy to get and you can simply switch between which ones you use. 

    I'm aligned with this way of thinking. It is a little 'grindy' to go after extra Empyrean merits and random incarnate salvage drops, but it is very easy. I suppose if you somehow made a complete flub of a choice (and really committed to it by crafting multiples of T3) you might feel burned, but even the most straightforward Incarnate grind ought to be netting you plenty of threads (for common/uncommon components) and even shards (which you can waste in all sorts of ways, like extra Alpha powers).

  14. I'd support Long Range Teleport having access to all zones (based on alignment) including the PVP and Hazard Zones. It's not like LRT actually puts players at the door of missions; it works very much like a SG portal to the zone chosen. The lack of LRT to PVP and Hazard Zones was the deciding factor for me to drop it... once I dropped LRT the choice was pretty easy to stay completely out of the Teleport Pool.


    The P2W mission teleports take players directly to Hazard Zones with no pre-requisistes. I haven't tried grabbing a mission in a PVP zone (e.g. Bloody Bay) and then leave the zone to see if I could direct TP to it... or if I could do so when invited to such a door mission (while in another zone).


    Setting aside the in-zone methods of changing zones, while on a TF there are five (or six, or seven) mechanisms to get to an instanced missions:

    1) (direct) Mission Teleporter

    2) (direct) Team Teleporter

    3) (one intermediary) Base Teleporter (P2W power) to a base with Beacons

    4) (one intermediary) Base Teleporter (Day job temp) to a base with Beacons

    5) (multiple steps) Orouboros (to a zone near a tram or a SG base portal)

    6) (multiple steps) Wentworths Teleporter (to a zone near a tram or a SG base portal)

    7) (multiple steps) Pocket D (to a SG base portal, or a directly to a zone)


    I haven't even listed the LFG solo Queue mechanism to get quickly to zones like RWZ or the Hive. (Which won't work while you are on another TF or with a team that is scattered).


    Why should anyone take Long Range Teleport (and two other powers to be able to choose it) when all these other mechanisms exist? It doesn't even offer a slot to be used as a mule for an IO!


    Edit: I forgot the Universal Travel sets, so I guess it can mule for a couple of items!

  15. One thing I will point out from your post is that it looks like you have estimated on average the use of about 5 converters (2 to get to rare, 3 more after that) to get to a  'saleable' IO. This is roughly in line with my estimates. 5 converters at peak market prices are 0.5M inf (0.42M above), and you are showing a profit of 1.2M. I've never believed or observed the sale of converters to be the path to market riches despite a long stretch of advice as that being the way to go. I'm glad users dump converters on the market, I simply don't see the return on them.

  16. I've used the Teleportation pool on both live and Homecoming, so I can share some thoughts:


    Recall Friend: I have barely had the chance or need to use this on Homecoming. On Live, it was primarily used for specific 'get to the end' missions or in cases of player defeats where the player couldn't rez safely. Both of these (and easy travel options for zone crossing) has reduced it's usefulness. I have also not been able to get it to work reliably for pets that have been stuck or otherwise left behind.


    Teleport Foe: My favorite power of the set. This may seem odd to some players, but I find it as useful as a Taunt as it is to catch runners/ isolate targets. My attitude may just be as a result of playing the power as it is and not having a preconceived notion of how it should work. I dislike it's base accuracy.


    Teleport: My least favorite travel power. I dislike the endurance cost. I miss the precision of the other travel powers. Going long distances in straight path is ok, but that is only a fraction of what I want to do when traveling.


    Team Teleport: The utility has always been limited, so I have never taken it... or if I have I respecced out of it.


    Long Range Teleport: Even as a veteran player on live I loved this power. However, my time on Homecoming made me realize this is simply not a necessary power. There are just too many easy ways to get across the universe (SG bases, P2W powers, LFG hacks, etc) that I have long dropped this as a power choices. It also bothers me that the Hazard zones are not valid targets for the power.


    I always resist offering suggestions, but I do feel that there is at least one unnecessary power (LRT) and possibly a second. I think LRT should be replaced with *something*, either a damaging attack of somekind or something like a status/debuff. As of now, the pool is one of the most boring choices and worse yet if this is your Travel power pool there may not be a good second power for you to take!


  17. My 2 inf:


    1) There are always niche sets.


    2) The niche sets vary day-by-day.


    Personally, I have found non-ATO, non-PVP damage sets to be unreliable in terms of both sales & profits. That doesn't mean I won't check them every few days, of course. Every so often I will see the supply has dwindled to next to zero, but within a day or two those sets may have several hundred for sale.


    I'm reluctant to reveal my own favorite market corners! There are a couple of sets which share a sales history with a fast-moving something that sells for much less, and so the 'pricey' set has a large number of what I suspect are low-ball bids. The history suppresses crafters from selling those sets because the prices look very low. I will almost always drop pieces into the pricey set knowing that the players who want them will eventually pay the better price for them. Even so, I wouldn't consider this an exploitable part of the market... these are just a few more places to stop the converter roulette.

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  18. I've played tanks since Live day one. Here are my thoughts on the proposed changes:


    End boost: very thematic, and something I would have proposed. Taking a knee at low levels because of endurance has been far more painful for my low level tanks than for any other AT I've played. Some higher level builds will benefit by reconsidering power and slotting choices.


    T1/T2 swap: My Energy Melee prefers Barrage to Energy Punch, but as I hold out some hope for an Energy Melee revisit I will transition to...


    Bruising (Homecoming flavor):  My lvl 50 tank won't really miss it, except possibly in some exemplared content. As this was only on the T1 power, I always wondered what non-tanks thought of me throwing that attack! I think there is an argument in favor of Bruising not being affected by the Purple Patch, but the other Melee improvements feel like a reasonable compromise.


    Improved range/arcs: Since the game cannot allow for an increased aggro cap for Tanks, allowing for their AoE to HIT MORE mob is the next best thing. I'd keep an eye on damaging Aurae (for all AT) just because I remember the era of Fire tanks discovering they could AFK-level wherever DE swarms spawned.


    Damage cap boost: This is welcome, and I think anyone worrying about it is over-reacting. I have not found damage boosts to be particularly easy to come by. From my PoV the biggest impact would be on specific teams that can leverage damage boosts, and it such circumstances the boosts won't be 'wasted' on tanks.


    Like a few others have written, I *personally* feel that there are a few elements of some sets and ATs which are overpowered in certain aspects... However these efforts are clearly trying to improve the quality of life for not just Tankers but the teams they play with rather than trying to Nerf other players. Bravo!


    • Thanks 1
  19. I was surprised by your choice (at level 10) to run a tank solo at -1/x8. Even with P2W attacks I feel that you will get a better rate of return (XP over time) by running a more standard difficulty.


    I think it was casually mentioned that the enemies include a debuff that is effecting you. Keep in mind that every enemy has at least 1-in-20 chance of hitting you, no matter your defenses. At x8 they are getting more chances to hit, and while you only have 7 power choices and 10 slots to use.  You barely have gotten into territory where IOs and sets can help! Aside from some P2W enhancements and DFB bonuses (which may help with some debuffs) I don't think you have the tools right now to tank x8.


    Most ATs start to 'feel' like the AT between 10 and 20. Levels 20-30 is when the enhancements really start to make your AT shine... and/or motivate the first Respec! After lvl 32 you can start focusing on the sets you want/need and ready yourself for end-build planning as the remaining power choices become limited but the number of slots increases. Wealthy toons can start earlier on IOs but when slots and powers are few that isn't a bigger advantage than having teammates.


    Don't forget this adage: the build you level with is NOT your level 50 build. At lower levels you can do things that would be inexcusable in 50+ characters...for example, you may 3-slot Hasten until you have the recharge & attack chain you want. Hang in there!

  20. I will echo that these arcs are very solo friendly. Depending on your build, some can be completed very quickly for an easy source of repeated merits.


    I also recommend playing these from both sides; I was surprised at the end of SSA1 that by staying in the mission after completing the story some familiar faces showed up to 'discuss' matters.

  21. Minor correction on using the Dark Astoria 1st arc to farm: At the completion of the arc the reward is 1 common incarnate salvage (random) , 1 Empyrean merit, and then a CHOICE between a second Empyrean merit OR another piece of incarnate salvage (level is random but the particular piece is not).


    I only took the time to write this out because IMHO this is the best arc for farming several Tsoo defeat/gladiator badges. Chasing Tsoo all over is a huge waste of time (especially if a lower level toon doesn't have a full powerset) when the 3rd mission in this arc stacks them all up for you. Naturally if you want the badges/gladiators/accolades before lvl 50 you don't have this option, but any lvl 50 who wants these shouldn't have to run all over Independence Port or Talos Island hunting for them. Off topic advice to be sure.

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  22. I was hoping that Field Medic would be an Auto power, much like the auto powers for some of the Epic pools. I suppose that would make it another slot for a proc, but would that be so bad? As the last power in the pool it isn't trivial to take, and it really does read like it is supposed to compliment the other powers that would be taken along the way.


    Currently, so many builds have alternate means of Health/End recovery that the heals in the Medicine pool feels like little more than an alternate to green insps. I'm a fan of the final pool power choices offering a little more oomph.


  23. Liberty was my first server, with many characters making it to 40, then 50. I didn't do any incarnate material on Liberty however, as I was on a different server at sunset. I do remember the villain side being *very* quiet.

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