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Posts posted by tidge

  1. Even though I would almost certainly use some of those pieces, because "Accuracy" fits with so many different types of powers, I don't know if such a set would really mimic what the Overwhelming Force set does. I'm partially thinking about (re)coding what sets can accept which pieces.


    I'd prefer to go in a different direction, with something like an always attuned "Universal Control" (Overwhelming Control?) set, where "Control" includes the usual Hold/Immob/Fear/Stun/etc. and also Threat. I'm on the fence about suggesting this for Debuffs, including Slow.... but those sets are also somewhat lacking in imagination IMO. I definitely want Threat included for reasons I have often written. Some Control type powers are well represented with variety, others not so much. I am thinking:

    • Accuracy/Control/Threat
    • Accuracy/Endurance/Control/Threat
    • Endurance/Recharge
    • Accuracy/Endurance
    • Endurance/Control/Threat
    • Accuracy/Recharge/Control/Threat

    I should note; I am aware that a lot of good %proc powers (AoEs) have a "control" element to them (not to mention all the Tanker attacks with a Taunt component) and could slot a set like this, so I am trying to show some restraint. AFAIK all the existing control/threat sets have an Accuracy/Recharge piece so I didn't include that piece... I was motivated to try to provide different options specifically for the Fear and Threat powers.


    I'm not that particular on what the set bonuses could be (I am underwhelmed by the Overwhelming Force bonuses), I would maybe balance between what Control ATs need (mezz resistance) and 'Taunters' need (regeneration).


  2. Accuracy/Endurance is definitely a piece I crave... typically I will have AoE attack powers on low DPS characters who specifically want a piece like that for %proc attacks. Similarly, would it have been the end of the world to also have an Endurance/Recharge (only) Hami-O so we weren't all chasing D-Sync Decelerations?


    An Accuracy/Threat piece would have been nice, as there are plenty of Threat powers that are not Auto-Hit, and I've seen a few builds with Taunt auras that could probably use one. See also Threat/Endurance for toggles. I realize that PVP concerns put a real whammy on all things "Taunt", but if the Homecoming team can expand the number Endurance Modification sets, surely there is some room for new Threat pieces. I think it is crazy that there are no Accuracy/Threat, Endurance/Threat, or Accuracy/Endurance pieces in any Threat set. Even the Fear sets have those types of combinations!



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  3. 17 hours ago, Argentae said:

    Lots of great info here! 


    I absolutely did not know that dmg procs have a separate tohit check even if they are in an autohit power.
    Very interesting...
    I'll probably need to spend some time looking at that. Thanks for the heads up!


    This is something that is generally pretty easy to test with unslotters. I suggest finding large spawns of even-con enemies (you may want to "flashback" and go to a hazard zone, or for level 50s can use the Abandoned Sewer Network). You may have to set up a tab to also monitor 'pet combat' depending on the power being tested. You don't want to face low-level spawns because the ToHit formula is heavily weighted in the players favor when mobiles are outclassed!


    As near as I can tell: There are a very small number of 'attack' powers (i.e. powers that require a target be picked before clicking, and damage is applied to that target) that can take %damage pieces and also cannot take (common IO) Accuracy slotting... and I haven't been able to observe that Accuracy (via a slottable set, as opposed to a common yellow IO) makes any difference on %damage from them... those powers seem to only apply the %proc chance independent of ToHit.


    As far as %proc rates and (slotted) Recharge on attacks, I have three general categories:

    • Inherent recharge rates faster than 12 seconds: If there is a %proc, it is only because it is part of a set I am using anyway.
    • Inherent recharge rates equal to or slower than 90 seconds: I don't sweat adding any recharge to those powers.
    • Everything else: gets a case-by-case examination. Shorter recharge powers (~16 sec) I try not to have too much slotted recharge, a 60-second recharge power can tolerate more slotted recharge.

    I used to crunch the %proc rates for every power (single-target, AoE), but I don't do this any more unless something seems 'off'.

    • Like 1
  4. I'm not trying to make suggestions on other posted builds, just my thoughts.


    I feel qualified to discuss the secondary. The primary is one I would almost certainly go heavy into %damage. My experience with Controllers that have Cones and AoE can solo a LOT of content with larger spawn sizes (although perhaps not solo at +4x8!) which takes a lot of the sting out of being slow to gain XP at lower levels.


    Here is how I slot Howling Twilight:

     (A) Bombardment - Chance of Damage (Fire)
     (*) Javelin Volley - Chance of Damage (Lethal)
     (*) Absolute Amazement - Stun/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Absolute Amazement - Accuracy/Stun/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Ragnarok - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5
     (*) Ragnarok - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5


    This is the compromise made to allow it to be used as a 'nuke' for low level content. Note that the Accuracy is slotted to assist with the %damage, since %damage requires a ToHit check (even on 'autohit' powers). The final Ragnarok piece was chosen to keep the Endurance cost under control and for the Recovery bonus. While leveling, I would pretty much only slot this power for recharge and not try to get too clever with it until you have the slots.


    I use Shadow Fall as a mule power, plus as a place for the +ToHit Kismet piece (because it is almost always toggled on)... as these types of Dark characters usually lean into %damage:

     (A) Shield Wall - +Res (Teleportation), +5% Res (All)
     (*) Shield Wall - Defense/Endurance: Level 50+5
     (*) Kismet - Accuracy +6%
     (*) Steadfast Protection - Knockback Protection
     (*) Steadfast Protection - Resistance/+Def 3%
     (*) Luck of the Gambler - Recharge Speed


    While leveling: use Shadow Fall to hold whatever Globals you need (i.e. Gladiator's Armor) I've just included a typical 'final slotting' that I use.


    Tar Patch is just 2xIO Recharge (boosted). I know there are other options, its just that I think that those are generally inferior uses of enhancement slots.


    Somewhat similarly, I tend to minimize Twilight Grasp:

     (A) Theft of Essence - Chance for +Endurance
     (*) Touch of the Nictus - Chance for Negative Energy Damage
     (*) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Healing
     (*) Touch of the Nictus - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge


    Twilight Grasp isn't a particularly good %proc power (compared to other powers you will have available), but the %+End will probably be important while leveling. The slotting I have shown would be used for leveling, and only in a final build if I didn't have a better use for the Theft of Essence slot. I see that slot as a sort of Quality-of-Life choice.


    I have found that Dark Servant doesn't need any clever slotting. This set doesn't offer the largest possible pet boosts, but it is the best set choice IMO.

     (A) Cloud Senses - Chance for Negative Energy Damage
     (*) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/ToHitDebuff
     (*) Cloud Senses - ToHit Debuff
     (*) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/Recharge


    Hot takes on the primary choices:


    In choosing between T1 Dark Grasp and T2 Shadowy Binds, I could go either way. I don't think I'd rely on either for %damage (that is what the AoE are for!) so I am thinking minimal slotting (Acc/Mez) for the single-target Hold to be used for trying to stack control on harder targets. I could be persuaded to go with the ST Immobilize for the same reason, depending on what types of enemies give me the most grief (those that resist immobilize, or those that resist hold).


    T3 Living Shadows would have some sort of %damage slotting. The 8-sec recharge time on the AoE isn't great, so I'd balance it against the rest of what I am doing with the rest of the build.


    T4 Posses: I like 6x Coercive Persuasion, but I don't know if I would lean into the single-target Confuse with this Primary/Secondary.


    T5 Fearsome Stare would either get 4xCloud Senses + Glimpse of the Abyss, or possibly some ATO slotting. I'd have to do some true building to see.


    T6 Heart of Darkness is another obvious %damage candidate.


    T7 Haunts: Lots of options here. I probably wouldn't go crazy with %procs (possibly Soulbound Allegiance %Build Up) but I would have to test. I feel like I'd want them debuffing as much as I want them doing damage.


    T8 Shadow Field: Likely to be slotted to be a %damage nuke with some control, so maybe 3x Gladiator's Net if not going 5xUnbreakable Guard. I have found the Entomb Recharge/%Absorb to be a good piece for this type of power.


    T9 Umbra Beast; I have never played a character that had this guy! With a couple of -ToHit attacks, I'd consider a %damage from Cloud Senses, but as a practical matter I think I'd want this guy doing damage before all else.






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  5. I don't play Beast Mastery, but I'm not terribly surprised about Pack Mentality's radius... to me, it looks like a lot of "radius effects" for henchmen are treated as ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . The element that bothers me the most is "passing an Inspiration to a Henchmen", but I don't know how this could be addressed for Henchmen/Pets without changing how it works for Player-to-Player passing.


    The most interesting results of the test (to me, anyway) are the many applications of the Achilles' Heel %debuff. I'm assuming that it was roughly 10 applications in 2.5 minutes for each of the three T1 Wolves... but 30+ hits (a single application has 10 sec duration each application) are helping boost net damage (modulo Damage Resistance Resisting of Resistance debuffs).


    Personally: I wouldn't put %damage in a T3 Henchman because:

    • There are good set bonuses (from Pet/ATO sets) to be had,
    • The sets that give good bonuses to henchmen enhance the T3 in favorable ways (accuracy, damage, endurance)
    • There is only one T3, so relying on %damage is something I see as relying too much on RNG

    Even with the rates observed on the T1 %procs, I wouldn't lean into the other %damage pieces. Instead, I would give the T1s the Soulbound Allegiance %BuildUp piece and possibly the Universal Damage Overwhelming Force Knockdown piece (for regular play, not for pylon tests).

  6. I am constantly "merit rich" (orders of magnitude more than 1K merits), here are some of the things I do with them:


    1a) Buy (directly) ATO Enhancements for new characters.


    As mentioned above, with the Auction House this isn't economical, but I find it satisfying. Pretty much all my builds leverage ATO, I find it very convenient to slot these to get the set bonuses ASAP.


    1b) Occasionally, there will be one-or-more power in a (new) character's build that will benefit from a small number of Winter Enhancements. Typically I have some attuned PVP enhancements that better fit what I need, but I like these for franken-slotting. I don't often use Winter pieces for set enhancements; the builds that use them almost always do so to have a Superior enhancement bonuses that scale down for exemplar content.


    2) Enhancement Boosters (at Level 50). I almost always have 'finished builds' with a large number of level 50 pieces that can stand to be enhanced.


    3) Enhancement Converters/Unslotters, when I find myself short on them and I am too lazy to use the AH.


    4a) Level 50 PVP and Very Rare recipes. I don't have that many alts, and I tend to play my level 50s such that I get these as drops, but occasionally I don't feel like playing converter roulette or waiting for bids to fill. These are all boostable, so I tend to keep my preferable (non-%proc, non-global) PVP 50s in storage (Accuracy/-- or --/Endurance pieces, Gladiator's Armor, Shield Wall, Panacea, Gladiator's Net, etc.) for use on the 'complete' build.


    Note: I often have most of the Very Rares for a 'finished build' that I want (from drops, because I level slowly and also play my 50s), so the merit vendor is typically used to fill gaps in a set rather than buying 15-20 recipes.


    4b) Occasionally: Level 10 PVP recipes. (via Merits -> Hero/Villain Merits -> Email -> new level 10). The level 10 recipes are dirt cheap to craft, and they tend to use rare salvage that would otherwise clutter the SG base salvage racks. I do this when I have burned through the useful %globals and %damage PVP pieces that I have already attuned. These have to be bought with a low level character, as PVP recipes at the vendor will match the character level.


    Note that PVP recipes (at any level) are reasonably cheap to buy on the AH anyway. I will also play converter roulette with all sub-50 PVP enhancements to get pieces I am likely to use while leveling and burn Catalysts to make them both scalable and slot-able early for new characters.


    5) Tip missions. Occasionally if I want a specific level-appropriate Tip mission (for a badge) I'll just buy the mission I want for a single merit.


    I don't buy Catalysts with Merits, but that's because I have enough level 50s and it pretty much takes a single door mission at x8 to get one catalyst drop per day. This is also a good way to get the Very Rare/PVP recipe drops.

    • Like 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, Water said:

    Yes there is. one sure way to make it shorter is to play with full IO'd team mates. Another is to play with people familiar with the TF. If you find that you don't have time to game, do the thing that you have the time for.

     /agree. Two ways to make Synapse faster:


    1) Play with some teammates who have good slotting, AoE (including temp) attacks, and split up on the "defeat alls"

    2) Tackle it solo. Low-DPS characters can take the final fight with just the temp power and a temp summons (Shivans work fine)


    In the case of (1), I don't mind playing Synapse with+N if the team has decent Accuracy/ToHit slotting. More than any other effect, I find that it is low ToHit chances that teams struggle with on lower level TFs.

  8. Level Shifts seem to always be forgotten when folks discuss "Defensive Softcaps". For Incarnate content, level shifts are mitigated by Supremacy.


    TLDR: Offense > Defense, especially don't worry about keeping them "alive". Low level MM play values keeping them alive, high-level play recognizes them as fodder.


    As a practical matter; once the Robotic Henchmen are Equipped and Upgraded, they need very little extra defense, especially if the Maintenance Drone is kept in the picture. My Robots Traps runs with just the FFG, Maneuvers and the Defensive Uniques; it has no trouble with Giant Monsters. Higher level AVs can be a problem, if accompanied by large higher-level spawns... but mostly if I am not ready for them or don't resummon any defeated henchmen.

  9. How important are the Pet/Henchmen Defense uniques (Call to Arms, Edict of the Master, Command of the Mastermind) for a FF secondary? Normally, "every little bit helps" but since FF is already bringing the Bubbles... and is otherwise somewhat hurting on offense/debuffing... and Robotic Hanchmen are pretty much exclusively ranged attackers... I'm wondering if it might not offer more value to avoid slotting those uniques, and experiment with some more accuracy/damage (or %damage) in the T1 and/or T2 henchmen.


    EDIT: On my (Traps) robotic henchmen, they often are not close enough to benefit from all the defense uniques... but they will have pretty good defenses anyway.

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  10. I see that Force Bomb and Crack Whip also includes -Res, so my advice would be to try to improve Accuracy, Endurance and Recharge and concentrate on MM attacks to apply -Resistance... Maybe it could work? Try to get +MaxEnd bonuses to offset the Endurance tax.

  11. Basically I think you pass the point of diminishing returns on Defense slotting. Even with the Endurance tax paid by MMs I don't think more than 3 slots of Def and End make sense.


    I think Repulsion Bolt is the only power that acts as a debuff (I am not familiar with Demons), that should probably be early in the build. %-Res can help, but my opinion is that you have to lean hard into multiple powers with Annihilation slotted to have a hope of it contributing... Especially if you want to face Giant Monsters.


    I should disclose: I don't like FF as a MM secondary... I can see the appeal (especially while levelling), but my opinion is that improving henchmen survivability pays less dividends than debuffing enemies. I would probably try to work in a pool to help debuffing. Either Experimentation or Force of Will can be used as debuffs... Directly and via enhancement slotting.

  12. I am somewhat proud of the polite and informative responses. Personally, my own tendencies lean to the "having 5 level 50s after 6 weeks and *now* is the time to complain?" end of the spectrum.


    My feelings are that most ATs don't really begin to feel like a unique character until level 12, and now that the higher tier powers are available sooner, somewhere between levels 26 and 30 is a reasonable time to turn of 2xp to see how the character plays.


    Level 25 and 30 IO recipes will drop, of course Inf will be needed to craft them. Racing to 50 also implies getting to 50 with a merit-poor character... Merits can be used directly or indirectly to outfit characters.


    TLDR: new players who rush to 50 are going to end up exactly where the OP is, by design.

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  13. On my Archery/Tactical Arrow build (posted in its own thread) I only skipped Ice Arrow. The single-target hold was an easy skip for me: I didn't need a ST attack to do damage (especially via %damage) and I would need (personal feels) to slot it for Accuracy/Hold/Recharge simply to make it useful enough for the limited number of circumstances that I'd want to use it for... which would be some Boss/AV/GM I can't quickly defeat that I want to stack a Hold with teammates.


    I found that Tactical Arrow's other attacks satisfied a few things for my build:

    • It leaned into the "range only" behavior, with more attacks and more controls
    • It allowed for %proc slotting, while letting me slot set bonuses in the primary attacks
    • The secondary's attacks fill in nicely with attack chains across all levels... that is: global Recharge is far less important than on other builds
    • It requires neither "level 50 slotting" nor a large number of slots in each power to be effective... I found Tactical Arrow to be a very smooth secondary for "regular leveling".

    I did make an effort to bring the shorter-range powers up to a similar range as the rest of the powers. Briefly, my slotting was:


    Glue Arrow: Frankenslot with Acc/Range, %damage, %-res

    Electrified Net Arrow: 3xHO/Dsyncs for Accuracy/Range/Immob/Damage

    Upshot: 6xGaussian's

    Flash Arrow: Single IO ToHit Debuff

    Eagle Eye: 3 slots, %Absorb, 2xSynapse Shock (because Infiltration is the travel power on this build)

    ESD Arrow: 4x Absolute Amazement, 2x%Damage

    Oil Slick Arrow:  4x%damage, with 2 slots boosting Acc/End/Recharge


    The choice between a T1 ST immob and T2 AoE slow typically has me skipping the immob... but there were too many factors in play that made me want both:

    • Glue Arrow is a reliable %damage attack, %-Res AND Slow is gravy
    • Electrified Net can target enemies with DoT,
    • Electrified Net targets runners/chargers... a slightly bigger deal for me on a ranged only build
    • Electrified Net conveniently can ignite the Oil Slick

    Flash Arrow is one of those powers that once you get used to it, it become second nature to use. I don't entirely trust it to make up for running with lower defenses, but I won't argue that it doesn't help. It needs no extra slots to do its thing!


    ESD Arrow is a power I can see skipping, but I like AoE Stuns on 'soft' characters.... I especially like them if I can add some decent %damage! If I felt like I needed it, I would replace one of the %damage pieces with the Superior Entomb's Recharge/%Absorb piece. For me, this was a no-brainer "add some control" to the build power.


    I consider Oil Slick Arrow to be a bit of an odd duck. I had originally planned for some different slotting in this power, but looking at the logs I convinced myself that %damage was the way to go. The Acc/End/Recharge pieces are from Javelin Volley (boosted) and Bombardment (attuned) as these pair nicely with some %damage and offer both enhancement values and reasonable set bonuses with only 2 pieces.


    One final note: as a practical matter, I don't see the various powers (slows, immobilizes, knockdowns) as doing that good of a job of keeping enemies in a specific area (for area based Damage or DoT). Obviously this does happen, it just that I find spawns are often spread out enough to not be guaranteed to be controlled in this way... or they ignore/resist the control (soft or hard)... or RNG is simply unfavorable. I don't write this to be contrarian! It's more that as a Blaster, i believe is is the direct application of damage that brings more survivability to the character, and the indirect application (via control mechanisms) often has more things working against them in actual play.

    • Thanks 2
  14. There is only marginal difference between a Shield Breaker's max value from Acc/Recharge and the max value of a Analyze Weakness Acc/End/Recharge, so forgive me for assuming that the Shield Breaker piece was a %Lethal.

  15. 3 hours ago, Spaghetti Betty said:

    Anyone is welcome to take my builds and modify them how they see fit. My blaster builds are usually directed towards maximizing damage in a team setting while fitting in as much slow RES (personal preference) and sneaking some max HP in to hopefully live more than 1 hit. If you find something else that works for you, great!


    If I'm making any comment, it is this: in order to do damage, or to get debuffs to stick... some Accuracy should probably be slotted if facing higher-level enemies. The build appears to also just miss getting 4-slot global Accuracy bonuses from several of the Very Rare sets.


    A specific fer-instance:  Level 45+ teams will certainly do more damage if Melt Armor has higher Recharge, even if you don't want to slot it for Accuracy. The way it is slotted right now makes it look like a wasted power pick (lvl 49 could just be a Defense mule for more global Recharge) and move the second slot to either X-Ray Beam or Rune of Protection to get either a positional Ranged or Melee set bonus.


    Radiation Blast is a slightly tricky beast for builds with %damage... the attacks have some -DEF, but those attacks have to hit, and while it isn't precisely necessary to spam Rad attacks to try to apply -DEF, AFAIK there may be some -DEF debuff resistance in play. Rad can be a (ToHit) multiplier against even-level minions, but I don't think it is good enough by itself to forgo Accuracy slotting.


    If teaming is the key, move the Gaussian's %Build Up to Tactics.

  16. Just a couple of quick comments on the level of personal preference for the build above:


    I think the above build has too many %proc in Irradiate. Irradiate does have a sweet inherent recharge time, and a better-than-usual base accuracy, and the build is running with Kismet... yet I feel that all %proc powers ought to have some accuracy slotting. I'd pick at least one slot with a preferred combo of Accuracy/Damage/Endurance/Debuff that could be boosted (or attuned to give some useful set bonus). See also Char slotting.


    About Char... it feels weird to me to take Char (single-target hold) at level 41, 5-slot it for %damage, go hard into %damage on all the attacks, and skip the cone Electron Haze. Ranged Cone attacks are IMO the most reliable powers for %damage. Using a pair of HO/DSyncs (Accuracy/Range and Damage/Range) would still leave 3 slots for %damage (or %-Resist)... and the power would be available for much lower-level content. The Flame Mastery choices would need to be reconsidered, but the lack of Accuracy and/or Recharge in Melt Armor bothers me. I don't consider Melt Armor to be a valuable %proc power as it has a base 200 second recharge time that requires a ToHit check).


    Generally: I feel like the build leans a little too heavy into %proc for my taste... I'm more sympathetic here because of the Damage-over-Time aspects of the sets... but it feels to me like some of the good 5-piece set bonuses are being "left on the table" just for the sake of adding %damage. In particular: I think the %Build Up piece from Decimation in the Snipe (Proton Volley) is poorly motivated. If not going with 5-pieces of Apocalypse, then I'd suggest using a boosted 50+5 Experienced Marksman Range/Fast Snipe instead (if the Kismet +ToHit piece is always in play). Build Up/+ToHit effects work best for a Fast Snipe, and the %proc of the Decimation is pretty poor (1 PPM for 10secs IIRC) compared to how fast it will be possible to spam the Fast Snipe.


  17. On 12/15/2023 at 4:14 PM, Crysis said:

    I have always wished the upgrades to henchmen were simply an inherent power once chosen.  If that's too much of a 'freebie' then make them toggle powers the MM has to run with a wee bit of END burn.  


    I get so sick of having to click 5 powers to get ready, and the aforementioned delay of upgrading re-summoned pets that get killed during battle.


    I can get behind this, to the extent that the FIRST upgrade power ought to be baked into all the henchmen. Consider the primary progression for Masterminds:


    Level 1: First henchmen summons is available

    Level 6: First Upgrade Power is available

    Level 12: Second Henchmen summons is available

    Level 22: Third Henchman summons is available

    Level 26: Second Upgrade Power is available


    The first upgrade is available before it is even possible to summon a second hench! (not to mention: it is so low it should be available on all exemplared content!)


    If we MUST have multiple upgrades, I can't understand why the T4 and T6 powers aren't swapped. Even in earlier times (longer recharge powers, more debt, etc.) it didn't make sense that a henchman summoned from a higher level power wouldn't already have the lower level upgrades baked in.


    I can understand an unwillingness to chew through the code base/power progressions to make changes to the application of boosts or the default powers of henchmen. I also appreciate the changes to allow slotting of more/different sets in (some of?) the upgrade powers. I also LOVE that the power picks are available at lower levels (across the board, for all ATs)... but none of those makes the primary power progression look any less weird for me.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  18. 8 hours ago, Greycat said:

    For Masterminds, the question's going to be "How active do you want to be?" I know some folks love it. For me, a bots/FF nearly bored me off the entire AT because I felt like an observer.  If I were to run another /FF mastermind, I'd probably do something like pick a melee set of pets and plan on the fighting pool - for the attacks - to have something to do.


    And for Corruptors and Defenders... well, anything really works. Perhaps pair with Dark (from memory) for some -tohit on the enemies.  (And I, for a set like this, tend to plan on dual builds - one with team powers, one without those but more offense for solo work.)


    /agree that Robots/FF Mastermind is not how I would roll. I can see the appeal, but the contributions from /Force Field strike me as being completely unnecessary for the survival of the henchmen and will do very little to improve map clear times.


    On a Defender, I went FF/Beam. I found Force Fields to be a primary I didn't need to take many powers from early (if ever), allowing me to pick up more of the secondary attacks... and of course FF has some decent mules for whenever you want them. The -Res from Repulsion Bolt is a nice enough attack and feels like it pairs with the DoT effects,; Dispersion Bubble is the toggle I used to hold the Kismet piece.

  19. 1 hour ago, MoonSheep said:


    i don’t think it’s possible for one person to manipulate the price



    On 12/12/2023 at 10:45 AM, Necrophidian said:

    It's not you.

    A person (or persons) has raised the price floor for uncommon salvage by placing hundreds (thousands?) of bids at an inflated amount (currently 20,002, was 13k a week or two ago). They appear to have actively kept the number of standing bids at around 125k (I've watched it steadily drop to 122, 121, only to be jacked back up again).


    There are a large number of bids sitting at 20,002 Inf. I suppose it doesn't matter if it is a single player or a group of players... I've observed exactly what @Necrophidian described. When the sales price is above 20,002 I am assuming that is 'impatient' buyers working explicitly against the bolus of those bids at 20,002.


    I am also assuming that some fraction of the 100k+ outstanding bids are other players who put it lower bids... and I half-suspect that the goofball with the 20,002 Inf bids also has a bunch of similarly inflated, but slightly lower bids as well.


    The real mystery is why anyone would go through the bother... I understand that the common::uncommon drop rates are greater than 4::1, and that uncommons are necessary for crafting all of the desirable (uncommon, rare, PVP, Superior) recipes... and I can believe that changes in farming habits can be responsible for a smaller supply... it simply seems impractical to try to make inf while strangling the supply of uncommon salvage (intentionally or otherwise). Just keeping all those buy bids in play implies that the person(s) responsible are grinding in an unrewarding way.

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  20. On 12/11/2023 at 1:03 PM, PyroBeetle said:

    Regarding your macro to target oil slick and light with Electrifying Net Arrow. I have found that my explosive blast, which does a touch of fire damage as well as smashing, similar to your AoE Arrow, is normally more than sufficient to light my oil slick, as well as being a +recharge proc driver.


    A late followup: I agree that Electrified Net Arrow (with or without a targeting macro) isn't necessary for igniting an Oil Slick... this is more of a casual addition because I was investing in the Electrified Net Arrow anyway. In general, I tend to skip single-target immobilizes and holds on non-control ATs, but since this character was going to take the early immobilize, I wanted it to have the matching range and some improved immobilization duration and figured I may as well include a quicky macro for hitting any Oil Slick that exists.


    As I wrote above... I'm generally skipping the single-target immobs and holds because

    • Enemies that I want to immobilize generally resist slows and immobilizes anyway (those critters that like to run, think Warwolves)
    • Single-target holds can be a reasonable source of %damage, but often feel like they are a waste of slots compared to what else I could do with the slots. (because "single target")

    The times when I take those single-target powers tend to be when:

    • The powers offer a synergy with other powers in the build
    • There is a control I want to increase the magnitude of
    • It is a low-DPS AT and I feel like leveraging the ST attack into some %damage (investing in Accuracy as well as %damage of course)
    • It is an power that will hold ATO pieces for enhancement set bonuses (because I'm making other slotting choices elsewhere in the build)

    I wrote out all of the above because in my build above I kind-of miss not having the ST-hold Ice Arrow as one of the "tactical" options (for thematic purposes)! I simply can't justify (to myself) taking Ice Arrow in place of any other power in my build, or dedicating enough slots to it to improve it enough to be a worthwhile addition. As an early-choice power a ST-hold is less important than just doing damage (for a DPS character), and %damage slotting strikes me as a waste of slots. As a late-choice power, I think it a hold be far less useful than immobs (for single hard targets) and I wouldn't need another ST damage attack in later levels.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  21. Are you certain the Winter Lord had not already spawned?


    My own experiences from past years have been: After defeating the Winter Lord (and adjacent minions), after opening about 130 presents (and defeating the naughty spawns) is when the WL will respawn. I did this with multiple characters in a zone that had no observed other player presence (via /whoall).

    • Thumbs Up 3
  22. File this under "Things I wish I knew how to do, that are probably no interest to anyone else"...


    I have a very limited number of cases when I would desperately want a power in a popup tray... And yet no matter how limited those cases when I want it... I WANT IT. I could kinda do what I want with a bind, but here is specifically the circumstances:


    I have a Traps character with many powers from the Flight pool... I feel like if I had a single button in the Afterburner popup tray that had the effect of detoggling ALL the Flight powers (I think Walk might do this) allowing me to hit the floor for all summonses, things would be copacetic.

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