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Posts posted by tidge

  1. 20 hours ago, tidge said:

    I agree that Living Shadows is a power that I would give up. I get some damage out of it, but mostly it is a control that lets me know who I have aggroed.


    Quoting myself, as it slipped my mind: Living Shadows (mostly) nullifies Knockback.


    Personally, I don't get worked up about other players using a lot of knockback... but I won't deny that scattering spawns makes the AoE controls much less effective.


    There is a flip side of course: Immobilizing enemies in a large spawn makes it that much harder for a Tanker to "gather" them. The now larger Tanker AoE help to mitigate this, but it does sometimes appear that Brutes struggle slightly more.

  2. I can't see myself changing my slotting of the henchmen or pseudo pets (or FFG, thanks for the reminder about Dam/End D-Syncs!), but I am definitely considering sliding Detonator into the build. It looks like I'll have to sacrifice a LotG mule, and find a single slot for more recharge for it. I have a couple of candidate slots in my build:


    My Mace Beam Volley still has a KB->KD piece in it. This was really useful before the Robotics revamp but I haven't experimented to see how it is still working as a soft control.


    I also have a Gaussian's %Build Up in Tactics... My MM is spamming attacks (for -Regen, aggro) but I'm not kidding myself that the extra damage/toHit is doing that much. I think I'd be satisfied with just the Endurance/ToHit piece in Tactics. I'm leaning towards this choice, because if I were to learn that the Mace Beam Volley soft control wasn't doing much, I'd probably swap out the KB->KD piece for an actual damage %proc.

  3. My BR Sentinel has Refractor Beam slotted mostly for %damage, because I wanted to get damage apart from Energy if I could.:

    • Hami-O Centriole (Damage / Range)
    • D-Sync Guidance (Accuracy / Range)
    • Javelin Volley %Lethal
    • Bombardment %Fire
    • Shield Breaker %Lethal
    • Touch of Lady Gret %Negative

    I have no complaints about the %proc rates. I have Annihilation slotted in Piercing Beam (mostly for set bonuses). I felt like the timing wasn't good enough to try to go heavy into a %-Resistance,

  4. My old PEAT suggestion (which also used "PEAT" FWIW) was a classic male/female split, a la VEATs:


    The "male" path would start as a grunt member of the IDF and then branch into either a sort of Hybrid Devouring Earth Fusion or as a IDF Boss


    The Male path offers different types of assaults and summons.



    The "female" path would evolve into either a Seer or a Carnival of Light path


    The Female path is more offense and control.



    • Like 1
  5. Sign my petition for a Defense/Damage D-sync.


    Acid Mortar can have Damage slotted, but FFG cannot.


    I wonder if the Soulbound Allegiance %Build Up slotted in a (T1) would carry over to the pseudopet?

  6. For leveling builds, having a 'sugar daddy' (or SG base storage) can help newer toons with ATOs, Winters, and level 10/attuned PVP pieces (Panacea's global for instance). P2W offers several different %proc enhancements at no cost which eventually expire, but can help early with damage.


    All of my "level 50" Richy Rich builds, while leveling, use IOs or leftover attuned PVP pieces where I have Hami-Os or Purples.


    My general advice is to slot first Accuracy and Endurance. The actual effects are hard to notice at low levels, but by level 20 you should be able to see net benefits.


    Investing in a Kismet +ToHit piece in an always-on power (even if it is a toggle) really helps.


    Cheaper sets like Annihilation don't need many pieces to offer tangible benefits.

  7. 6 hours ago, Water said:


    ...you are here arguing the toss of my 20 year proven methodology.


    TOP TIP - ability take 6 slots, not 10.




    Your point is incorrect. You don't have the information that you think you do. I only expressed my staple slotting so that I can benefit from my chosen set bonuses which far outweigh lesser useful bonuses. My 'game life long' anecdote which has occurred from retail to as recently as yesterday is that even with 2 tanks and 2 brutes on a team I am so well slotted by learned experience that I predominantly am the highest threat on most teams I play on. More so now with the recent boost in popularity.




    If you are six-slotting Health and Stamina, that takes 5 extra slots in each of the two powers. Please share your default slotting, per this claim:


    On 2/8/2024 at 3:50 AM, Water said:

    One staple I have in slotting is six slotting health and stamina on every toon. End can deplete immediately so I have to mitigate that, apart from that anything goes which will facilitate a more effective toon.


    I can absolutely see extra slots going into Health for a Tanker or Brute, because of the bank of HP.  Yet it has been my experience that Tanks and Brutes often have non-Fitness pool powers that benefit from the sorts of slots that might go into Health, partially because of set bonuses and partially because those powers benefit from enhancement values (e.g. Dull Pain). My own experience has been more like a Tanker's Health will get 2x Numina (Heal/Absorb plus the global) and maybe another global... but it completely depends on which other powers are getting set other sets/globals.


    On its face, I can't see "I 6-slot every character's Health and Stamina" as good advice. I have to believe that slotting an Endurance reducer in Sprint would probably do more for Endurance management than the 6th slot in either Health or Stamina. With 10 slots invested in Health and Stamina, there have got to be some Endurance-using powers that could benefit from some of those slots.

    • Like 1
  8. I have my Dark/Dark pets slotted as follows:



    Level 18:              Haunt   

     (A) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Recharge

     (*) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge

     (*) Expedient Reinforcement - Endurance/Damage/Recharge

     (*) Expedient Reinforcement - Accuracy/Damage

     (*) Soulbound Allegiance - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Soulbound Allegiance - Chance for Build Up: Level 50


    Level 26:              Umbra Beast     

     (A) Soulbound Allegiance - Accuracy/Damage/Recharge: Level 50+5

     (*) Soulbound Allegiance - Damage/Endurance: Level 50+5

     (*) Overwhelming Force - Accuracy/Damage/Endurance

     (*) Overwhelming Force - Damage/Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown

     (*) Hami-O Lysosome (Accuracy/-Defense/-ToHit): Level 53

     (*) Cloud Senses - Chance of Damage (Negative)


    Level 30:              Dark Servant     

     (A) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/ToHitDebuff

     (*) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/Recharge: Level 30

     (*) Cloud Senses - Accuracy/Endurance/Recharge

     (*) Cloud Senses - Chance of Damage (Negative)

     (*) Gladiator's Net - Chance of Damage (Lethal)

     (*) Hami-O Endoplasm (Accuracy/Mezz): Level 53


    With the Controller's powers, they don't need any of the Defense/Resistance pieces at +1x8. At higher difficulties, they do tend to get crushed.


    Keep in mind that these are pets not henchmen, so not only are they bad at staying near you... you can't direct them either. I don't know that slotting those pieces would help them very much.


    some rando notes:


    In my (no Hasten)  build, the Haunts are about 13 seconds off of "perma". The %Build Up is frequently being triggered.


    The Umbra Beast's Overwhelming Force Damage/KB->KD is hard to notice working (because of Dark Control), but when I don't have mobiles controlled, I see it doing what I want, plus damage!


    The Gladiator's Net %Lethal only triggers from one power, but it is a high-damage %proc. I'd swap it for %+2 Mag hold just because I like the visuals. I thought that %damage was a better choice for when I have the spawn down to just a few hard targets, as Dark Fluffy doesn't otherwise do much damage.


    Cloud Senses is a set that caps at level 30, and since I want some Control duration from Dark Fluffy I felt the Hami-O was warranted.


    The Umbra Beast's Hami-O is just me being selfish. I wanted MOAR Accuracy in both the Umbra Beast and Dark Servant.


    If I really wanted those Pet survival uniques slotted... I would probably just try to work in a Patron pet and use that power as a mule for the Pet survival uniques. As things stand, I only have 1 Epic power (The resistance toggle) so I would have to make some sacrifices.



    • Like 1
  9. I was intrigued by the comment that it works of FFG and Acid Mortars. If so, that is a pretty nice way to add some extra damage to a MM.


    My /Traps MM is reasonably finely tuned (right now), but I could see myself making a slight change to work it into the build.

  10. 1 hour ago, Uun said:

    Further testing in PI vs. lvl 50 Possessed Scientists. Detonator slotted w/ attuned Bombardment: dmg/rech, acc/dmg/rech (+47.7% dmg). +31.25% damage bonuses. Alpha unslotted.

    Minion (lvl 48): 349 dmg

    Lieutenant (lvl 49): 554 dmg

    Boss (lvl 50): 614 dmg


    Were you able to detonate an Acid Mortar, FFG or a P2W pet?

  11. I have tried to leverage on a character where +Recharge both mattered and the %+Recharge was in multiple attack chain powers. I found it to be unreliable and it made very little noticeable difference because of other slotting choices in the build. I think it only has a 2PPM %proc rate with a ceiling of 90%. City of Data has its duration at 5 seconds, with a lockout.


    I did get annoyed by how it manifested in the "power recharge timers", but that was a personal annoyance.


    I can believe that there are specific builds with well-tuned attack chains(*1) that could benefit from it, but I haven't felt the need to use it. Based on earlier comments, there are players who see a benefit.


    (*1) Well-tuned (in my imagination) would be inherently semi-long recharge powers that have good %proc chances that can be rotated "quick enough" that the effects of the %+Recharge boost don't expire (for "very long").

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, Water said:


    Not going to happen, this is a game not a job, I get by very well with it. You play by numbers all you want to. If I played by numbers it would suck all of the creative joy from the game.


    You don't need to "play with numbers", you literally could use one unslotter to test. I'm not even sure it is "creative joy" to slot every character's Fitness pool the same way, but if that is your yum so be it... but it is almost certainly bad advice for anyone else.


    My point is: You are almost certainly NOT getting any Quality-of-Life improvements by sinking 10 slots into Health and Stamina. Consider moving a couple of them to Swift, Hurdle or Sprint.

  13. 7 hours ago, Water said:

    One staple I have in slotting is six slotting health and stamina on every toon. End can deplete immediately so I have to mitigate that, apart from that anything goes which will facilitate a more effective toon.

    If this is the strategy for EVERY character, I highly encourage doing some analysis.


    Specific to Endurance, it is entirely like that moving two of those slots to a power to get a +MaxEnd bonus yields better results than a fraction of a percentage point of more Recovery.


    For Regeneration, if a character has relatively low HP those fractions of improvement of time-between-ticks may not be noticeable.

  14. I want to believe that my 'level 50' build will be nearly optimal... For me... But I still experiment with taking out certain pieces via unslotters to see if something is making a noticeable difference.


    I will also run with toggles off to check how important those powers are. There are a handful of powers that have very vocal proponents, but via my own experimentation have found to have value only in corner cases. e.g. Hasten is a power that I'll include only for reasons specific to a particular build rather than plan to include it on EVERY build.


    I make an effort to experiment with powers as I level characters. Sometimes this affects my plans for slotting, sometimes it affects my choice of when/if I take a power.

    • Like 1
  15. AFAIK, all my characters "hover blast" strictly for flavor (i.e. the character is a 'default flier') or for movement on maps. There are a limited number of AV fights and situations when I plan to keep flying during the fight (if the power is available): typically Marauder for squishy AT, and Diabolique because she flies herself.


    In the Homecoming era, especially because enhancements and globals are easily available, partially because of when (primary, Secondary, Travel) powers can be chosen in a build, I consider Hover-blasting to be a relic strategy of a bygone era.


    As others have written, or implied: I believe that if the choice is being made to "hover-blast" for defensive reasons, a Sentinel will probably be more satisfying... if the player can get into a mindset where they accept that the will end up being "near" enemy mobiles. If "max damage" is the goal, then self-buffing defenses on a Blaster should be the build goal... and the way to achieve the max damage is to embrace the melee/PBAoE parts of the Blaster secondary, not by ignoring teh secondary in favor of an out-moded offensive strategy.



    • Thumbs Up 1
  16. Beam Rifle is IMO good on any AT. It takes a little bit of effort to master the mechanics to land on the most effective play style.


    This is one of those sets where I think it is especially valuable to level up with the set to see how it works. Rushing to 30+ with it will probably lead to disappointment.

    • Thumbs Up 2
  17. 14 hours ago, DrCereal said:

    Thank you all so much. I have a very specific question:


    In other games, I'd hazard a guess that abilities that continuously do damage (DOTs, AoE spells that leave a hazard) are particularly good at PROCs, since each damage instance has a chance to set off the PROC independently from others. Is this the case in CoH? For instance, my intuition would tell me that caltrops (low but continuous damage) is a great candidate for damage procs. Am I on the right path here?


    We might think this, but in fact the opposite is true. These types of powers are what I was referring to in my "pseudo-pets are a bad place for %procs". This is mostly because of the way 'recharge' works for the pseudo-pets' "attacks".


    A power like Caltrops isn't a terrible place for %damage, if you can "hit" a large number of enemies when the power is immediately "cast"... but subsequent ticks of the power aren't good for %damage.


    Unslotters are cheap, so I recommend experimenting with slotting pseudo-pets. There is a surprisingly wide variety of effectiveness of %damage in them.

  18. I think you are looking at the Penny Yin TF. With practice, it can be soloed under 10 minutes... without clearing. Trying to clear at +4x8 would probably drive most 'speed' players crazy, because of Freak resurrections.


    Enemy placement is always the same AFAIK within the Signature story arcs. The cut scenes might be hard to tolerate.

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