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Doctor Spitvalve

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About Doctor Spitvalve

  • Birthday 03/13/2000

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  1. City of Heroes is so good that you'll never play another MMORPG.
  2. Is "Warning Label" taken?
  3. Sagittarius Anomaly (Gravity Control/Dark Assault dominator). Implied that she was borne of the eponymous black hole, but when I get her to 50 I'll retcon it so that she IS the black hole. Delirious Sam (Street Justice/Invulnerability brute). Based on a DND character I made once, he's a little old man that sells limbs in a large wicker basket on his back. When I found the wicker basket backpack with the arm hanging out of it, I knew I had to make the character in City. I have a running joke with my friends where I make all my DND character names stupid and overlong, and his original name (Crumplestilzchen J. Stumptious-Fogarty) was way too long and stupid to work in City so I just pulled an established character name from my game library and changed it to something else that rhymed. Wish I could find more time to level up this character, I'm finding Street Justice to be a lot of fun, but unfortunately I have all these alts lying around..
  4. Big doog time? It's big doog time. Here's a story in four photos. A tale of aspiration, assertation, desperation, and depression. He's a lot gentler than he looks here, but not a whole lot smarter.
  5. First and foremost would be a War Mace/Willpower scrapper. I've been playing the game since I was about 7 years old and I never really learned how to play anything other than "run in and hit numbers at it until it's dead". I heard from a frequent collaborator that Willpower can be slotted in such a way that makes your character damn near unhittable. I haven't double checked this idea (I've been informed that I have a terminal case of "filthy casual") but I've been meaning to give it a shot, for kicks. (literally.) Being an elusive, terrifying ninja with a silly cartoon hammer just seems like the perfect blend of really cool and really stupid. Right up my alley. Second up would be a strong Defender. I've never rolled up any kind of support character (except one half-assed Mastermind on Redside that I might have to abandon), and I've always liked playing the healer/buffing boy in other games. (If it's anything like playing the Medic in TF2, then I'm interested.) I mostly want to be that guy that lets everyone have effectively infinite endurance, because whenever I'm playing a melee character on a team with a defender that can do that, I'm having a hell of a lot of fun. World needs more supports anyways. Third would be anything with a Mutation origin. I don't really build characters around their powers, I just like to make characters in my head and give them whatever powers seem to fit. I want to try to run up a Blueside mastermind with a Mutation origin of some kind, but I haven't really thought about it much further than that. Reading through this thread is daunting, to be honest. You guys seem like you understand the game down to the metal.
  6. I think they should open up all the emote animations and not have segregated male/female iterations. Sure it will probably create a lot of really funny-looking broken models but that just sounds like it'd be fun. I can't stop laughing at the Huge rig that Aberrant posted, but I'm also kind of weird and find broken animations funny. Opening up the emotes a little more could have its actually useful benefits too. If someone wants a gruff old lady to sit like a gruff old lady instead of having to choose between the somewhat regressive selection of female poses, they could have that too. If you have a Huge male character who's making strides in the fashion world by modeling lingerie for Vogue, then hey, you can do that if you want. Sounds like it'd be fun. Might be worth pestering a higher-up a *little* bit to reorganize the emotes to a more versatile state. I'm with OP on this. As for Shenanigunner and JKPhage, you two gotta loosen up. We're all just nerds at computers. None of this big talk or dunking on each other. That kind of thing doesn't belong in a community like this. If someone's being an asshole, let them be an asshole in their own sad little corner and pay them no mind.
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