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  1. Thank you to all folks working on the server and bringing us things to make playing more enjoyable. I would love more face mask options. Actual masks like the Carnival of Light, War, Vengeance, etc for both genders. Simple mask options like these as well would be lovely.
  2. Tech-based control set. Preferably industrial era with a dash of modern. Barbed wire, choke grenades, etc. Power-armour set. Guns come out of wrists or shoulders, micro missiles, etc.
  3. Don't force yourself to do something you don't enjoy. Life is short. Play until it stops being fun, then play something else. I'm sure you'll have the itch to come back after some time.
  4. Assault Rifle Bane Spider ranged mace skills Mercenary minions Kinetic Melee Thanks for all of your work!
  5. HERESY! Why... do you do this?! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNFew1dXCGE But really, awesome ink. Very slick. To everyone else; Thanks for the replies. I appreciate the thoughts! I already have a Mace/Shield tanker, but another one in a more savage-druid nature may be kind of awesome.
  6. Hey folks! I'm not really an alt kind of person. I generally have a main character that I play for a long time, then switch it up. I'm moving on to a new character idea! It's going to be a druid/primal sort of character. However, I'm torn between Dark/Nature Corrupter and Dark/Savage Tanker. Are either more desired on teams? What do folks prefer to see? The stats show Corrupters as slightly less played than Tankers, so that's a plus. Any insight in helping me tip the scales would be wonderful! Thanks ahead.
  7. I don't think having a bad day is an excuse to negatively impact the lives of others. If someone is spamming, being ridiculously rude, or similar, I ignore them and move on. Much better and funner things to focus on!
  8. I would love Mu costume parts. Floating around with zappy powers looking like a badass. That's my biggest wish! Oh... and Assault Rifle needs love. More gun models, power balancing, etc.
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