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Everything posted by ZeroXephon

  1. Because even with chaining powers together now you dont get 100% up time. You have to sacrifice a lot to get RoP's current recharge down to the point that its useful.
  2. No, having rune alone wont let you do that. The only way you can kind of do that is if you pair it with melee core and alternate between then, and even then you will have a good 30-60s gap unless you have rune down to like 120s recharge. This change makes rune damn near useless, what in turn makes the whole of sorcery pretty much pointless to take. It puts sorcery in the same bin as the rest of the origin powers....worthless. What should be happening is if anything, Runes duration getting knocked down from 90s to 80-60s, make it so you get mez protection and resists when used while mezed, or just totally leave it alone and instead buff the other origin power pools so they are not crap.
  3. Well the Rune changes just screwed pretty much all my builds and made it a very situational "oh shit" press that I will now almost never use. Yay..... *tosses it into the trash bin with the rest of the origin powers*
  4. Well yeah, there is no way I am going to post it all over homecoming, but as far as the private discords go.... I rather avoid getting banned, what is why I would like a ruling from gracious overlords.
  5. Needs that evil smile.
  6. Two questions. 1. If I were to have art commissioned of my unique character and have it printed on a t-shirt, or coffee mug, or something and have it available for myself and others to buy would that get me banned from homecoming? The character is unique as in it does not exist in any intellectual property, game, movie, tv show, comic, nothing. It does not look like anything from the former mentioned either or can even be construed as. I was unable to find anything in the polices outlined in this forum about not being able to do this. 2. If I had t he ability to make props from the game. Specifically the devil duck, would that be infringing on the intellectual property? This one I can kind of see because it is an in game asset, but still...its a rubber ducky, they already exist, just maybe not without the devilish features. Please advise Homecoming team.
  7. Yay dice rolls! We will need d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20. You nerds know why these specific ones. Dont need animations for them like the d6 just a text output something like: /roll4d4 and get "ZeroXephon rolls 4d4 and gets the following; 2, 3, 1, 4 = 10."
  8. Yay, my main is still an oddity! Widow club represent!
  9. Title says it all. The ability to color or tint fortunatas powers would be nice. As much as I like the blinding purple light as I melt a mobs brains into an oatmeal like goo it would be nice to have it be another color or have the ability to make all the powers dark like in psionics. As one of the dozen people that actively play this AT it would make me very happy.
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  10. While true you can mix and match to an extent. I have a mostly melee single target stalkerish widow and I have a nuke tuna. I have seen some tunas sporting a lot of melee and I have seen some widows with a lot of ranged.
  11. I dont know why more people dont play widows, they are so under rated. I main a fortunata and its absolutely devastating.
  12. It's probably getting the hug of death. We had about 2200 people on in the middle of a work day, im sure now that its prime time its getting wasted.
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