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  1. Powers generally have built-in safegaurds. Super strength includes stronger bones, super hearing has either an ability to filter out the excess noise or a brain that can handle the additional audio stimuli. Super speed includes the ability to overcome friction burns. Perhaps out of phase individuals don't move from their spot unless they will themselves to. There's also the fact that you're generally in uniform motion with the planet. Without wind resistance to change that immediately, you'll still be moving at the same vector as the planet at least for a few... I dunno - seconds, at least? EDIT: In the case of Shadowcat specifically, the Marvel wiki says she can selectively keep parts of herself tangible. It did also mention she's exploited what you're referring to, kelika, to travel westward as the Earth rotates under her. Hope that helps.
  2. The camera is anchored to your character. As a stopgap, you can rotate the camera or character and the pivot point of your FOV is where you're standing.
  3. Yup. Papers were part of COV at launch, starting in Port Oakes. Mayhems didn't exist until the following issue, so when the paper bar filled up you got a generic heist on a tiny mission map to complete so that the broker would introduce you to someone. Those poor speakeasies were getting robbed every five minutes...
  4. I can't speak on gameboy's behalf but I believe it's based on COV's contact system at launch, features of which are still in place today. In contrast to heroes' contacts which fluidly introduce one another and upwards as you continue to level, you had to do paper missions to be introduced to new contacts each time you entered a new zone's level range - and each of those contacts only have a strict A-B relationship with another specific contact in the zone. This was in tandem with the fact that red contacts have less non-arc/badge filler missions, which are replaced by doing the paper missions.
  5. That sounds like exactly the kind of people demons would want to manipulate. It's free real estate. IIRC, they're jokes to other villain groups but their pacts have put them above actual regular street gangs. I think it was the old origin contacts (Gregor Richardson?) that talk about it.
  6. While we're on the subject: can we get the controls in all three types - RGB, HEX, and HSL/HSV? 👀 As a tangent, can we also get visible numbers on the body and face sliders? I hate adjusting things and going "yeah it's like... it was like a few pixels off from two-thirds."
  7. Given the costume files save colors in RGB values, they already have access to all the colors. Any potential jank would likely be with UI implementation and removing/suspending any backend safeguards that normally prevent you from deviating from the standard swatch options.
  8. If it helps, the following powers have the same cast time per COD: (color coded: Archery, Assault Rifle, Beam Rifle, Arsenal Control) 1.0s: Snap Shot, Explosive Shot, Stunning Shot => Single Shot 1.17s: Fistful of Arrows => Sniper Rifle (fast ver.) 1.67s: Aimed Shot, Ranged Shot (fast ver.) => Charged Shot I don't know how much wiggle room - if any - there is but, if there can be a discrepancy of fractions of a second, we also have: 1.83s: Blazing Arrow => Sleep Grenade, Flash Bang, and Tear Gas all at 1.87s (0.04s diff.) 2.0s: Rain of Arrows => Cutting Beam, Disintegrate, and Lancer Shot all at 1.9s (0.1s diff.) That covers most of Archery except Ranged Shot (long ver.) (and possibly the ones that don't line-up perfectly.)
  9. Seems like no harm no foul, depending on how it's coded. If it only fires once on each inspiration when they're created, it would just try and fail. There's no penalty for clicking an awaken while alive.
  10. I wasn't suggesting damaging powers so... Unless you consider pool-quality confuse to be a significant DPS boost I guess. History is certainly written by the winners. FWIW, and I understand if you don't believe me, the suggested change wasn't born of a desire for revenge. My response that it happened to Challenge is to point out it's not solid to say we can't replace a power when the power we're talking about replaced a power. The actual suggestion to turn it into a PROC was purely trying to add more functionality to Presence. Yes, by compartmentalizing, because I was avoiding: giving Intimidate special treatment by making it a third no-prereq choice; giving Provoke special treatment that it should give Challenge for free; and we know the devs don't want any more either-ors. The most - seemingly only ubiquitously - contentious part of the suggestion in the OP seems to be the loss of Pacify itself. Since we're about to circle the drain on that part, I'm just going to drop it. What about (and forget everything in the OP in regards to this next part): - a threat set that adds Chance to Confuse* - a threat set that throttles AOE taunt to ST taunt * themed as a placate tricking someone into doing a temporary heel-turn, which is awkward because threat was formerly taunt so everything is themed as insulting someone, but now that it's a shared category with placate it shouldn't be any more awkward giving placate something themed properly for itself Now, we have no issues involving touching Pacify or Provoke, Provoke can become Challenge, and we "added" the confuse power with it taking on the slot tax to exist. (Now I have concerns with taunt creating a conflicting "confused but taunted", which might accidentally work as a pseudo-stun, and of course Tankers/Brutes could accidentally nerf their Taunt or aura.)
  11. The misunderstanding was much the opposite. I knew we were talking about the placated mob. I was saying I was unsure that being tagged "notify mobs: always" broke placation outright, since I've only ever seen damage break it, which would mean non-damaging powers (RTTC, Invin, AAO) would not. (I'm not in a place where I can test that right now by trying Placate + Surveillance with my spider to test if non-damaging debuffs break placate.) If it is the case that simply notifying the mobs breaks placate, that's fine. Better, actually, because the reason I brought it up was the fear I accidentally opened up the door to create "placate auras," which we probably don't want. Is there a meta built around Presence? Genuine question - I've only ever taken Unrelenting on one character. I thought it was much more about Hasten, CJ, and Tough/Weave. *shrug* I gave my two cents on Brutes. I see your bullet points on their issues in the same light as you see my bullet points on the benefits of this suggestion. What do you have slotted? Is it for set bonuses or to actually improve the power? Not theoretically; practically. I've always treated it as a one-slot wonder but I am guessing you're using it for something related to Mocking Beratement or Triumphant Insult? I've asked myself that before.
  12. By damage, sure. I was unaware whether non-damaging effects - mostly debuffs - actively removed it or not. For instance, hitting them with Surveillance after Placate since it does no damage but does reduce defense/resistance. Never actually tested it. Right. What I was asking is the distinction if you're referring to the PBAOE taunt that's built-into those powers, or this flag which is almost always on in enemy-affecting powers except in rare cases like Mind Control's confuses: Because that tag seems to make powers - even single-target ones - notify all mobs that you're there if they were unaware before but I've never seen it break Stalkers' placate unless you cause damage to the placated target. (eg: Placate a Hellion minion and start punching his boss. All my attacks have "Notify Mobs: Always" and any others nearby will be made aware of my presence but the minion I placated doesn't lose its placate as long as I don't hurt him.) see: -- I've given several. In the OP alone:
  13. I am aware that knockback that succeeds but is below a certain threshold is knockdown and that 0.67 is the golden number often used for powers sold as knockdown by default. I was unaware about the relationship between distance and magnitude, though. The reason I assumed knockback distance was the equivalent of its duration stat is that no other mez has distance but knockback has no duration yet all other mez enhancements only increase their duration, and - at least in my experience - knockback enhancements don't appear to increase magnitude or else slotting it would make it easier to knock down bosses and enemies with knockback protection. So, sure, we wrap back around to "just floor the magnitude" then. Whether or not negative-value enhancements are possible is certainly a dev question. It may depend on whether or not the values are signed or unsigned integers. We definitely want to avoid the solution of granting any protection or resistance to the target to compensate the original power effect because that can disrupt other taunts occurring at the same time, hence my focus throughout the thread on nerfing the slotted power itself instead of ever buffing the target. As far as invalid builds - to the best of my knowledge - your character would keep the power but could not respec without having to replace it, since we're plucking it out of the set rather than overwriting it. In order (separated by semicolons): there are benefits whether you denounce them or not, such as giving players the option for single-target taunt in a pool while maintaining the ability to make it AOE; it would entice the people who have asked for pool confuse or Intimidate/Invoke Panic without having to take a taunt or placate; reconsidering slotting depends on if you already slot Pacify and/or if you take both Pacify and Provoke as of current; I've addressed how to try working this in given what currently exists but, of course, suggesting basically anything falls into SCR territory, and for the "no reason" refer back to the "no benefit" section. Alright. I always see things like the tesla cage from whichever ranged PROC does hold fire off the instant I press the power so I wasn't sure if the effect was too, and if that was true of all PROCs, or not. Is it actually wiped-out by non-damaging notifications, though, or just suppressed/ignored? Via taunt, right? Or are we talking about the power stat "notifies mobs"? In the case of the latter, it doesn't seem like that would sufficiently interrupt a placate, since lots of powers - including single-target - notify nearby mobs without breaking placate as long as you don't lay a finger on the placated foe.
  14. For the placate portion, single-target. We're just looking to recreate Pacify in some capacity. For the taunt portion, I'm confused. Assuming KB2KD reduces mag, we just crank taunt down to either 0.01 or 0.00 depending on which is possible. If it can't be true zero, there's still concern that any nonzero value would still accidentally taunt the target since mobs don't ubiquitously have any taunt protection, so for that we apply another "anti-enhancement" to floor the duration of the taunt. Alternatively, if KB2KD doesn't reduce mag but instead reduces distance - and assuming that that's considered the equivalent to other mezzes' duration, we set the taunt to 0.01s duration. After that, we have the placate apply after some arbitrary delay so it activates after the taunt wore off. EDIT: Wait... can PROCs have a delay or do they all activate the instant the power rolls the dice? But, also, is there something wrong with like 1ms taunt overlapping placate? Does it cancel the placate? -- EDIT 2: Oh god I didn't think about taunt auras! Forget Blazing Aura or Mud Pots - they'll just nix it by doing damage - but having Invincibility, Rise to the Challenge, or Against All Odds periodically roll placate on nearby foes. I'm both concerned and morbidly curious. And Stalkers would ironically miss out since they can't have taunt auras.
  15. So we... use it to reduce the taunt to 0.01 magnitude? Right. You would reduce the taunt and add a placate PROC. Unless you're saying an enhancement can't have two unique effects because coding reasons, which is fair. Last I remember, though, at least one of the KB2KD is "knockback to knockdown AND adds knockdown if the power doesn't have it." On a different note, I genuinely appreciate the discussion - Luminara, Rudra, FupDup, Super Atom, Snarky. Even though I'm arguing some, I still think it's as a constructive back-and-forth.
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