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Everything posted by SteelRaines

  1. So I did just tried this arc. How I tried it was by making a new character (Rad/Rad Scrapper) on Red Side. Leveled to 20. So right at the start of of the level range. I auto-enhanced it to save time. First thing I checked was that the ferry from Striga to Blueside wouldn't let me through. And while I could approach it, I couldn't go anywhere. Which is good. When I started doing the arc... well I only got to the second mission of the Buried Secrets arc. The "Punish the Warriors" mission. It said to go to a warehouse. When I went there, it was an empty dock. Hmm. That ended my testing, as I didn't want to do too much Beta shenanigans.
  2. Red side Best side! Ahem. Now that that is out of my system... 😄 Red side has always had lower numbers even way back when it first went live. There may have been peaks ever now and then, but overall, Redside is lower. Which is a shame because the writing is so much better on Redside. If you want to be one of the norms, one of the crowd, and tag along, go Blueside. If you want good writing, go Red side. If you want to mess around with morality, go Gold side. Goldside - Tell me who's right and wrong over there. Most people are lazy and can't be bothered picking a side. Even through the writing is excellent and who you think you can trust may not be the case. Redside - You build your way up to power to rival that of States/Recluse, and have fun on the way. Where else could you take down clones, pit Arbiters against each other, BEEEEES, pretend to be a good guy while working for your own causes, and Mayhem Missions. Blueside - Teaming, bright designs When it came out CoH was meant to be played as a team. Yes you can solo, but its funner as a team. Look at CoV and the archetypes that rolled out with it... they are basically suited for duo or solo. They team for convenience.
  3. Many thanks for the hard work. Can I request two tank builds please? I couldn't see them when I went back from here to the spreadsheet. Ice Armor / Energy Melee tank and Electric Armor / Psionic Melee tank To cure my altitus I rolled two alts ... that's how it works right? 😄
  4. As no one ever plays on Redside (Best Side is Redside) I went and took a look at one of the zones that my lvl 50 Rogue had yet to unlock - Grandville. All the tip markers were in the exact right locations. I can see why you did Passing Fab second last and then had Guttersnipe last as that's on your way out of the zone. Knowing the drop table (that is the tip drops faster from Bosses) I focus my sweeping on Super Arachnoids and was able to pick get the tips I needed in a reasonable amount of time. (The changes to the super jump power really made moving around Grandville much easier) When I have a chance to look over the text of the tips in the morning, I might comment on them. Overall, it made the process much easier. As my character still has valentine tips to complete, part way through the tour, the tip order got a little confused. To clarify: The order of the tips in the tip window.
  5. So I'm folding and already got 4 work units down... and I check what is working on my GPU. It says it takes 7 hours to per fold, it needs to complete the work unit in just over a day to complete the work unit for it to count, and is expected to complete the work unit in about a month (28 days). So rather then tie up my graphics card for a month... How do I reset/refresh/download a different work unit just for the GPU slot? I'm using Win 7 (yes its a dinosaur... it works damnit!)
  6. On Pineapple (which totally goes well on Pizza) tried to create a Dark Armor/Energy Melee Tanker. Used the popmenu cheat to grant myself 50 levels of xp. When talking to Ms Liberty I noticed that Taunt was missing from available powers. Yet elsewhere Taunt is listed as in the EM powerset. Bug?
  7. Sorry for the delay in replying to this, had minor computer issues. The compressed menu works a treat. :thumbsup: Many thanks for your work and the fix. I use 1024x768 resolution as shown in the picture below.
  8. Things I would like to see (by no means exhaustive): More content, including finishing the incarnate story and more stuff for 50+ to do Customization of minions Additional costume slots (10 just isn't enough for some RP characters) Upgraded graphics / New graphical engine Easier SG base editing A way to check AH out of game Continued transparency A way to contribute despite living in the wrong timezone No wipes Community
  9. Thank you very much for this. However, I have had to go back to using a older version of this (20190610.04) due to having a smaller screen and resolution. The layered menus make it very frustrating to use the latest version. In the older version, I use the "Style 2" menu for everything, and then manually attune all the IOs if I'm testing the build at lower levels. Yes its more work, but its a work around due to my hardware requirements. Still, many thanks for providing this tool to speed up building characters.
  10. Travel Powers? Last I looked Redside wasn't too friendly to those without some vertical movement.
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