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  1. Can we have a revamped version of of some of the older Task Forces such as Synapse, Quaterfield and Citadel to start?
  2. Would be interesting to see when the change in billing happened vs us being allowed to stream the game again.
  3. Animated Faces is all I ask. NO MORE DOLL FACES!!! ^_^
  4. How about a new ending to the Hess Task Force where the giant robot at the end rises out of the volcano base and goes on a rampage as a GM and heroes in the zone have to take it down?
  5. I like the idea of the "Upgrade" button for enhancements. I'm one of these strange people that waits till around 47 or so to slot IO's. The only suggestion I might make to the "Upgrade" idea is that we should be able to click on specific enhancements. Highlighting them for upgrading so that the cost could be manageable. You could also just add an "Upgrade All" button and do what the example showed. Just my own input. ^_^
  6. How about this for a wish for the devs, toning down or the ability for the user to tone down the effects of everyone else's special effects. That way I can actually see the target I'm shooting at...It took me a year and a half when the game was out originally to actually SEE Clamor's design.
  7. This is going to sound stupid but I recently became aware that CoX was using the Integrated Graphics chip on my laptop rather than my Nvidia Geoforce GTX 970M. I installed CoX in in the desktop folder if that helps. I need help. A step by step would be useful.
  8. If we are also going for a wish list. How about non-human body types! (ex. Naga, Drider, etc.)
  9. I know this might be impossible but how about animated faces.
  10. Thanks! Alt-Enter saved me!
  11. I hope people can help me. I took the plunge into CoH and tried to change the resolution. I chose the max resolution listed but when I hit apply I only saw @ 1/4 of my screen. I could not figure out how to fix it and when I go to the log on screen I just see the top left hand corner of that screen. Is there anything I can do to fix this without deleting & starting again?
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