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  1. You have to do each option once. Fight, Let Go, Arrest, Return, and then a 5th time to Finish
  2. Axis


    Grab yourself a signature summon and some envenomed daggers and go to town. Dr. V is a pushover.
  3. Axis

    Loop Hero

    Nice write up, much clearer than my little summary.
  4. Axis

    Loop Hero

    It's not hard. Good story, so I recommend you read the dialog and clues.
  5. Axis


    Everything is working now. Thanks again!
  6. Axis


    That is the discord login. Appreciate everything you do for us.
  7. Axis


    The URL needs to be https://cityofbadgers.xeaon.org, but that works. The next problem is trying to login. If it's related to the dns change, I'm fine with waiting til tomorrow.
  8. Axis


    Hopefully it helps.
  9. Axis


    Does the client tool need to be updated, or is the bad gateway error related to the dns not being fully propagated?
  10. There are 2 badge tracking websites already running. Badger, by KeyboardKitsune at https://n15g.github.io/badger/ Details can be found in this thread: And City of Badgers, by xeaon at https://cityofbadgers.com/ Details can be found in this thread: AboveTheChemist helps maintain the data for both sites, so give him props too.
  11. Works now, Thanks!
  12. Thanks for this. I have run into an issue tho. After deleting a toon, you cannot add a new toon with the same name. One of my toons was reporting a ton of incorrect badges, so I deleted it, re-ran the bind, read the log file, it shows the matches in the client tool. Hit the publish button, got the completed message....and nothing. No "new" toon.
  13. Is there any way for us to delete characters? I have a ...few...that I've deleted and don't want to see in the list anymore.
  14. Xeaon's site... 99% automated
  15. That happens when the log file spans multiple dates...changes over at midnight. Just relog and rescan/detect/whatever the new badges.
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