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Everything posted by Swoo

  1. you move to 9:30pm then everyone's here at 9, so you move it to 9, then everyone's here at 8:30.... amha, people come sooner to ensure a place
  2. as a former regular tank team member (back when I was the other side of the Atlantic ^^), I stopped counting how many time the league disolve itself when a quad bloom occured because "I don't have time for this" type of guys (me, I worship and call it every time ^^)
  3. Did you push forward with your experimentation on this one? 🙂
  4. also needed for Hami raid, to help assign team leads
  5. if you're not using Fly (so the server tray isn't here with Afterburner), using the /powexecname afterburner toggle on/off Evasive Maneuvers discovered on a StJ/Regen Brute
  6. I just run 3 or 4 mayhem mish and each time, I never get the waypoint for the side mission after the first one. tried while doing different side mish as the first one, each time, same result. tried with PI and FF Mayhem mish, from Lord Schweinzer
  7. exact same issue here (execpt I was rogue). toon name : Eridani on Excelsior (@Swoo)
  8. again, I understand your point but it's just not the way I want to play this toon 🙂 thanks for the feedback 🙏 (I really hope I didn't sound too harsh earlier ^^' )
  9. to quote @The Philotic Knight I understand the remarks and concern, but I'm an healer, not a blaster. If the team doesn't need my heal (lower content, very high end build, enough support...), I'll join with something else than a pain def. And if they need my heal, then I need to be 100% focus on this and the animation time of a single blast (or control) can mean the death of a teamate and I don't want it.
  10. Hello fellow defenders 🙂 I'm trying to figuring out how to build my Pain/Elec defender and I wanted advices. the only prupose of this toon is to support a team, I don't plan to solo anything ever, only play in team/league.
  11. I loooved the story telling, almost wanted to grad some popcorn while reading it 😍
  12. 12 days later, still waiting for pizza... ðŸĪŠ
  13. I'd like to see it too 🙂
  14. Swoo


    well, lot of ideas on this. if you have some build to share, I'd like to see it 🙂
  15. Swoo


    thanks for your answers, I'll look into it 🙂
  16. I'd like to see this update 🙂
  17. Swoo


    Hello all 🙂 I wanted to start a Tank more focus on control than damage. I'm thinking about Dark Armor / Stone Melee. any ideas? build maybe?
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