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  1. Please message me on discord Poned#3589 - you have 24 hours to send a message or you will be removed from my team.
  2. I will volunteer to captain since ALL YALL SCARED 🗣
  3. @RealPoned @Poned Too Support main although apparently I’m better on offense? I have plenty of toons and will roll a different one as long as you farm and fund it since I don’t play this game anymore. Qualifications: -Carried Quas to victory in multiple events -Was #1 emp in the game for a brief time, per Hot’s top 10 emps -Professional Heartbreaker -Aided in the Canceling of Rare -Expert Among Us Player (see my twitch RealPoned)
  4. Thank you for rectifying the situation @Hot I began to worry that we would become full time volunteers after hosting all PvP events the last few months haha. It’s certainly hard not even playing this game anymore but still hosting the most PvP outings. However, through Hot’s perseverance we will finally get some help!! Welcome aboard CR Banana Man and Mochi ! We can’t wait to see what you have in store - and don’t be afraid to reach out for some event ideas; creativity knows no bounds here 🥳
  5. The tournament will be round robin style and everyone will play each team once. The maps for the tournament are as follows: 1) Graveyard 2) Cargo 3) Perez 4) Tech Lab 5) Stadium 6) Dam Interior 7) Ouroboros 😎 Tie Breaker = Random It is also worth noting that our very own @Kencian has graciously donated an additional 1 billion influence to the prize pool! We love to see it! The money will be added to the existing categories' prize pool 🙂 Your team lineups will be due at the beginning of the tournament. An amendment has been added to the rules as well. Animation canceling via emotes is now BANNED. Animation canceling via redraw is ALLOWED. See you all Saturday!!
  6. Thank you to everyone who attended the live randomizations on the Community Discord. The team lineups have been posted via Hot. Chat channels have been added on the Community Discord to allow team mates to get into contact with each other. I recommend creating a private discord group with your team to discuss team compositions, strats, etc. You all now have 1 week to get your teams together, practice, etc. Additionally, makeshift team names have been added to help make chat channels more distinct. If you have a different team name you would prefer, please message myself and I will change it in discord. The team names thus far are posted below: Community Discord: https://discord.gg/3xUxTczFhM
  7. Super Love Rat.
  8. I will be record keeping for the tournament but in the event we need an extra person, consider this my registration 🥳 @RealPoned @Poned Too
  9. Brought to you by the PvPWaP / Community committee comes the.... Holiday themed PvP Event: SECRET SANTA !! We will be hosting a 3v3 to 4v4 event that will be completely RANDOMIZED. When: Saturday, December 5th at 6pm EST The way it works: you will register yourself (just your global handle) by November 27th . On the following day, November 28th at 6pm EST, we will have a live randomization of team pairings that will be hosted in discord where everyone can see in real time their randomizations and whom they will, ultimately, be partnered with. You will then have 1 week to finalize your composition and get any practice in before the event. This event is designed to help network people all across the community, hence why there will be prizes awarded on MULTIPLE categories and not simply through winning your matches. Prizes will amount to a cumulative 8 BILLION influence! Examples of prizes up for grabs: best holiday themed costume, raffles, most matches won, most kills acquired, least amount of deaths, and more! This event will ENSURE that everyone registered will have a team and an opportunity to play regardless of skill level/experience! The event is geared to be a 3v3 tournament but with adequate registrants and majority rule the event can be increased to 4v4. RULES / RESTRICTIONS: - ATs may not be duplicated, in other words any given team can only have 1 of any given AT.. no 3 blaster teams, etc. - Powersets may not be duplicated whatsoever. Example: a team cannot have an Ice Blast Blaster and an Ice Blast Defender: the powersets will need to be different - Only 1 poison is allowed per team BANNED POWERS: - Electrified Net Arrow - Stalker ZAPP - Any variation of taunt (presence, confront, taunt, Gauntlet, Fury, etc) - This means both Brutes and Tankers are banned Award breakdown: Most Wins: Awarded to the team with the most matches won 1st place: 1 billion influence 2nd place: 500 million influence 3rd place: 250 million influence Most Kills: Awarded to the team with the most kills accrued over all of their matches 1st place: 1 billion influence 2nd place: 500 million influence 3rd place: 250 million influence Least Deaths: Awarded to the team with the LEAST deaths forfeited over all of their matches 1st place: 1 billion influence 2nd place: 500 million influence 3rd place: 250 million influence *****COSTUME CONTEST****** Best holiday themed costume! 1st place: 2 sets of PURPLE ios 2nd place: 1 set of PURPLE ios 3rd place: 1 set of PvP ios amongst many raffles and more categories to come. It is not uncommon for @Hot to also add to the prize pool / add more winning categories as the event nears, so stay tuned! We would like to take the time to thank Hot Heals for his generosity in personally funding this entire event! Volunteers to add to the prize pool are always welcome 🙂 Monitor this thread for any additional information to come. Message @Hot @Sarrona @RealPoned in game with any questions or reach out to us on discord on the Community discords or PvPWaP discord! Community Discord: https://discord.gg/CfuaTHE PvPWaP Discord: https://discord.gg/nk9cJJPxBn
  10. @RealPoned therm/ice defender @Hot ice/poison corruptor @Madvillain / @Quasimoto / @Metal Visage mind/ice dominator
  11. Hot Heals is the best emp let’s be honest!! Just move everyone down 1 spot and all will be well 🥳
  12. just join that discord link for all pvp related resources, an intuitive beginners guide, and a central hub filled with experienced and new pvpers alike to network with !
  13. Oh hey.. allow me to introduce myself! I am Poned, I'm a pvper from Indomitable. I'm here in search of any Reunion pvpers, be it established or prospective pvpers and players who just may be curious about getting into pvp in general! We are creating a league amongst all the servers and currently have 2 Indomitable teams and 2 Torchbearer Teams. I would like to see some representation from Reunion! 🙂 Don't worry of your experience level. I've trained up 3 of the current teams and we have a good group of experienced pvpers willing to share their expertise/experience through builds and general coaching! If you have any questions feel free to message me in game at @RealPoned or through discord @Poned#3589. We also have a discord dedicated to networking new pvpers with existing teams/other players and would love for any and everyone to be a part of it ! 🙂 https://discord.gg/68VXp6J
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