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About Silk

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Welp its been like 3 or 4 years since I left but I saw the news on mmorpg.com and wanted to say congrats on the license! Big Kudos peeps.
  2. Hmm odd https://patch.savecoh.com/manifest.xml was giving me the wrong username error but the https://manifest,cohhc,gg/testing.xml was working fine, after reading your post I tried the old savecoh manifest and it worked today. A bit odd as I tried more than once and I know I was using the same username/password. Still I am quite impressed I was able to get back in with little hassle!
  3. Was cleaning out some old games and files from my SSD and saw COH and decided to try it after a fairly quick update the game loaded right up except it kept getting a "wrong username/password" error when I know I was using the right info. Quick fix was checking the forums here and I saw the game now has "live" servers and "beta" servers. I had a couple character on Torchbearer back when I started this thread. To get to my account I had to add this: https://manifest.cohhc.gg/testing.xml to the tequila options and saw that the "live" servers from back when I made this thread are now considered beta servers..lol Anyways I thought any older peeps coming back and get the "wrong username/password" error they just need to check this out and see maybe if they can get there characters transferred to the new "live servers", I know they have an option to go from the new live to the old"beta" but not sure about the other way around...it's a little odd they didn't just automatically transfer everyone's accounts over regardless of if you were playing at the time or not.
  4. Nice and handy but please look at the dates before quoting me like as if I was blind. There was no sticky back when I posted this and the things you link were made AFTER. You will note the helpful Impish Kat made the cheat sheet a couple days after my post. 😉 Thanks!
  5. Sounds like you may have one of the fun anti virus that has several layers of defense that can not only block an exe but can also block websites and connections to them. I would suggest looking over my guide again and recheck the various anti virus guides. Have had another person have a similar issue and while his anti virus was ignoring the exe's it was still blocking the game from connecting to the server due to the "real time" blocking they sometimes do, so recheck to make sure your anti virus doesn't have more than one area you can whitelist/add exception/exclusion to as that may be the problem. To be more clear you may have to add an exception to the game folder AND in another section of your anti virus to make sure it also not blocking the connection to the server. It annoying as some anti virus have this which is similar to having a firewall so people think they got that all sorted then realize they have a firewall but then kind of have a mini firewall in the anti virus itself.
  6. add it to panda's whitelist/exclusion/exception list......
  7. You can just disable display scaling for the game exe too, it's in the troubleshooting section of my guide.
  8. Added link to Malwarebytes exclusion steps in the troubleshooting section with the other anti virus guide links.
  9. If you whitelisted added an exception correctly it would work with the A/V turned on. The fact they work when disabled is your proof right there. In some programs is adding an exception in some it's add ing an exclusion and in some you have to do it in more than one place as the anti virus has real time scanning /blocking. Ideally you just add and exception/exclusion to the whole game folder so your anti virus/firewall/real time scanning etc just completely ignores everything in that folder. My install guide, see link in my siggy, has a link in the troubleshooting section for avast as for malwarbytes you will have to google how to do it. EDIT: https://support.malwarebytes.com/docs/DOC-1130
  10. That's the thing with anti viruses and firewalls, people use them but don't know how they work and think they have disabled it but haven't, this seems to be a common issue with firewalls and norton or other anti virus that have several layers of defense or blocking methods.
  11. You say you put in a new ssd with fresh install of windows...so did you follow/redo all the steps in my guide to make sure windows defender, anti virus etc do not block the game? See link in my siggy which will take you to my sticky thread.
  12. If files are deleting themselves then your anti virus, windows defender etc is deleting them.
  13. Read the guide that is stickied in red at the top of this board or see my link in my siggy?
  14. Read the guide. Something on your PC is blocking/deleting or putting stuff in quarantine. Alternately go to the discord and ask for help there. They should be more up to date if there any new issues with the download mirrors etc etc It's summer here, son is off school so just too busy IRL and the time I do spend on the PC is playing gw2 with my boy as he can't get into COH. I do check weekly to see if there has been drastic changes but installation should be still be the same, you guys and gals just need to check in with discord to see of there new problems or issues that have popped up. Also there's others in the forum here that have taken up the baton with helping with troubleshooting too but this guide is the starting point. Be sure to read it all and not just skim to where you think the problem is. Btw I do still have the game on my PC and log in once a week due to the name thing as I don't want to lose my characters names and my install has had no problems, logged in my characters just a couple days ago.
  15. It's just because the guide is a bit older and thus so is the picture, you want to make sure "Homecoming" is highlighted (used to be COH HOMECOMING)... homecoming beta is for when the betas server is up and you want to avoid that. Updated pic in OP btw to avoid confusion.
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